

Over the next few days, Arata focused all his attention towards condensing and solidifying his Energy in his Elemental Reservoir. He got tips and pointers from Teacher Takuma, Ryouma and Akari, yet he still wasn't able to grasp it. Although he understood the theory behind it, he wasn't able to condense his Energy no matter how hard he tried.

He found that each Element and Energy had a certain way of condensing and solidifying. According to Ryouma, his Fire Energy condensed by him concentrating the heat source within his Elemental Reservoir. Akari needed to purify her Light Energy, making it brighter and more luminescent. Oishi needed to gather his Energy and focus it all into a single bolt within him. Each Element and Energy needed to be approached in a way that was unique to its basic nature.

But how do you compress nothing? Non-Elemental Energy, and even more so for the Void, didn't have anything to condense in theory. So Arata had been stuck on how to progress any further.

After a few days of trying consistently to condense his Energy, the weekend had arrived. He went over to Ryouma's room in the morning, he was already standing by the door, clearly excited. Arata gave him a look that calmed him down. They walked together down the stairs. As they exited the South Dorm, they noticed a small crowd of people. Most of them were female students.

They were all watching and staring at a handsome man who was standing by a carriage. The female students had gathered but none were brave enough to approach him. As Arata saw this, he sighed. He walked past the crowd of students, who all watched him curiously as he made his way through them. When the handsome man saw him, he bowed politely.

"Young Master Arata and Young Ryouma. The Ceremony will be soon. We must head back to the Clan to prepare."

Arata nodded offhandedly as he casually got into the carriage. Ryouma was informed beforehand by Arata of the proper etiquette for a Shadowguard, so he went and sat at the front with the handsome man.

As they sped away, the group of young female students sighed in disappointment. As soon as they had travelled a safe distance away from the Institute, Arata called out to the two up front.

"You stand out too much, Hyosuke. No more coming to pick me up. And if you do have to come, wrap your head up in at least 7 scarves. Or just put a box over your head."

Hyosuke chuckled.

"It isn't my fault I am so incredibly irresistible. It is a gift and a curse."

Ryouma and Arata laughed at Hyosuke's shameless self praise. Ryouma began to fidget with his hands as he began feeling nervous as they came closer to the Clan. Hyosuke noticed this.

"Calm down. As far as we are all concerned, you are already a Shadowguard. This is all just a formality. Just be calm, nod and bow when you need to and then it will over and we can go have some food. Simple."

Ryouma turned to face Hyosuke. He appreciated the encouragement. He nodded in thanks, even though he was still nervous. Arata could tell that Ryouma was nervous, but he knew that he would be fine and let him handle things on his own. The Clan came into view, and it was quite clear that it was a special day. There was decorations over the entrance to the Clan and over the houses within. Ryouma hadn't expected the ceremony to be such a big deal. Hyosuke noticed his reaction and chuckled.

"I was the same. These ceremonies are celebrated by the whole Clan and a few guests. I hope you aren't afraid of large crowds."

They arrived at Arata's residence. Arata got out and was greeted by Masahiro and a few other servants. Masahiro bowed.

"Young Master Arata, it is good to see you again. Your attire is all ready. Just go in and prepare. We will take Young Ryouma to get ready for the ceremony."

Arata glanced to Ryouma and gave him an encouraging nod before turning back to Masahiro.

"Very well. You may all go and do what you must."

They all bowed before leaving with Ryouma. Arata walked into his house. The instant he closed the door, he sighed. Home. He went upstairs and cleaned himself up before getting ready and putting on the ceremonial clothes. He disliked these formal outfits, but it was a necessity for today. After he finished getting ready, he stretched, trying to get comfortable in the clothes. He wore a well fitted monsuke kimono. It was black with white and sliver lining and patterns on it. On his back in white was the Sato Clan's crest.

Arata disliked how restricted he felt when he wore formal attire and preferred simple clothes, but that would be inappropriate for today. Such a shame. Arata sighed.

"Why the long face? Today is a celebration."

Arata turned to the voice. In the door way was his father. Azrail was also wearing a similar outfit, but his was pure black and the Sato Clan crest on his back was sliver, the only color on his entire out fit. There were still patterns on his monsuke but it was all in black as well. He looked extremely refined and regal as he stood there. Arata responded.

"You know I just don't like dressing up. So much effort, ya know?"

Azrail chuckled.

"Well, you can put your comfort to the side for a day to introduce a new member to the Clan."

Arata chuckled. He was happy to have Ryouma officially joining the Clan. He just wanted to go straight to the celebratory feast afterwards. Azrail gestured to Arata.


Arata nodded and followed Azrail out. They left the house and were exported to the main building. From there, they went to the large hall. There was a large commotion as they entered. The room was full of people from the Clan and a few guests from noble families. Everyone was standing in two large groups with an aisle down the middle. They were grandly announced as they entered the room. Everyone bowed in respect as Arata and Azrail walked down the aisle to the front.

There were people standing at the front. Some were special guests that Azrail greeted politely, one by one. Arata also bowed politely as he followed his father. There were only four seats within the entire hall and they were all at the front in a position of honor. As Azrail and Arata came over, two of the seats were already taken. Azrail grinned as he approached the man sitting in the chair.

