
Angel. Devil. Monster.

Vice Principal Zhang began chanting rapidly as a barrier covered the stage. The power that the teachers were releasing was extremely powerful. Teacher Nyoka gathered his Energy around him as a cackled evilly, his laugh sending a chill down the spines of many of the students watching. He cultivated a technique called the Corrupted Soul. It granted the user an immense surge of strength and power when activated in exchange for one's mental state. It involved sending the user into a manic rage, a berserk mode.

Teacher Nyoka roared as he charged at Teacher Takuma, slashing his scythe at her. Teacher Takuma dodged the first slash and parried the second slash with her spear before thrusting her spear forward, leaping forward with the thrust. Teacher Nyoka dodged out of the way and Teacher Takuma flew past him as a powerful beam of Holy Energy burst towards Teacher Nyoka.

Teacher Nyoka twisted his body as he maneuvered himself out of the way, dodging the Energy beam. Teacher Nyoka turned to see Teacher Diya creating another beam of Holy Energy and firing it at him. Teacher Nyoka charged at Teacher Diya, dodging past all of the Holy Energy attacks that was being sent at him. Just as he was dodging to the side, a spear appeared in his path, blocking him from going this way. But if he stopped here, he would be hit by the Energy beam.

The timing of Teacher Takuma's interference was incredible. Teacher Nyoka snarled as he he slashed his scythe at the oncoming Energy beam. The Energy exploded as it made contact with Teacher Nyoka's blade. Nyoka was pushed back by the force of the impact, but he was unharmed. Teacher Takuma sent a flurry of attacks with her spear in his direction. Nyoka did his best to block and dodge. The lightning around Teacher Takuma began to spark and surge righter as her attacks began to speed up.

Her spear thrusts continued to go faster and faster, her arms were now a blur to those that were watching. Teacher Nyoka was having trouble keeping up as he was being pushed back. Teacher Nyoka felt his instincts screaming at him as he slashed to his side, sending out an Energy Slash, which clashed with another beam attack from Teacher Diya. He grinned as continued to dodge and block the attacks from these powerful women.

He clashed with Teacher Takuma before leaping back. He roared as he slammed his blade into the ground. Shadows began to rise from the crack in the ground that he had created. The black scythe began to glow as Teacher Nyoka chanted quickly.

"Rise and devour!"

The shadows began to form shapes of creatures, hissing and growling at Teachers Takuma and Diya. The shadowy creature rushed at the two teachers. Teacher Takuma allowed the Lightning Energy around her to explode and burst at the shadows around her as she stabbed the oncoming shadows with her spear. Teacher Diya created multiple balls of Light around her and sent them flying in the Shadow creatures direction.

Teacher Diya went wide eyed as she fought the Shadow beasts. She instantly created a Light barrier next to her as she felt her instincts screaming at her. Just as the barrier was formed, it was smashed and destroyed by a large scythe. Teacher Nyoka sent wave after wave of attacks at Teacher Diya, who created barriers to deflect the attacks. She was a long and mid range fighter, so fighting Teacher Nyoka at this close proximity left her at a disadvantage.

As Teacher Nyoka charged at her, Teacher Diya ducked and a spear pierced over her at Teacher Nyoka. He quickly brought his scythe up to defend as he was pushed backwards. Teacher Diya sent waves of Light Energy attacks at him while Teacher Takuma leaped high into the air. Teacher Nyoka went on the defensive as he deflected all the Light Energy attacks flying in his direction. Above the stage, the sky was beginning to darken. Clouds gathered rapidly.

Teacher Takuma seemed to float in the air as the Energy in the atmosphere around her began to rush towards her spear. Teacher Takuma's eyes lit up as a bright glow emitted from them. She roared before disappearing in a flash of light. Teacher Nyoka sensed this surge of Energy and created a barrier of shadows, just as Teacher Takuma appeared above him. Her spear exploded with power as it easily destroyed the barrier and continued to head towards Teacher Nyoka. He roared as he slashed at the oncoming spear.

As the spear and the scythe clashed, Teacher Nyoka took the brunt of the impact as he was pushed down to the ground. His knee slammed into the ground as he struggled against the force of Teacher Takuma's attack. He looked up amidst his struggle and saw Teacher Diya completing a powerful Holy Energy attack. The beam was sent flying towards Teacher Nyoka.

There was a bright explosion of light that blinded everyone that was watching. As the light dimmed and everyone's eyes were able to adjust. Teachers Diya and Takuma were standing to the side. They had cleared out of the way of the explosion. At the center of the explosion, as the light and smoke cleared, a wall of black and red Energy could be seen. The wall began to dissolve and within was an injured Teacher Nyoka.

His clothes were torn from the explosion, and he was clearly in pain. Even with his ragged appearance, he still had the hunger in his eyes to continue fighting. There was a loud slapping sound, and Teacher Nyoka fell to the ground. Vice Principal Zhang had suddenly appeared behind him.

"His Corrupted Soul would have killed everyone here, so he loses. The two of you can carry on."

Teacher Nyoka and Vice Principal Zhang disappeared. Arata was stunned. He hadn't even seen him move or use any Energy. Which meant that the Vice Principal had used his physical abilities to knock out Teacher Nyoka and move. How strong was the Vice Principal?

