
I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Volume 1: Spreading The Art of Kendo [ COMPLETE ] Volume 2: Community of Sentient Arcana [ COMPLETE ] Volume 3: The Adventures of Kendo Practitioners [ Will start on Monday 9/27 ] In this world, anyone who passed the requirements can try to summon a mysterious object from the Arcane World called Arcana... It doesn't matter whether you summoned a Common Rank or a Mythical Rank, you will be qualified to be called an Arcanist and will be subjected to various benefits that a country can offer... Albeiron, the Sword Deity, found an interesting soul from Earth who practiced the art of Kendo all his life and decided to reincarnate him to this world because he can. However, the Deity did not reincarnate him as Human but as a Shinai. *** [ WPC #122 - Silver Prize Winner ] This is a story of a Sentient Shinai, who will teach you the Art of Kendo to fight some magical beasts or even some bad people if you're lucky enough to find it. Please be reminded that the MC is the Shinai... I know you might get attached to his wielders, but after getting wielded by 3 or more people/students, you'll get used to it. That's a part of an object's life. The MC will roam the world. The Shinai Arcana may be wielded but not owned... -xlntz

xlntz · Fantaisie
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405 Chs

Ashisabaki ( Part 2 )

In truth, Stella's reflexes were good enough. She just couldn't respond effectively and utilize her advantage since she doesn't know what to do in certain circumstances. 

Even if she knows the proper stance and sword techniques, it doesn't mean that she knows when to use them… 

Only experience and constant practice can help with that… 

"Ashisabaki… Do you mean all those difficult footwork?" Stella asked after hearing her master.

"That's right, that was why your first exercise was to run… It wasn't just to improve your stamina but also to train your legs… Footwork requires trained legs to execute them flawlessly… We'll work on your footwork for this whole week…"

"Yes, Master!"

"Show me the shizentai…" 


Reiji instructed Stella. It is the natural stance where you place your left foot one foot-width to the left and one foot-length to the back… You would then lift your left heel gently to complete the form…