
Chapter 22

[AN:I will update 2 chapters next week.]

Thor POV

Well, we decided to visit Floki to heal his wounds,I was with Mother and Baldur as we reached Floki's house in the woods I knocked as Floki's wife Helga opened the door she smiled and bowed seeing both me and mother. Since She has already seen Mother healing many of the people in Kattegat. She believed everyone in my family is really Gods.

I noticed Helga's eyes are red-eyed she was obviously distraught over Floki in this state as I asked"How is Floki?"Helga teared up and replied, "Not well.I can't bear to see him like this?"I gave a nod as I said"Helga I brought my mother to heal Floki's wounds"

Helga gave a nod and bowed towards Frigga who just smiled then held her hand out as Norse runes related to Healing started to float around Floki.It didn't take long as Floki was soon healed as Floki spoke"Lady Frigga thank you for taking your time to heal this lowly mortal."

Frigga shook her head and said"Think nothing of this Floki. Your wife Helga has been helping us a lot so just think this off as a gift."Helga just bowed as mother soon went out only to get teleported back to Asgard. A hole in the sky rips open, and the Bifrost comes shooting out of it to Asgard with help of Bifrost leaving behind a rune-like pattern burned into the ground. Helga who saw all this was shocked and just stood there with her mouth open. I looked at the runes from the Bifrost imprinted on the ground around me.I shook my head and thought "It's not really subtle is it."

Just like I thought Bjorn came and told his mother about what happened well Lagertha officially split with Ragnar. Gyda seemed to already understand everything that happening.She already knew this was going to happen while Bjorn seemed to have hoped his parents would get together again. But after he saw his father disregarding him completely Bjorn is starting to slowly hate his father for what he did but didn't show it much outwardly.

I was with Lagertha as I spoke"I heard from Gyda about what happened."Lagertha waved it off and said"I knew this would happen after all with how much obsessed he is with that prophecy.I knew it was a matter of time before he chose a new wife or slept with another woman."I just nodded and changed topic as we talked about Rollo and his hearing.

3rd POV

Rollo was chained to the building as Loki was looking at him with interest as Rollo noticed this and questioned"Who are you?"Loki smiled and answered,"I am Loki brother of Thor."Rollo looked at Loki and asked, "Is he really Thor."

Loki shrugged and replied"Maybe."Loki then came forward and sat next to Rollo and asked"But I have a question for you after fighting against your own brother killing some of your own brother in arms. Do you think it is worth it?"

Rollo sighed and replied,"No I thought I can finally get out of his shadow."Rollo then shook his head and whispered"You won't understand."

Loki answered"Actually I do understand what you are feeling since I have felt something similar and I almost lost everything and everyone close to me. So Rollo the only advice I will give you right now is don't let jealousy dictate your life. This won't be the last time someone tries to use you to defeat your brother."

Rollo scoffed and turned away as Loki thought "It seems he is more stupid than I thought." Loki shook his head in disappointment as he teleported away to Thor's home where he saw Thor was waiting for him as he asked"So how did your talk with Rollo go."

Loki scoffed and replied, "It went from one ear and through the other."Thor shook his head and replied, "He is not like you brother, and never will be as he does not value his brother much."

Loki sighed and said, "Yeah it would seem so."Thor's thoughts were"Next time he betrays his family he will lose everything his life and even his brother."

Just like the original timeline the villagers want him to be sentenced to death, the Law-Giver, bribed by Ragnar with a piece of Saxon gold, announces that he has decided to spare Rollo, reasoning that if the Gods had wanted him dead, he would have died already in battle.

Sig, Baldur, and Loki who heard this all scoffed and the interesting this was many were looking in our direction when the Lawgiver said 'Gods' let's just say not everyone was pleased with the decision but people saw me waving it off as they didn't pursue the matter any further. But one thing was certain people Kattegat knew God's were walking amongst them.

Thor sighed and thought "Ohh that she-devil will be here soon."Thor was walking along the shores as he saw someone with haggard features, with a beaded but unkempt brownish beard and a shaggy, beaded horse-mane hairstyle had extremely lean, hard physique. His build is unique, as it makes him seem small. His most striking features are his woad-blue tattoos of Norse runes, which coat large portions of his limbs and torso, and his eyes, which are distinctly icy blue.

Thor telepathically contacted"Baldur your fake is here you might want to come here quickly.It seems our fake Odin has sent him to search for F.Loki."I grinned and thought "This is going to be really interesting."