Before he could spend time thinking about this, the two female teachers on the stage looked at each other before leaping apart. They both gathered their Energy before attacking. Teacher Takuma rushed forward while her Lightning sparked off of her. Teacher Diya sent forth waves of small attacks at Teacher Takuma while simultaneously charging a large amount of Holy Energy around her.

Whereas Class 2 aimed for power now, through any means necessary, Class 1 believed on walking the path of righteousness, going through cultivation thoroughly and precisely, not skipping stages to create a perfect strength. For this, the cultivation of Class 1 was often seen as slow, but they were perfecting their foundations, which caused their power to grow exponentially later. While the first year Class 1'so were usually lacking in strength compared to Classes 2 and 7, the seniors that were in Class 1 were all at extraordinary levels of strength compared to those of the same age.

Teacher Diya was the embodiment of someone who had trained in this way and had cultivated their way to the peak. She cultivated the Maidens Blessing, a cultivation method that involved a pure heart and soul to cultivate. It involved a person to build up their cultivation while lowering it multiple times to help others. Each time you lower your cultivation, you will need to recultivate, but your Holy Energy will become more pure, meaning that it was more potent and stronger.

Teacher Takuma rushed at Teacher Diya, she was a blur to most of the students that were watching. She weaved through the barrage of attacks easily, approaching Teacher Diya. As she thrust her spear at Teacher Diya, she stopped and leapt back as beams of Light appeared from her sides, slicing through the area that she was about to jump into.

Teacher Takuma quickly rushed around to attack from the side, but was blocked by a wall of Light. She sent her Energy into her spear as she struck at the wall, destroying it instantly. As the wall disappeared, Teacher Diya had sent a powerful beam of Energy at Teacher Takuma. She smirked as the Lightning on her crackled and she vanished. Teacher Diya had a look of shock as her beam flew forward, attacking nothing. She felt a sense of danger as she looked up.

Teacher Takuma was in the air with her spear above her head, lightning gathering around it. She then smirked as she threw the spear at Teacher Diya. Arata could feel a terrifying amount of Energy coming from the spear, even with Vice Principal Zhang's protective barrier in place. The teachers and students were on the edges of their seats as they watched the two teachers fight. There was a surge of fear that could be felt as they all felt the power emanating from the spear.

Teacher Diya responded by raising her staff above her head quickly and chanting. In a flash, the spear had appeared and connected with Teacher Diya's staff. The spear sent a powerful wave of lightning the surged and exploded, consuming a large part of the stage, with Teacher Diya at the center of it. Teacher Takuma floated above the stage, her Lightning hovering around her, holding her in the air.

The students and teachers watched in awe at Teacher Takuma's power. The lightning that covered the stage was impressive to say the least, many believed that she had won, how could Teacher Diya possibly survive that attack? But Teacher Takuma wasn't so naive. She looked down with a serious glare. Even though the explosion of lightning was powerful, she knew her opponent well and didn't think that this would be enough.

A beam of light burst out the top of the lightning. Teacher Takuma moved to dodge the beam. As she did, she saw Energy leave the large beam and fly towards her. Teacher Takuma tried to dodge, but it followed her. She channelled her Energy and she disappeared in a crack of lightning, appearing on the ground. But the light followed her as it sped in her direction. The light followed Teacher Takuma as she bounced around the stage to get away from her.

At this point, the lightning on the field dispersed and Teacher Diya was revealed. Although her clothes had signs of burns, she seemed fine as she directed the light that was after Teacher Takuma. Teacher Takuma charged her lightning and changed directions, piercing through the light. As the light exploded on contact, Teacher Takuma burst from the smoke and was now charging at Teacher Diya.

Teacher Diya ducked out of the way, and Teacher Takuma landed by her spear that was sticking out of the ground. She pulled it out and charged her Energy into it. Teacher Diya began to glow as she chanted quickly. Teacher Takuma rushed at Teacher Diya who raised up her staff, swinging it in the direction of Teacher Takuma.

A burst of light covered the stage as their respective Energies exploded. Everyone was blinded and had to turn away. Even with the barrier, they felt the oppressive power of the clash, a chill went down the spines of those in the arena, terrified of the thought of having to take on one of the two teachers. As the light disappeared, smoke covered the stage.

Everyone realized that the barrier that was covering the stage began to come down and disappear. This obviously meant that the battle was over. They looked into the smoke to see who was left standing. Arata was able to see through the smoke because of his Shadow Awareness, but he just sat there stunned, unable to process what he was seeing. And when the smoke cleared, everyone else had the same reaction.

In between Teacher Takuma and Teacher Teacher Diya was Vice Principal Zhang. He a hand on Teacher Takuma's spear, and one on Teacher Diya's staff. He had a smile on his face and wasn't injured at all. He looked at the two women, who were breathing heavily and were clearly exhausted from their final clash. The students and teachers all looked at Vice Principal Zhang in awe, understanding what he had done.

He was able to take on both of the teachers attacks and come out completely unharmed. Just how powerful was he? Vice Principal Zhang finally let go of their weapons, lowering his arms.

"I think that's enough for today. Judging by the power and strength of your attacks, I will decide on the winner for today's battle."

Teacher Diya and Teacher Takuma stood up straight as their weapons seemed to vanish. They both nodded in agreement. Vice Principal Zhang turned to the students and teachers that were waiting.

"After taking on the attacks from Teachers Diya and Takuma, I have decided on the winner based on the stronger attack from their last clash. The winner is Class 1's, Teacher Diya."

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