
I really don't want to open a harem here

Mu Xiaoxiao never imagined that he would get hit by a truck and die, and transmigrate to a 2D anime world, not to mention get the legendary Goldfinger one day. [Ding! As a mortal, you dared to challenge the world and set foot in this chaotic world; your brave choice gives you a Rating: S] 'It hasn't even been five minutes since I traveled, and there is an S-level reward... Without a little bit of defense, could it be that I also have the appearance of the protagonist?' He thought seriously Being a Protagonist can be said to be a legendary start Anime world where he is a protagonist with a system, open a harem, and reaches the pinnacle of life or something like that. He was already imagining his bright future 'It's just that the system said what kind of chaotic place, what does it mean? Why can't I understand?' Coming all the way, he approached the warehouse at the back of the school, And then "Nanao, you don't want to see Katase being kicked out of the main selection, do you?" "You--" He never thought he would see such a scene on the first day, Fuck, this is too exciting, right? No, why do those two people look familiar... Relying on his many years of experience, he finally searched for those memories from every inch and corner of his brain, and after finding out who these two were His face changed drastically. "Fuck" _________, (This is a Translation) (Warning: This Novel contains Explicit Content, so read at your own risk.) As for NTR It does contain Netori( The one where Mc steals the girl), not Netorare. After all, it's a harem fanfic in the NTR world, so every girl he'll meet and save would obviously have a Boyfriend or a childhood Sweetheart, so it is obvious... ________ ___________ Original Version: https://www.jpxs123.com/tongren/8352.html Author: Sixteen Night Sky ____________ Read Advanced chapters on Patreon.com/abhi28

Abhii_28 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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256 Chs

Another One

A moment of silence...

"Actually, we are also responsible for these strange rumors," Miyajima Sakura said in a low voice while writing the club application. "Even after the girls in the Kendo club returned to normal, the atmosphere of the club was not right. It wasn't clear whether the boys were still affected."

"The girls kept gossiping afterward, so the matter has already been spread, but no one believes such bizarre things.

They all think it is a joke or a story, and the more it spreads, the more outrageous it becomes... I'm sorry, junior."

The Kendo club senior said apologetically.

"That's right. In addition to those who don't know the truth, there are also some girls who know the inside story and come to me specifically to ask about the situation of the Supernatural Research Club." Haruno Kasumi pulled up a chair and sat down.

"They've been asking about the club's affairs, the amulet, and your Xiaoxiao's affairs..."

She lay on the table and looked through her phone.

"It's okay, don't worry about that. I've already given special props from our Supernatural Research Club to everyone for free, so don't be afraid to spread the word."

Mu Xiaoxiao leaned back on the chair nonchalantly and swayed his arms.

There were indeed many rumors and even legends in the school, and various adapted stories. Among these stories passed down by word of mouth, the words 'Kendo Club' and 'Supernatural Research Club' appeared most frequently.

Although there was a lot of discussion, everyone just regarded these as urban legends.

After all, there were not many students in the track and field club and the Kendo club combined, and more students didn't believe it at all.

This left those who knew the truth with a chill in their throats.

But it was undeniable that because of these legends, the name Mu Xiaoxiao have become popular.

Even people who had never met him had heard of this name to some extent.

"Junior, let's go over now." After filling out the application form, Miyajima Sakura couldn't wait to stand up, wanting to go back to the Kendo club and restore all the abnormal boys in the club to normal.

"Shouldn't you change the title?" Mu Xiaoxiao joked.

"...President," the girl's cheeks twitched and she looked at him angrily, "Can you leave now?"

It felt weird to call someone else 'President.'

"Not now, not today," the boy shook his head. "I need to go home tonight to prepare some props. There is nothing I can do to help you now, so you have to wait until tomorrow."

Although he had the remaining disposable rings from the original, they would not be enough.

Besides, the only ones who were hypnotized were the boys of a certain club, and the late Tanaka-san had left everyone else, so that level of influence didn't matter.

"Tomorrow? Then just wait for a day," Sakura Miyajima moved her lips and nodded. She was a little curious about the props that Mu Xiaoxiao was talking about. 'Is it similar to the amulet he gave me?'

"I understand, President."

"Ahem, although this title is good, you can just call me by my name normally."

"So, Mu-kun?" Miyajima Sakura didn't address him by his first name after all; they were not that familiar with each other.

Nor did she call him 'junior,' either.

Well... although he was her junior, he didn't feel like a younger boy.

"That's fine." Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care anyway; first name, last name, it didn't matter.

"We will be members of the same club from now on," Serizawa Yukiha said with a smile. "Miyajima-senpai, please give me some advice~."

"I'm in the same club as Miyajima-senpai. Now the tea ceremony club seniors will also envy me," Sakagami Akino also spoke, smiling and in a good mood.

"The Supernatural Research Club is different from other clubs," Haruno Kasumi explained. "Although our club is small and not strict, the relationship between the members is more like fighting partners than club classmates."

