
It's Time We Strike Back

A month passed and I finally was able to train the Seven Pillars for battle. Julia, Saya, and Miyuna were running over the plans. Victoria was cleaning her swords. Kielazar sat on the couch with his arms crossed and eyes closed. Gloria was mastering her Reverse ability by ripping paper in half. Kotome was adjusting her Frontier Arms. She looked at them curiously.

"Alright Queen Stella, we must strike Fort Illia first. We take down that fort, we have a clear shot at the main forces in Uphelia. Right now Uphelia has built an alliance with Arthvia. The Holy Guard has upgraded their Fake Lunar Arms and their Head Commander is on the battlefield." Julia said.

I folded my arms and looked at the blueprints of the plans. I rose an eyebrow and looked skeptical.

"Who made this?" I asked.

"I did." Saya said then I pinched her nose.

"You're an idiot..! I'm not sending you all to Fort Illia!" I said.

"Miss Stellaaa! Whyyyy?!" Saya whined. I released her nose and pointed at the plan.

"They want us to go to Fort Illia..it's the closest to the border headed towards Uphelia..our chances of winning that battle with everyone alive are 35%. I'm not going into a battle where the chances of us winning are less than 80%. We are attacking Fort Wrathum first." I said.

"But that's headed into Arthvia.." Miyuna said then it clicked to her. "You plan on killing King Kyon?"

"Once we eliminate him, Arthvia is ours and we expand our nation and recourses. We have tiny bases near Arthvia, specifically Semilia and Fornus. Once we gain Arthvia it would be easier for me to command Semilia and Fornus to go on the offensive. Right now they've been playing castle defenders." I said.

"Hm..I didn't think of it like that." Saya said.

"That's because you rarely think.." I said. "I can tell your plan was well thought out..but it is a plan that would get us killed. Gloria's revival abilities are questionable...if she messes up we won't be revived. So we need to play our cards safely."

"Gotcha." Saya nodded.

"Queen Stella, when shall we head out?" Julia asked, politely.

"Today." I walked to the large monitor and typed in the keyboard. "We can not let them get any stronger. It's been a month since Haido's surprise attack..I was careful enough to not expose any weaknesses towards him..so they still don't know my weaknesses."

"Right." Julia nodded.

"So far we have three Swordmasters..Two Mages, One assassin, and one Master Bow Knight...and one Queen. We have an interesting set up..so we need a good set up..." I said and bit my thumb nail, thinking. "Kotome, you are a Swordmaster and a Guardian, you shall be our main defender. Victoria you are basically an assassin with high attack power..you and Kotome stick together. Saya and Miyuna sticks together for obvious reasons..Julia..you should stay in the back since we need your sniping abilities... Kielazar and Gloria, you both are together. I shall stick with Julia in case something happens. I have an Ancient Arms, a bow called Nightfall."

"Sounds like a good plan." Kielazar said. "Nice formation."

I nodded and turned to them. They all got ready for battle. Adriesta looked at me and I walked to her. I held her shoulder.

"I trust you can handle protecting the kingdom?" I asked.

"Mhm. You can count on me." Adriesta smiled.

I smiled back then walked off and the others followed me. We all got on horses since we don't have a personal driver anymore. Our horses galloped off and we set off towards Fort Wrathum.

"There are Holy Order sighted at Fort Wrathum, we might be able to recruit the officer at Fort Wrathum..she seems to have issues with Uphelia." Julia was looking at the data. "Her name is Lelita..a Dark Elf of Uphelia. She uses a rapier and has the power to use Water. Her rapier is one of the many Ancient Arms called, Aquatine."

"I see...maybe I can convince her to join our side." I said.

"Miss Stella, if I'm correct, you have ties with a lot of people from different kingdoms and lands right?" Saya asked.

"Yes, that's right." I said.

"Isn't there one guy you nearly married? Uhm...Zain was it?" Saya asked.

"Zain?" Miyuna asked.

"You know him Miyuna?" Saya asked.

"Yeah...he used to work in the Holy Order then betrayed Uphelia all together after the Maanga attack. If I'm correct, he is in alliance with Lunia now." Miyuna said.

I stayed silent. It is true..I nearly married Zain. I didn't decline his proposal because I didn't love him...We just...

"Let's not focus on him right now. We have a battle up ahead." I said.

Victoria looked at me. She knew I loved Zain..and she knew he loved me. We just have our differences...he doesn't agree with my motives of how I handle my enemies...which led to a huge argument. We became disconnected...but I decline all marriage proposals...because Zain is the only one I want to marry...Three hours later we made it to Fort Wrathum.

"We're here." Kielazar said.

"Lelita! The Seven Pillars are here!" A knight said.

Lelita opened her eyes and looked out the window. She sighed and stood up. The Knight awaited her command.

"Man your stations..I shall take down Stella..if you get in my way..I will kill you without hesitation." Lelita summoned her rapier.

Lelita walked outside and blocked a slash from Victoria and grunted. She was shocked by Victoria's speed. Victoria flicked and vanished then Kotome slashed and Lelita dodged and jumped back. Julia twirled an arrow and her left eye emitted blue aura then she shot the arrow at one of the archers at the top of the fort. She landed a direct hit at the Archer's chest and the archer fell off the roof.

