
Royal Battle: Zephyr vs Stella!

I dashed towards Zephyr and slashed with my sword. He blocked my attack then pushed me back. I slid back then grunted and he dashed towards me. I looked at him surprised then he grabbed my face and tossed me in the air. I groaned then he jumped up and grabbed my leg and slammed me on my back. I groaned loudly and coughed.

"I won't let you kill her!" Victoria bellowed and pushed Arthur away and dashed towards Zephyr.

"Hmph...You're the traitor of your kingdom!" Zephyr kicked Victoria away. She coughed a bit of blood then was blown away, crashing into a building. "For your betrayal, I will gladly take your life first!"

Zephyr dashed towards Victoria. She stood up and grunted as Zephyr was already in front of her. Victoria vanished and appeared behind Zephyr, dodging his attack. He looked behind him then slashed. Victoria blocked the attack and was sent flying. He turned around and raised his sword to the sky. His sword shined then released a light beam at the sky.

"Say goodbye. Holy Shower!" Zephyr bellowed.

Light beams crashed down towards Victoria. A huge light explosion happened and formed a huge dust cloud. Zephyr grunted and blocked the blade beam headed his direction and slid back a bit. The smoke cleared then the dark barrier around Victoria and I crumbled. I panted then fell on one knee.

"Your Highness!" Victoria held me and looked worried. "You're pushing yourself too far! We can't beat Zephyr-"

"I won't accept this loss..." I stood up and my dark aura surged powerfully. "Lunia...will be undefeatable! I'll kill everyone!"

I bellowed and my hair tie snapped then I vanished and the ground broke. I appeared in front of Zephyr and slashed again. He blocked the attack and counter attacked. I parried his attack then my golden eyes shined brightly. His dark blue eyes shined a bit. I vanished and appeared above him with my bow in hand. I shot five arrows and they crashed down and exploded. Zephyr grunted and ran from the smoke. I followed him and we swung our blades at each other. We clashed multiple times then we jumped back.

"Charge!" Zephyr's army bellowed.

They all charged at me. I glared and ran towards them. I slashed through multiple knights and stuck my sword into the ground then blocked most of their attacks. I grabbed my sword from the ground and slashed in a circle, killing the knights around me. Knights began to surround me.

"Get...out...of...MY WAY!" I bellowed and my dark aura pushed them all away.

"Kill...Kill!" The voice in my head repeated.

I dashed towards and parried their attacks then stabbed one on their head and kicked them away and summoned my bow. I vanished and reappeared continuously, shooting arrows at all the knights.

"Who the hell is this queen?! She's taking on all of the knights at once!" Arthur said in shock.

"She's stronger than I imagined...Was she holding back against us?" Yaura asked.

I bellowed and killed every knight that stepped in my way. My heart thumped then I jumped in the air and yelled then slashed down at Zephyr. He blocked the attack and pushed me away.

"What's with her..? Tch..No more holding back!" Zephyr bellowed and took his armor off then dashed to me.

I dashed towards him and we slashed passed each other. We entered a sword battle. We parried and countered each other. I slashed upward then made him raise his arms. I jumped and kicked him three times. I went for a fourth then he grabbed my leg and tossed me away. I rolled back then vanished. I appeared in front of him and we clashed, entering a blade lock.

"Let's go to his aid!" Otima bellowed.

"Right!" The other Holy Order members agreed.

They dashed towards me and I sensed them headed this way. I turned around and parried all of Arthur's attacks then kicked him away. I vanished and appeared behind Yaura then grabbed her hair and slammed her to the ground and stomped on her chest. She gasped for air. I saw a massive water bullet headed my direction. Victoria sliced it in half and dashed towards Otima. Arthur dashed towards me again. Ren appeared beside Arthur then kicked his cheek and Arthur was sent flying. He vanished and I walked forward. Yaura bellowed and got trapped into a magic circle.

"Water Seal!" Jin bellowed and sealed her abilities.

"How have they gotten the upper hand in this battle..?" Zephyr asked himself then noticed me running towards him.

He smirked and we clashed once again. He slashed and I blocked then grunted as he began slamming his sword against mine, trying to break my guard. I bellowed and slashed upward then knocked his sword into the sky. He jumped up and caught his sword. I jumped up as well and we continued our fight in the sky. We got hit a few times within our battle. I slashed then he parried the attack and kicked me to the ground. I landed on one knee and grunted. He slashed down then slammed his sword against mine, this time breaking my Lunar Arm. He raised his sword to get the killing blow on me.

"Your Highness!" Victoria threw one of her katanas at me.

I caught the katana then blocked his slash. I looked up and smirked then my eyes shined.

"What..?" Zephyr looked a bit surprised.

I pushed him back then my attacks became faster. I began bringing the pressure as I attacked. He grunted then slashed down. I dodged the sword then palmed his blade and broke it. He grunted then threw his broken sword at me. I dodged then threw the katana at him. He dodged then Victoria caught katana and slashed down at Arthur.

Zain slowly sat up and saw all the dead bodies around him. He looked ahead and saw me and Zephyr in hand to hand combat.

"Is that all you got?!" Zephyr taunted.

I went for a barrage of punches then he blocked then I hit his cheek with a roundhouse kick. He grunted and stumbled back. I landed on my back and went for multiple sweep kicks then kicked up, sending him in the air. I appeared above him then kicked down and came down ready to land a punch. He blocked the punched and grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground. I took out my dagger and slashed at him multiple times and he dodged the attacks then knocked the dagger from my hand into the air. Backflipped to dodge his kick then jumped in the air and kicked the dagger down at him. It struck his cheek. He growled then symbols appeared around his fists.

"Hidden Technique: Shattering Force!" Zephyr bellowed and palmed my stomach with ungodly force.

I coughed up a lot of blood then was blown away into a building and laid on the ground. The clone of me vanished then the real me appeared in front of him spinning.

"Final Limit: Twilight Oblivion!" I bellowed and palmed his chest and a large aura spike shot out of his back. He coughed blood and was blown away. I glared and my aura vanished completely then I fell to my knees.

Zephyr crashed to the ground then laid there, unresponsive. Everyone watched in shock. I slowly stood up then raised my fist. My army let our a victory cry and bellowed. Arthur, Yaura, Otima, and Zain looked surprised.

"Foolish to think you could defeat the kingdom of Lunia! We will be....no....We ARE undefeatable!" I bellowed and my army bellowed as well.

Zain looked at me and red lightning slightly sparked from his eyes. He glared at me then stood up and walked away. Arthur watched him and followed. I watched Zephyr's army retreat and smirked. Otima teleported Zephyr's body back to his room then he teleported away.

"We did it! Lunia is safe!" Victoria said happily.

"Yeah.." I smiled then passed out, falling to the ground.

"H-Huh? Stella?" Victoria ran to me. She crouched down and watched my curse markings retract back into a single marking on my cheek. "Stella.."

Jin and Ren smiled as they watched. I rested peacefully on the ground and Victoria sighed in relief. She placed my head on her lap, allowing me to be comfortable as I rested.