"Um, is this the Supernatural Research Club?"

While the club members were introducing the new girl to the club, someone else also came.

A small head poked out from behind the door.

The beautiful red-haired girl, named Obata Yui who just peeked, saw the people in the club room and was stunned.

Why is Miyajima-senpai, the third-year senior, and kendo club chief, here?!

Isn't this the Supernatural Research Club? Am I in the wrong place?

For a moment, Obata Yui just stood there, stunned, until she was interrupted by another voice.

"This is the Supernatural Research Club. What can I do for you?" Haruno Kasumi greeted the girl with a business like smile, "Do you want to join the club?"

"Join the club? Well, I am..."

Obata Yui was hesitant, when her eyes suddenly fixed on the boy surrounded by four beautiful girls.

Is he the Mu Xiaoxiao everyone is talking about?

The girl peeped curiously, before speaking.

"I'm here to ask for your help..."


Hearing this, Kasumi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with innocent curios eyes..

Does our club still have this business?


Well...if it is a normal and reasonable need, of course our Supernatural Research Club is willing to lend a helping hand," Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "But not everyone will get our help. Anyway, let's talk about what you want to our help with first."

"Are you Mu Kun from the Club Research Department?"

Yui Kobata confirmed that he was the President. "I heard that the Supernatural Research Club is very powerful and can help me, so I wanted to come and have a look. My name is Yui Obata, and I am in Class B of the second grade. of."

"Second-year senior?" Kasumi handed her a cup of tea, "What trouble did Obata-senpai encounter?"

"To be precise, it's my boyfriend... He suddenly became very strange recently..."

She heard her friends and some other people discussing about this Supernatural Research Club, and even though the everyone was talking about different things..like aliens, Ghosts, etc etc...and the things they mentioned were somewhat outrageous, one thing was common: Everyone said that this place was magical.

So, she came here hoping to seek help.

After all the changes in her boyfriend Tachibana Daiki were really unbearable.

'Taking the initiative to give your girlfriend to someone else...what a disgusting idea!'

What sex instructor, what sex counseling...just hearing something like this made her nauseous.

The only reason why Yui Obata hasn't broken up yet was just because she heard theses strange legends in the school, including the words of some girls in the track and field club, so she thought that Tachibana Daiki might have been bewitched by supernatural beings or got possessed by evil spirits.

In this case, the Supernatural Research Club might have a way, after all that guardian...

"Your boyfriend is indeed a victim, almost like someone possessed by an evil spirit," Hearing her words, Mu Xiaoxiao nodded and looked at Sakura Miyajima, "Here is someone who is as unlucky as you."

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't have a boyfriend," the president of the kendo club rolled her eyes at him and adjusted her sleeves elegantly.

"But you still have to ask me for help for your club members,"

While speaking, Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly slapped his palm, "Wait a minute, I remembered, in addition to the kendo club, did that Tanaka Hajime also attack the track and field club?"

"Yes, Akane is responsible for this matter," Kasumi nodded quickly, "The girls in the track and field club have returned to normal because of our amulets, but the boys..."

"Daiki is a member of the track and field club!" Yui Obata exclaimed, then hesitated for a moment, showing a regretful expression. "Actually, I have met Mu-kun before."


Then why don't I remember you.

Also, why does it matter if you've seen me?

Many people in this school have seen me.

"At that time, Mu-kun, when you were giving those gifts, I was also there... Although everyone was spreading the news, I didn't accept it in the end," Yui Kobata suddenly regretted not accepting the amulet.

"I heard that these amulets you gave have special powers. If I had accepted it at that time, maybe."

Because she had a boyfriend, she chose to refuse gifts from other boys.

If she had that royal guard, Tachibana Daiki might be able to return to normal.

"It doesn't matter.

Even if you had an amulet, it would have been useless." Sakura Miyajima took out her guardian and looked at it. "This thing is only useful for girls, not boys."

"Huh? Is that so?"

Obata Yui didn't know this secret.

So hearing this, she was stunned and a little nervous, "Then, what should we do? Daiki..."

'If there is really no other way, should I just break up with him?'

"I have received your request, and I will help you," Mu Xiaoxiao stood up, "I have to deal with the Kendo Club issue anyway, adding one more won't make a difference.

But it won't work today, let's wait until tomorrow."


Obata Yui looked at him gratefully, "Thank you, Mu kun."

'Can you actually help me...?'

This Supernatural Research Club is indeed amazing.

'I had given up all hope.'

And there are no conditions for joining such a powerful club.

The red-haired girl was a little moved.

On the one hand, she was curious and admired this powerful Supernatural Research Club, and on the other hand, she was grateful.

She couldn't think of any way to repay, so...

"Can I join this club?"

"Would you like to join?"

"Yes, I am willing to join," Yui Obata nodded solemnly, "Although I am already a member of the girl's basketball club, I can still find time to come here."


Mu Xiaoxiao handed over the gift with a smile on his face.