
Chapter 20

[A/N:I kinda rushed and wrote this chapter so some of the ideas may suck]

Thor POV

We soon called everyone and told them about the fight with Seidr who was acting as Loki as Val questioned"They were able to create Fenris, Skol, and Hatti."I gave a nod and replied"Yes it took a lot of experimentation on their part. But they were able to create Fenris, Jörmungandr, and even Fafnir."

Loki added, "Although it was not really successful."Sig was confused asked, "Why wasn't it successful."Loki explained "Well they were able to control Fenris, Skol, and Hatti. But Jormungandr and Fafnir grew too strong for them to control as they could only imprison them."

Sig cut in and questioned "Fafnir is still alive.I thought my fake counterpart killed him."I shook myself and answered"No they were no eyewitness to say Fake Sigurd's killed the dragon only thing people heard are stories and the only mortal who was with Sigurd at that time only heard a horrifying roar and Sigurd returning with a bloodied sword hand everyone just assumed he did also Sigurd was a bastard son of the seidr Odin he had few magical capabilities which he used to fool everyone into thinking he gained those by eating Fafnir's heart. In reality, Odin along with other Seidr's subdued the dragon and imprisoned it while they let Sigurd who learned about his lineage to get the glory in return for more human sacrifices in their name."

Val in frustration and said, "They didn't ask for the corpse of Fafnir or the fact that no ordinary blade could kill a dragon."I shook my head replied"They didn't since seeing his magical abilities they never questioned it and also the blade Gram was an ordinary blade with few spells on it but as time went on the magic in the blade was waning.It seems that Sigurd knew his stories will be questioned and supposed dragonslayer sword's authenticity will be doubted so he made sure the sword disappeared on his death."

Sig scoffed hearing that he hated this faker as Loki added "They are smart I will give them that they used our absence to fool the mortals into believing in them asking them for human sacrifices which in reality is they are using a ritual to increase their lifespan."

Frigga seriously and said, "We have already killed one of their members sooner or later more will come."We all nodded in agreement as seidr Loki's disappearance will be noticed soon as Loki jokingly said"If Hela was here she would have run straight to slaughter them."I couldn't help but agree since it was true Hela like the MCU was the firstborn of Odin she was more interested in a good fight than the throne.

Val chuckled and said, "Yes your eldest sister is a battle manic."Lagertha who was silent till now in confusion questioned"Sister isn't Hel daughter of Loki."I shook my head and replied, "No they got it wrong Hela is daughter of Odin and our elder sister."

Lagertha gave a nod she was only learning more about the Asgardians.

3rd POV

While Frigga was walking back to her room she saw Lagertha as she smiled and asked"What can do for you Lagertha."Lagertha replied, "I need your counsel."Frigga gave a nod as both went to her room as Frigga smiled and said"So what do you want to talk about."

Lagertha sighed and replied, "It's my feelings for Thor are they influenced by my past life as Sif.I feel as I have known Thor my whole life."Frigga was thoughtful and replied, "Well past life cannot fully influence your emotions. Sure you may feel some kind of connection with us. But at the end of the day, it's your decision to accept or reject these feelings. So these feelings you have for Thor are your own not Sif's but Lagertha's."

While Lagertha gave a nod as Frigga smiled and said"I hope you wonderful future with my son.Also just like Vikings take multiple wives we Gods do too."Lagertha raised an eyebrow and asked, "So like the stories Allfather has multiple wives."Frigga smiled and replied, "Yes Odin has two wives and he loved both of us."

Lagertha knew having multiple wives was not uncommon as Lagertha questioned"Who was the other ."Frigga replied, "Odin's first wife was Bodile a giantess she died giving birth to her daughter Hela,I was the second wife mother of Thor and Baldur."

3rd POV end

The next day I saw Lagertha waiting for me as she whispered"Can we talk."I saw mother wink at me as I was curious but gave a nod then we went outside as Lagertha sighed and said"I talked to Lady Frigga about my feelings for you Thor.I thought it was because my past life as Sif was influencing me. But a talk with Lady Frigga made me realize it was my own feelings."(I have no idea what to write with this.)

I could only give a nod as we talked more about it and decided to pursue a relationship after making the divorce between Ragnar and her official. Things got pretty bad as I noticed people were getting sick as Siggy warns Lagertha about a fever "Lagertha I don't know some kind of sickness as my cousin's son was one minute fine and the next my cousin was burying him in the ground."

Things were normal Lagertha became serious and gave a nod but Siggy passes out on her way to see Thyri. Lagertha tries to take care of her but Siggy whispered"Please look after my daughter."

Lagertha could only nod as Thyri was soon found having the same disease with Athelstan looking after her both had become close as I told Lagertha "Bring all those who are showing symptoms to the hall."

Lagertha did as she was told as I soon brought healers from Asgard who went to each person and performed healed them with magic as Norse runes related to healing started to float around those infected those who saw this was looking at mother who was healing multiple people.This was just the start as people started to believe Frigga is really goddess Frigga herself which was true.