
The End of the House of Nessania

A month passed since our encounter with Orthros and we wondered into a different part of Eshea and Adriesta stopped then sensed a powerful demonic aura. We stopped as well and a portal opened in front of us then a woman walked out of the portal. Katsuguchi recognized the woman and stopped.

"Demon Queen Nessania." Katsuguchi said.

"Mother." I glared and she looked at me and noticed my Demon Code then smirked.

"You finally realize your true path, my daughter? How long have you been resisting Chaos's Will...now you see the truth! Humans can never be your allies!" Nessania said and her red eyes glowed.

"That isn't true. Humans can be our allies. Can't you see? This pointless fighting will awaken the angels! If we work together we can finally make peace with the realms again!" I said. "I've chosen my path...Revelation! Chaos is only using you all to destroy the Human Realm and if the realm is destroyed, the Sacred Realm will destroy the Underworld!"

"Sacred Realm destroy us? Ha! Don't make me laugh! They can't touch is because of the Dark Lords. They've slain more of their kind than anyone can count. Forget this pointless path you're walking. Join your mother! Together we can take down the Human Realm and soon destroy the other Realms, conquer the multiverses!" Nessania said and held her hand out.

"....no." I said and shook my head.

"No..? You dare to defy me?" Nessania glared.

"I refuse to fight for someone who wishes to destroy the things I care about. I refuse to choose the Path of the Demons...at the same time I refuse to choose the Path of the Humans. Why can't you see Chaos is in the wrong?!" I looked at Nessania.

"Because he isn't. We wouldn't have to destroy the Human Realm if the humans didn't disrespect us!" Nessania said.

"There wouldn't be any Demon Hunters if the Fallen Legends would've just stayed in their place!" I glared. "Why do you think the Zodiac Knights existed? To protect the Human Realm from the Underworld! It's because of them we have to live in this constant hell!"

"Fine...since you wish to turn your back on your Ruler, I have to teach you some manners." Nessania said and summoned her Great Demon Sword. The sword had a red blade and a large black hilt.

"Yufumi.." Katsuguchi looked at me. "You're not strong enough to take on Nessania.."

"That's why she's not taking her on." A woman walked up and wore samurai equipment and summoned a blade of light. "Stella has told me about you Demon Princesses...fighting to create peace. Are you sure you're ready for a war of nothing but sacrifice?"

"I feel like I've seen this woman before.." Adriesta said.

"We're more than ready! If we weren't we wouldn't be fighting down this path." I said.

"Then proceed ahead. You will enter a dungeon that'll take you to the far side of Eshea. You won't reach your destination, but you'll make some good progress." The woman nodded then got in a stance.

"Right.." I said then proceeded ahead. The others followed.

"A Warrior of Light. You wish to sacrifice your life to play hero for the day. I'll grant your wish of death!" Nessania got in a stance. "Before I take your life, mind stating your name?"

"Sazuka...A remnant of the Nightmare Assembly. Slayer of Demons, Guardian of Su Yi, the Goddess of the Moon." Sazuka said and her light aura surged. "I was born in the Sacred Realm...Don't worry, I won't awaken my fellow Angels."

"Ha! An angel can never compare to a Devil!" Nessania scoffed.

"Never underestimate the power of a pure human heart!" Sazuka said and dashed towards Nessania then slashed.

They clashed and an aura collision happened and broke the ground then they vanished and clashed multiple times in the air. Nessania's passive ability activated. Eclipse Manipulation activated and she pushed Sazuka back with her aura and raised her hand in the air then the moon began to move over the sun and create a Total Lunar Eclipse.

"Part one of my Ultimate Attack is ready." Nessania smirked and her Lunar Aura surged.

"Ultimate Attack?" Sazuka asked.

"The Lunar Eclipse does nothing but power demons up by a substantial amount. Meaning all the Hell Borns are way more powerful than before, but that isn't my attack." Nessania said.

"Then what's the attack?" Sazuka asked.

"The moon itself!" Nessania laughed. "Total Lunar Destruction aka Ultima Moon Crash!"

"What?! You're gonna destroy most of Utalia! Do you know how big our moon is?!" Sazuka said, surprised.

"I don't care, we will win this war once and for all!" Nessania laughed. "Now come down and destroy Utalia!"

The moon began falling and at an alarming rate. Some of the people pointed and saw the moon grow in size then noticed the moon was falling. They screamed and panicked. There was no way they were gonna avoid the moon itself. Time stopped and a woman in a black mage cloak floated down. She snapped her fingers and reversed time to the point before the moon began falling. She started time again and looked back.

"Now come down and--" Nessania was blown away by a Temporal blast and rolled on her side then grunted in pain.

"What the..T-The Dark Lord of Time! Krula.." Sazuka said in surprise.

Krula looked at Nessania then turned her whole body towards her and held her hand out.

"Life and Death...concepts controlled by time. Chaos can not affect time because chaos soon ends with time. One can not simply destroy time, merely the concept of it. Everything starts and ends with time. The Underworld will be erased by Time." Krula said.

"What the hell are you talking about..?" Nessania stood up.

"Your life has now expired. Now you shall feel what the humans have.." Krula said and black aura oozed from her body then rushed at Nessania. "The Ancient Hero spoke to me and said it was my time to awaken."

Nessania began rotting and groaned in pain. Sazuka's eyes began widening. She was watching what it looks like when someone begins to manipulate a person's age. Their body begins to erode and turn into nothingness.

"Your Judgement was long overdue. You're not immune to time, this is your Ultimate Punishment." Krula said and watched Nessania rot slowly. "Your flesh will soon stop existing...now."

Krula snapped her fingers then a Temporal Blast caused Nessania to disappear completely. Sazuka took a step back and was bewildered.

"She's...just gone..." Sazuka said and looked at Krula.

Krula looked at Sazuka and Sazuka took another step back then Krula closed her eyes and created a Temporal Portal underneath herself then vanished into the portal and the portal closed.

"Dark Lords...really do protect the Human Realm also. This Ancient Hero...who is this person. Does he really have power over the Dark Lords..?" Sazuka asked herself then looked at the sky and saw the Lunar Eclipse. "Dammit...the Hell Borns are super enhanced for two hours as well..."

Sazuka ran off to return back to Su Yi. Su Yi definitely felt the disturbance of the moon and tried her hardest to gain back control over the moon. Nessania managed to cut off Su Yi's connection from the moon for two hours. She sighed and looked at the Lunar Eclipse and waited for Sazuka to get back to her.