"I'm glad you could make it, my friend."

The man stood up and grinned. He wore what looked like the polar opposite to what Azrail was wearing. His outfit was pure white. He was the same size and build as Azrail and he grinned as he gave a brotherly hug to Azrail.

"Of course we would make it. My daughter is friends with both your son and the new Shadowguard, so I naturally needed to attend today."

The crowd were in awe as the two men interacted. The Angel of Death and the Angel of Light were important pillars to the Kingdom of Kakuso and they had many admirers and fans. Seeing them together here was almost too much for some in the audience. Azrail and Akimitsu chuckled together.

Akimitsu turned to Arata, who bowed in response. Akimitsu smiled.

"I hear you have become pretty powerful, Little Arata. Powerful enough to knock out my daughter."

Arata felt a chill go down his spine as he looked at the Angel of Light smiling at him.

"I would very much like to see how powerful you have become, Little Arata."

Arata inwardly cringed. 'Crap! He's pissed about beating Akari. Damn! That was a week ago! Let it go!'

Arata cleared his throat.

"I do not believe I am on a level to show Sir Akimitsu anything."

Azrail chuckled.

"I think a small spar would be entertaining, don't you think, Little Akari."

Akari had come to stand by her father's side. She smiled politely as she bowed.

"I agree, Sir Azrail. It would be enjoyable and a great learning experience."

Akari, Azrail and Akimitsu all chuckled. Arata gave them all a glare.

'Why am I being ganged up on?'

Akari turned to look at Arata and nodded. Arata nodded in response. Azrail and Akimitsu took the two seats of honor while Arata and Akari sat on the seats besides their father's. Azrail glanced at Masahiro who nodded. Masahiro stepped forward as the room went quiet.

"Greetings to all those who have gathered here those today. Thank you all for joining us to celebrate and welcome a new member to our Clan. Our Young Master Arata has found his first Shadowguard and today he will be baptized by the Shadows and welcomed into the Clan."

The doors opened and the crowd all turned to face the door. In walked Ryouma wearing a similar monsuke to Arata, yet his was all grey. There were no patterns on it, nor was there the a crest on the back. Ryouma walked down the aisle towards the front. He came to a stop on the large crest on the ground. He bowed as he reached the front. He looked over to Arata. Arata could see the nervousness in Ryouma's eyes, but he could also see the resolve. Arata nodded at him. Masahiro spoke.

"State your name."

"I am Ryouma."

"Ryouma, in front of these witnesses and the Clan Head and Heir, do you accept the responsibilities and burdens of a Shadowguard? Do you swear to serve the Sato Clan with your entire being? To fight beside Young Master Arata and protect him throughout his journey?"

Ryouma got down on a knee and placed his fist on his chest.

"I swear."

Masahiro nodded. He stood back as Azrail spoke now.

"You will now recite the Clan Oath and allow the Shadows to baptize you. May the Shadows guide you."

Those from the Sato Clan all spoke in unison.

"May the Shadows guide you."

Ryouma closed his eyes.

"I fight in the shadows. Protect in the shadows. Prevent the progress of the shadows. I defend those in the Light from the evil in the Dark. I will not fear the Dark. The Dark shall fear me."

"May the Shadows guide you."

From the crest on the floor beneath Ryouma, Shadows began to rise from the ground. They circled Ryouma for a few seconds before latching on him. The Shadows continued to cover Ryouma until he was completely covered, the Shadows formed a shield around Ryouma, blocking him completely from sight.

After a minute of silence, the Shadows slowly began to dissolve and disappear. Ryouma's outfit had now changed color. It was now black with a red lining and the Sato Clan's crest was now on his back in red. There was a pulse of Energy around Ryouma. Azrail and Arata had their eyes closed, seemingly sensing and listening to the Energy. When the pulsing stopped, Azrail turned to Arata and they quietly exchanged a few words. They both seemed to reach a conclusion as Masahiro came to Azrail who whispered something to him quickly. Masahiro nodded, stepped forward, towards Ryouma. Ryouma sensed Masahiro come towards him and opened his eyes and stood up. Masahiro gestured for Ryouma to turn around.

Ryouma then faced the audience in attendance as Masahiro stood beside him.

"The Shadows have spoken and have accepted him. I now present to you, Ryouma Saitou, new member of the Flame Branch of the Sato Clan and the First Shadowguard of Arata Sato."

The crowd erupted in applause. Ryouma was overwhelmed with emotions. He had a last name, a Clan, a family. He bowed to the crowd before turning around the Azrail, bowing to him. Then he faced Arata, who stood up.

He respectfully bowed to him. Arata then walked over and placed a hand on Ryouma's shoulder.

"Welcome to the Clan."

Sato Clan. Sato is held by the main family (Azrail and Arata) while variations are held by the rest of the Clan (Saito, Saitou etc)

This is just the system I created for my world and story. Bit of clarification. Not a typo hahaha

TolNokkcreators' thoughts
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