
Chinese Special Affairs Bureau

"You observe Zhu Huanan's martial arts in your dreams, you have learned the human level martial arts – Kame Style, cell vigor +2, blood intensity +30."

"You observe Zhu Huanan's martial arts in your dreams, your are enlightened, you learn the human-level martial arts – Cow Boxing, power +10, Blood Intensity+10."

"You observe Zhu Huanan's martial arts in your dreams, and you have learned your mind, and you have acquired human-level martial arts – Chi Gung[1], power +5, blood intensity +15."

"You have made a beautiful dream, your spirit is greatly stimulated, mental power +10, soul strength +3."

"Your spirit is greatly stimulated, Your mental strength has reformed into a nucleus, successfully promoting you to become a first-class spiritual master, spiritual will +2, soul strength +1."

A lot of information emerged in Yang Fan's mind, his power grew, his blood strengthened and his spiritual strength also kept rising.

Then there is this all kinds of refreshing pleasure in his body, from his meridians to his blood, from his body to his soul, it is like a pair of small hands gently kneading and massaging all his internal organs, with the right amount of force, so comfortable help couldn't help but yelp in joy.

"Oh ~ Yeah~"

That expression, like unconsciously refreshing and relaxed feeling after taking a huge leak behind a bushes.


Black turned his head and looked at his master 'What happened to the master?' it thought.

After one minute, Yang Fan's body has fully adapted to the growth of various forces, and he no longer felt any sense of comfort and pleasure. Yang Fan conscious gradually returned to normal.

Opening his eyes he saw that the silly dog ​​is hanging its head in front of him. The hot air exhaled in his nostrils almost smother him. He didn't even think twice before He flew up and kicked the dog's head to the side.

"How many times have I told you that your bad breath is very serious, with the saliva dripping on my face, disgusting. you stay far away from me!"


Little black his grievances by shaking its head and retreats to the side of the window. its huge body completely obscures the window turning the bright bedroom in to a dark one.

Yang Fan's eyes already adjusted in the dark. He doesn't care about this light. He cares more about why he feels that when he wakes up this big dog seems to have grown bigger.


Yang Fan stood up and called out to the black lion dog. The black lion dog spit out its tongue and ran over happily.

"Turn around!"


"stand on two feet!"

"Call Dad!"

After set of instructions, Yang Fan nodded, he was correct, this big dog has really gotten bigger again.

I remember that when I transported it to this villa from the Hongjing bay villa area, it was only four meters long and three meters tall.

But now, its about to touch the ceiling of the five-meter-high room, and the length of its body is clearly beyond the five-meter range.

WTF did it eat?

This evolutionary speed is a bit scary.

If all the beasts are able to evolve like this stupid dog, there is no hope for human beings, it better for humans to just self-destroy and say goodbye to the world.

"Wait! This should not be the case!"

The gold python that he just saw in his dreams seems to be in similar state as the dog. It took two days of effort, and its body evolved several times in succession, and even the double horns of its head had grew out!

This is not normal!

Yang Fan does not doubt the authenticity of the fragments of Zhu Huanan's memory. In fact, if there is no accident, Zhu Zhengqi definitely should have die, and Zhu Caiwei will inevitably face the fate of being swallowed by the snake monster the very next day.

And Yang Guo little girl, even if she awakened her spirit and became a spirit master and accidentally killed a fat cat, but she is still as timid as a rat, in any case, she not the opponent of golden giant snake or this silly dog. she will also inevitable become the blood food in the mouth of the demon.

Therefore, from the time stamp of Zhu Huanan's memory segment it should be the third day after the incident of the monsters in the Hongjing bay villa area. Zhu Huanan came back from abroad to mourn, and slaughtered the giant snake to avenge his younger sister.

At the same time, it was a blessing in disguise, for Zhu Huanan his strength soared. After the arrival of the end of the world, He established South China Military Academy and the real martial arts masters laid a solid foundation.

Yang Fan felt very embarrassed because he seemed to have seized the opportunity that originally belonged to the South China military academy Principal Zhu Huanan.

But these are not the main points.

The point is, if the gold giant snake had not been killed by him that day, it would have evolved further to the scary golden giant snake form from Zhu Huanan's memory fragment after only three days, and its size and strength would have reached peak of a third-level monster.

In one step, it would have freed it self from its mortal restrictions and consolidate its beast soul, while producing a huge earth-shaking change to its strength and become a 4th level demon that can change the size of its body at will.

"In the world where spiritual power is so thin, where other monsters and humans are still facing difficulty to awaken. Why are the giant python and this silly dog ​​able to produce such enchanting growth? This kind of promotion speed is simply unheard of!"

Yang Fan was shocked, this is definitely is not a normal awakening evolution!

There must be a problem here!

"Big black, come over!"

