
My First Day as a Dark Queen

"Okay...Queen Stella...calm down.." I said to myself in the mirror. "This will be fine...Oh no I'm panicking again!"

I held my head and lightly thumped my feet one at a time like a bunny and squealed. I did not know how to speak the proper language of royalty. I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror and sighed. I stood up straight and looked at my body. I had a very erotic face, with perfect cheek bones. I looked like an erotic supermodel.

"Damn..I am thicc though.." I blushed slightly and twirled around.

A knock sounded on my door and Victoria spoke, but it was muffled. I could barely understand her.

"Your Highness, any day now! The people await your arrival! So does King Zephyr!" She said.

"Alright, mama didn't raise no quitter.." I said to myself and slapped my cheeks. "Let's do this."

I walked out my room like some classic Hollywood Star in an overly dramatic scene. Victoria followed me. We walked to the car outside and the driver drove us to the location.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"The Lunia Superdome. King Zephyr requested it." Victoria answered as she took her glasses off.

I looked out the window. I didn't want to ask who this Zephyr guy was since I already look like an idiot. Great..of all the people I could reincarnate into I reincarnate into a Dark Queen and at the worst possible time. I sighed softly and watched the trees fly past.

"Alright we are here." The driver said. "Good luck, Your Highness."

"Thank you." I said and stepped out of the car. I looked ahead and my hair flowed with the gentle breeze.

Inside the Superdome, the people were chattering and wondering where I was. King Zephyr patiently waited in this seat then opened his eyes and looked up at the screen. I ran on the stage and panted. I'm a lot faster than I remembered being, but my Double D boobs just puts more weight on me. King Zephyr looked at me and smiled.

"You finally arrive? You have a niche of being fashionably late, My Queen." King Zephyr stood up.

'Your Queen..? You are out of your mind, my good sir.' I thought to myself because I was too much of a punk to say it out loud.

"People of Arcania, today is a momentous day for our nations! The Kingdom of Lunia and Kingdom of Uphelia are finally uniting as one!" King Zephyr started.

I looked around at the crowd. My vision is a lot more enhanced than I remembered also. There were Imperial Guards everywhere. It would make sense to have them since we don't want anything funny happening.

"Our Kingdoms have been rivals for centuries and now Queen Stella and I have agreed to join forces once and for all. Anything you want to say?" King Zephyr looked at me.

I was a nervous wreck. I couldn't think of anything to say and my foot thumped on the ground. Victoria and King Zephyr looked at my foot and saw my weird habit of what I do when I'm nervous. I grabbed the microphone and took a deep breath.

"I tHinK tHiS Is A mOmEntOuS dAy AlSo!" I said as my voice cracked through out the entire sentence.

My foot started thumping faster on the ground and I started to drink my water. King Zephyr chuckled and looked at the people.

"As you can tell Queen Stella very excited and can't contain her excitement. To seal the official alliance between our nations, I will take her hand in marriage." King Zephyr said.

I spit out my water and coughed. Everyone looked at me. I blushed like crazy and looked at King Zephyr like he was a lunatic.

"Is this some sick f*cking joke?" I asked him.

"No I am being serious. Our alliance will be sealed with marriage and we shall rule our nations together." King Zephyr said.

Even some people of my nation didn't agree with such a motive behind this. I surely wasn't up for a forced marriage to "seal a deal".

"Uhm, request denied!" I said.

"Your Highness..! This is our potential Ally and trade partner!" Victoria tugged at my arm.

"I'd rather be detained in a cage like some wild animal and be hit with a whip until submission than to be FORCED to marry a man." I said.

"Surely you don't truly think that, My Queen. I know this is surprising news but--" He didn't get to finish because I interrupted him.

"Yeah, I truly think that. If you should know my army is undefeated and we are the strongest in the land! We have been fine without a King and we don't need a King to slow us down." I said and walked off the stage. "I have my morals and standards and being forced into marriage isn't one of them."

"Why is she so stubborn..." Victoria sighed and followed me.

I got in the car and closed the door and looked out the window. Victoria got in also and closed the door as well.

"Quite the show you put on, milady. Not only did you refuse a necessary alliance, you spoke out of line and informally!" Victoria said.

"I don't know. I think our nation's moral enjoyed our brutally honest Queen. She may not speak the tongue of royals but she is unique in her own way. A Malevolent Queen doesn't follow the pact of wolves, she goes down her own path. It showed here." The driver said.

"B-But, we needed a trading partner..our resources simply can not satisfy our kingdom's needs." Victoria said.

"I can arrange a fair trade with our kingdom and other Kingdoms. I just don't want to be forced to marry a slug, I'd rather make my Butler's Yogurt Hose explode than be forced to take a hand in marriage." I said.

"Yogurt...Hose...?" Victoria asked.

"It's a sex joke..you'll get it in about 5 minutes." I said.

"I-If you say so.." Victoria said.

"Alright let's head back to the castle." I said.

As we were driving back to the castle, Victoria gasped and covered her mouth then blushed madly. I looked at her and giggled.

"Y-Your Highness! Your humor is foul!" Victoria said.

"See I told you you'd get it." I laughed.

My first day as a Queen wasn't all that bad. I still have much to learn about being in royalty, but I know I can do well in being a Queen, a Dark Queen. I have a reputation that I was thrown into, a Malevolent and Malicious Queen. I do not want to fail my kingdom, my nation. I will do all I can to keep everyone in high spirits.

If you like my book so far, go ahead and leave a comment! It'll make my day better! And if you want to keep following the book go ahead and add it to your library! That's all have a nice day!

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