
Miyuna: The Holy Star

A girl timidly wandered into the castle and bumped into me. I looked back and saw a girl who was the same age as Saya. She looked up at me and took a step back. I turned and looked at her. She held up a five pointed star.

"The Holy Star will protect me!" She said.

"Oh great another lunatic to look after..." I said. "This isn't a daycare just so you know."

"I-I know that..!" The girl said. "I was looking for Saya..we got separated a few days ago.."

I looked back and saw Saya then sighed. I walked over to Saya and pinched her nose. Saya whined and looked at me.

"Talk." I said.

"Miss Stella..!" Saya whined.

"It's Queen Stella to you girl. Now talk." I said. "Who's the girl?"

"What girl?" Saya whimpered.

"You know the girl because she knows you.." I said.

The girl poked her head from the doorway and looked around curiously. She spotted Saya and her eyes sparkled with glee. She skipped over to Saya.

"Saya! Saya!" The girl smiled happily.

"M-Miyuna?" Saya looked at the girl.

"So you DO know her.." I looked at Saya.

"Uh...hehehe...she's my childhood friend.." Saya said.

I paused for a second and had a flashback about Aaron then shook my head and released Saya's nose and stepped back.

"Where did you two even come from anyway?" I asked.

"We travelled all the way from the Kingdom of Uphelia!" Saya smiled.

"Bullsh*t." I folded my arms.

"It's true! We kinda hitched a few rides..and begged for food and shelter before we reached here.." Saya puffed her cheeks.

"That was all Saya..I told her my grandpa could've taken us here.." Miyuna said.

"Who's side are you on?!" Saya asked.

I sighed and rubbed the brim of my nose then closed my eyes. I had no idea what the hell to do with these two females. There was no sense in sending them back also..no one would be crazy enough to escape King Zephyr without reason. I decided not to ask anything else of it.

"Miyuna, are you hungry?" I looked at Miyuna.

"No ma'am. I am--"


Miyuna's face turned hot red and smoke came from her ears out of embarrassment. I covered my mouth and tried to suppress my laugh. Miyuna looked at me timidly.

"I-It's not funny you big meanie!" She said. She then held up her star. "The holy light of this Star will eradicate you!"

"Yeah okay Star Queen..Let me see what I can find." I walked off and let out a little laugh.

"You don't have maids to do that for you?" Miyuna asked.

"I let them all take a break, besides cooking isn't hard for me." I said, putting my hair in a ponytail. "What would you like to eat?"

"U-Uhm...Chicken Skewer!" Miyuna said.

"Alright Chicken Skewer coming right up! Just have a seat and I'll be done in a flash!" I said.

Miyuna quickly took a seat beside Saya. Saya smiled at Miyuna and talked about random topics. I was in the process of making the Skewer for Miyuna and within a few minutes I finished it. I brought out a plate of two Chicken Skewers.

"Enjoy!" I smiled at her.

Miyuna picked up one of them and her eyes shined. She started to drool a bit then she took a bite.

"Oh! Hot hot!" Miyuna blushed and said. She chewed a bit and swallowed. "Mmmm!! So good! You're an amazing cook uhm..Miss.."

"Stella." I said and smiled.

"Miss Stella! Back at home we never ate like this before! I'm happy to eat something this wonderful!" Miyuna smiled.

"You should try her other dishes! They are all so delicious!" Saya said.

"Is that so?" Miyuna asked.

"I'll be happy to make you some later." I said.

"Really? I'll be happy if you did!" Miyuna smiled happily.

"Right now I have to focus on a big match I have today. My strongest knight is going against King Zephyr's strongest knight." I said.

"Ohh I heard about that! The stakes are huge for this match! I know his strongest knight and..he's a nice guy at heart..but he rarely talks." Miyuna said. "He hasn't spoken since Gabriela passed away in Maanga."

"Gabriela?" I asked then sat down.

"The Silver Queen of Maanga, she is the mentor and mother figure of Uphelia's strongest knight, Kielazar. He learned all of his moves from her and to honor her he never changed his style of battling. Rumor has it that the Holy Order killed Gabriela." Miyuna said.

"We escaped Uphelia to escape the hands of the Holy Order. They will kill anyone who gets in their way.." Saya said. "I don't wanna die..!"

"Do you know who leads the Holy Order?" I looked at them seriously.

"N-No.." Miyuna answered, a bit scared.

I looked at them and contemplated if I should tell them King Zephyr is the leader of the Holy Order. I rubbed both of their heads and they blushed.

"I'll save that conversation for another time. You two finish eating." I stood up and walked off.

Miyuna looked at me and watched me walk off. She blushed softly then looked at Saya. Saya smiled and looked at Miyuna.

"She is the Dark Queen?" Miyuna asked.

"Mhm! The best of them all! The strongest too! I saw her training one day, mastering her Royal Swordplay, and she is so amazing! Her main Lunar Arms is called Vesper Argentum. A Sword of Pure Darkness! It radiates a beautiful purple aura.." Saya said.

"Do you like it here?" Miyuna asked.

"Mhm! I have my own room in this castle! Sometimes I share a room with her or Victoria! They treat me like I'm their younger sister.." Saya said happily.

"If you like it that much then I'll be happy to stay with you also..I don't wanna be split up again.." Miyuna said.

"Oh Miyuna!" Saya hugged her happily.

"H-Hey watch it Saya!" Miyuna squealed.

I listened from the kitchen and closed my eyes. Tomoka and I were the same way...inseparable..unbreakable...I opened my eyes and let out a soft exhale and smiled once more. Those two brought some light in my life..keeping them alive was one of the things I want the most..keeping them in Lunia..King Zephyr will not win this battle or any battle beyond this..I will utterly annihilate him.