Yang Fan once again waved at the silly dog.

The black lion dog seems to feel the murder from Yang Fan's body, and it immediately wants to turn around and flee. However, when it thought of the annoying chain around its spirit, it had to pretend to be a loyal pet, and returned to Yang Fan with a cute expression.

Yang Fan pointed his finger to the ground, and the black dog immediately laid on the ground, its chin stuck to the ground, bringing the height of the dog to its minimum, but even so, its head was almost reached Yang Fan's shoulders.

Yang Fan's mouth twitched. if he remembered correctly back in the first villa, this stupid dog when laying on the floor its height only reached till his waist.

If he allowed it to evolve without limit, he was sure that in a few more days, He would have to talk to the silly dog ​​with his head up in 90 degrees.

"Tell me, have you ever eaten any treasures in the Hongjing bay villa area, or have you got any other different gains?"

Before Yang Fan had some doubts, both the golden snake from Zhu Huanan's memory and silly black dog both seemed to be out of norms as in all other places even if the monsters were awakened, they are only one or two monsters with their strengths at most at the first level.

But only in Hongjing bay villa area, there are 7 awakened monsters that we know of, and all of them are at least in middle class of First level while The golden giant python and the big black dog have reached the peak class of the first level. what is so special about Hongjing villa area for such amazing evolution!

The only conclusion that comes to Yang Fan's mind is that there has to be some heavenly treasure in this area to explain this abnormal pace of evolution.


The big black dog's big black eyes were screaming, it shook its head as if asking, 'what is the heavenly treasure, what is it made off, this King does not know?'

Yang Fan sneered, "You still dare to play with me, it seems that the lesson given to you before is not enough!"

Regardless of the pleading of the silly dog, the spirit lock was spurred, and the black lion dog began to roll on the ground with pain again.



Its screams were miserable, almost as if a person was crying.

However, Yang Fan did show a hint of mercy at all. as he knew beasts were not only savage, but also very good at disguising their thoughts and feelings, like a fox, and showing mercy to them is being cruel to oneself.

In front of a beast a soft heart means you are not that far from death.


Hearing the movement inside the room, several people broke into the door from the outside.

"Little brother, what's wrong? Nothing happened?!"

Zhu Zhengqi came together with the group and inquired in worry.

"Nothing!" Yang Fan chuckled: "I am idle, nothing to do, so I thought to tease the dog little, I didn't disturb you did I?"

Said, Yang Fan as his eyes fell on the other three people who came along with Old man Zhu.

Two men and one woman, their age is not too big, minimum is with in thirty years old, and the maximum is about forty years.

face-to-face their momentum is very strong, no less than Zhu Zhengqi, who is already a ninth level martial artist or innate level . 

Sure enough, there are still many real strong people in China, otherwise they will not survive the monster Apocalypse.

Yang Fan didn't know about real martial artists before, and he had never even heard of the existence of these people, just because he was too ordinary, his circle of life was too small, and he didn't have chance or qualification to contact these people.

"I heard a lot about Yang Fan little brother, you really are a talent and looks very handsome!"

The only woman among the three who is about 40 years old, with a good face and a good proportioned body. even at this age no one can deny her charm. When she open her mouth, she will praise Yang Fan first just to scratched the itch of Yang Fan's pride, making people feel like in spring breeze of flattering.

"Where are my manners let me introduce myself first. Introduction, Qin Peirou, Jinghua City, from the 13th branch of Chinese Special Affairs Bureau, Field Agent, second team captain."

Qin Peirou smiled and stretched out her right hand to Yang Fan, her palms were tender and white.

"You being influenced by the spirit of others, your charm skill reacts in self-defense, spiritual will +1, mental power +2."

"You apply charm skills to others, charm failure, skill proficiency +1."

Yang Fan was stunned, and then he extended his right hand as if nothing happened. He and Qin Pei-ruo held each others hand tightly: " Qin Captain, I am very glad to meet you! You remind me of a psychiatrist I used to see. her smile is always warm and kind."

Qin Peirou still kept the smile on her face, even though she felt that Yang Fan was being sarcastic at her.

Because she had seen the photo of the psychiatrist mentioned by Yang Fan in his files.

The Psychiatrist was a old aunt who was not only fat, but also had a loose fat skin hanging out. At first glance one would be scared shitless.


[1]Chi Gung :- Qigong, qi gong, chi kung, or chi gung is a centuries-old system of coordinated body-posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for the purposes of health, spirituality, and martial-arts training. With roots in Chinese medicine, philosophy, and martial arts, qigong is traditionally viewed by the Chinese and throughout Asia as a practice to cultivate and balance qi, translated as "life energy".


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last but not least a special shout out to SmileyFace, thanks for your support and power stones. this chapter is for you.

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