"Okay Saya you got this!" Saya jumped off her horse and summoned her daggers and landed then saw a knight in front of her. She laughed nervously. "Lovely weather we have.."

The Knight slashed down and Saya screamed and ran off. Miyuna facepalmed and sighed. The Knight chased Saya then Gloria took off her eye patch and the clock eye began ticking.

"Freeze!" She pointed at the Knight.

The Knight was frozen in time. Saya was on the ground with her hand out then opened one eye. She stood up and panted.

"Nice save Time Warrior!" Saya said.

Gloria gave a thumbs up and smiled. Julia and I were sniping the archers off the fort while Kielazar handled the other knights. Miyuna summoned her star and a magic circle appeared above her.

"Chionothýella!" Miyuna yelled and a huge blizzard was summoned striking down the mages of the fort.

Lelita looked around and saw her faction of the Holy Order defeated with such ease. She looked at me and smirked.

"You don't disappoint Stella." Lelita said.

"It's over Lelita. Retreating won't do you any good either.." I got off my horse and my bow vanished in a black bean of light.

"I know. So what was the percentage of you winning this battle Master Tactician?" Lelita asked.

"100%" I answered. "This wave of Holy Order posed no threat and you were already breaking. So instead of killing you I'm recruiting you."

"Recruiting me? You're joking right?" She asked.

"I'm dead...f*cking...serious." I said. "If you want to refuse I could have my army kill you where you stand."

Everyone looked at Lelita menacingly then you have Saya who doesn't know what's going on. Lelita giggled and rose an eyebrow.

"You're basically forcing me to join huh?" Lelita asked.

"Kill her." I got back on my horse.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Alright I'll join! Damn you're more heartless than I imagined! You didn't even waste time!" Lelita said.

"Time is something I don't have. Gloria shut it." I said.

Gloria was about to speak then she stayed quiet. Lelita got on my horse and wrapped her arm around my waist.

"The border to Arthvia is full of Royal Guards...if you're planning to do what I think you're gonna do..then it's best to sneak your way in." Lelita said.

"Pfft! Sneaking?! B*tch, we're going in LOUD!" I said. "We are gonna be known by all of Arcania!"

"Well then. Let's go in loud then." Lelita laughed.

Everyone else got on their horse then we set off to the border of Arthvia. I wasn't wasting anytime getting to Arthvia. While heading to Arthvia, we stopped for the night to camp and rest. I laid against a tree with Saya and Miyuna.

"When this is over..what do you two want to do?" I asked and looked at the stars.

"We want to travel to different lands with you...before long you'll have all of Arcania under your control." Saya said.

"Mhm...we are staying with you no matter what you say..we are family now." Miyuna smiled.

"I see...well I can find a few lands we can travel to.." I said.

"Yay.." Saya yawned and closed her eyes.

"You should've seen Saya in that battle...she froze up and ran off.." Miyuna whispered.

"What?!" I sat up. I looked at Saya and pinched her nose.

"Oowwww!! Whyyyy?!" Saya whined.

"You coward out the fight?!" I said, in a scolding manner.

"Miyuna you snitch!!" Saya whined.

I gave Saya an earful and Saya whined more. Miyuna covered her mouth, hiding her laughter. Victoria and Kielazar sat at the bonfire and watched and smiled.

"They are cute together.." Kielazar said.

"Mhm..Stella is a lot happier with those two around.." Victoria said, reaching for another piece of fish and accidentally touched Kielazar's hand. She looked at his hand then him and quickly removed her hand blushing slightly. "Sorry.."

"No it's fine.." Kielazar chuckled.

Victoria took the last piece of fish and nibbled on it, slightly moving closer to Kielazar and touched shoulders with him. He looked at her.

"Don't look at me...idiot.." Victoria said, blushing more.

"Alright." Kielazar smiled and looked at the sky. "You know...I always wondered...what's out there in the world...I always wanted to see the places my mother couldn't...experience things she couldn't, so when I see her again..I could tell her everything."

"That sounds depressing.." Victoria said.

"W-What..?!" Kielazar said.

"But cute nonetheless...I always wanted to meet my dad again...but I'm afraid...his rage might lead to the destruction of Arcania...I don't want to break the seal..at the same time I want him free from the hands of Zephyr.." Victoria said.

"I'll help you...it's the least I could do...since you broke my chains.." Kielazar said.

Victoria blushed even more and slowly wrapped her pinky around Kielazar's. He kept looking at the sky.

"Don't die on me.." Victoria said.

"Likewise.." Kielazar said.

Victoria smiled a bit and closed her eyes and fell asleep slowly. Kielazar's bat wing appearing and wrapped around her. He kept listening to me scolding Saya and smiled softly.

"Lunia...is where my true family and allies are..." He said to himself.

Victoria and Kielazar bond has deeped by a lot over the course of a month and few days. Meanwhile Saya hasn't changed at all, and Lunia has gained a new ally named Lelita. If you want to see more then go ahead and add this book to your library and be notified everyday of new updates!

P.S. This is the fixed version! I wouldn't have found these mistakes if it wasn't for my friend pointing it out haha

AisuruOfficialcreators' thoughts