
Chapter 37

On a particular afternoon, Gastly extended its tongue and licked Arbok all over. While it was indeed the "Lick" move, there was nothing unusual about it. However, Luke couldn't help but suspect that Gastly was being excessively opportunistic with its venom.

As a result, the paralysis effect was activated, causing Arbok to collapse rigidly onto the ground, with its upper jaw visibly shrinking.

Luke observed this with a perplexed expression and attempted to halt Gastly's actions on multiple occasions, but he refrained from intervening. After all, it wasn't wise to interrupt in the middle of something.

On the other side, Xena, an Elite Trainer specializing in Poison Types, was also puzzled. Although Gastly possessed a fourfold resistance to poisoning, there didn't appear to be any logical reason for Arbok to be subdued to such an extent.

"Hey, you little troublemaker!" Xena gritted her teeth, "What are you doing over there?"

"If you're capable of raising a Gastly like that, do you still need to come to the club for training?"

Luke let out a sigh, responding, "I actually want to figure out how it happened."

It seemed improbable that Gastly could overpower Arbok to such an extent. Was something amiss?

Seeing the sincerity in Luke's eyes, Xena found it difficult to stay angry and opted to recall Arbok.

"Just don't come back to this club next time," Xena sighed.

Luke was taken aback. "Why?"

"Didn't you witness how my Arbok was nearly drained by that Gastly of yours!?"

Arbok had sustained significant injuries and its toxins would take some time to recover.

With a sense of guilt, Luke left the training area, muttering to himself, "Who would have thought that apart from Koga's underhanded tactics, even the training methods could be so... unorthodox?"

"Tsk tsk, it seems that I can't quite grasp the depth of this Elite Poison Trainer."

Over the course of that afternoon, while Gastly had yet to fully master Toxic, its adaptability to Poison Types had considerably improved. Additionally, Arbok's venom would contribute to enhancing the potency of Gastly's Toxic move in the future.

Although Luke had merely observed the proceedings, he believed he played a crucial role.

Luke mused, "Could it be that... I'm actually a training prodigy?"

"Jie jie~!"

Gastly's appearance suddenly caught Luke's attention.

As a result of absorbing Arbok's venom, the mist enveloping Gastly had turned a dark shade of green, and small bubbles emerged intermittently.

As Gastly levitated, a liquid inside its body produced a gurgling sound.

Several drops of venom dripped to the ground, causing the slate beneath to corrode and form small holes.

Gastly displayed a mischievous grin, revealing an almost apologetic expression.

Luke's complexion shifted, and he urgently suggested, "Let's go to the Pokémon Center!"

"Jie jie~?"

Before Gastly could respond, it was encapsulated by a red light and returned to its Poké Ball.

The Pokémon Center was conveniently situated near the training grounds. Luke hurried into the lobby, handing Gastly's Poké Ball to the Nurse and offering a deep bow.

"I appreciate your help!"

Nurse smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, the examination will be completed in half an hour. Feel free to wait."

With a nod, Luke took a seat on a bench, a sense of unease washing over him.

As he wiped the sweat from his brow, a chill ran down Luke's spine.

After some time, the red light emanating from the emergency room turned green.

The doctor, his expression solemn, removed his mask and addressed Luke, who was rushing toward him, saying gravely, "In a situation like this..."

"Doctor, it's not something serious!"

"In such circumstances..."

"Doctor, please just tell me!"

The doctor shot Luke a stern look.

"Gastly overindulged a bit! I'll provide you with some digestive tablets later!"


Gastly emerged from the emergency room with a beaming expression, catching the amused smiles and gentle headshakes of the nurses.

With an irate gaze, Gastly seemed to convey, "I ended up in the emergency room, and why's he smiling?"

Luke breathed a sigh of relief, determined not to be outdone as he met Gastly's gaze.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Gastly lay on the bed for over half an hour, its dark green hue improving, though a faint green tinge still remained.

The doctor explained, "Gastly merely absorbed toxins from other Pokémon, leading to a momentary rejection response. It shouldn't have a significant impact."

The doctor continued, "What's more, your Gastly seems to have quite the appetite."

With a smile, the doctor playfully poked Gastly, prompting the Ghost Type to stiffen and then collapse flat on its face.

"Woah, doctor, are you alright, doctor?"

"Heh, just pulling your leg, I was also a Trainer in my youth..."

"Doctor, you've got some foam on your mouth..."

"These are all minor issues, no worries, hahaha!"

Ultimately, the doctor was left trembling in Luke's hands as he provided a case report for Luke. Once again, Luke couldn't help but admire the medical professionals in the Orient Region.

Gastly's rejection reaction didn't last long, usually a maximum of one day. Koga's "Toxic Experience" had also documented this scenario and provided an explanation.

Despite this, Luke was still concerned about any potential emergencies involving Gastly.

The sun was gradually sinking on the western horizon.

Dragging his fatigued body along the street, Luke was accompanied by a contemplative Gastly by his side.

"Please don't overexert yourself in the future," Luke spoke sincerely, a rare occasion.

"For me, whether it's learning new moves or becoming a Trainer, it's not as important as you are to me!"

"Jie jie~..."

Gastly's mood seemed a bit subdued as it floated alongside Luke.

Initially, Luke hadn't aspired to be a Trainer, largely due to personal reservations. He was concerned about his own safety and the potential loss of his savings. However, after spending time with Gastly, his priorities shifted, and he now worried about Gastly's well-being.

Since the change in the timeline, Luke had contemplated this matter deeply. Were Pokémon genuinely enthusiastic about training and battling? Or did they fight out of obligation to their Trainers' wishes?

Luke didn't necessarily have anything against the profession of being a Trainer. But from his perspective, neither becoming a Champion nor a Trainer held much allure. He simply desired to enjoy his time in this world, coexisting peacefully with his Pokémon companions.

"Alright," Luke smiled, "Don't dwell on it too much."

With his hand passing through Gastly's mist, Luke gently lifted the corners of Gastly's mouth.

A tingling sensation spread through his fingertips, and Luke's smile grew more pronounced.


"Jie jie~ jie jie~~!!!"

Tears welled up in Gastly's eyes, yet it continued to grin determinedly.

For Gastly, what was its utmost wish?

To repay Luke.

To accompany Luke to witness the highest point in this world.

Even if it meant enduring hardships, Gastly would wholeheartedly fulfill Luke's desires.

Although its Master hadn't yet reached that point.

Gastly understood that Luke's greatest aspiration was to become a Trainer.

Otherwise, why would he be so engrossed in tactics-related games?

This must be Master's unwavering endeavor to become a Trainer!

Gastly was resolute – it had to make it happen!

As the sun set, the figures of a person and a Gastly continued to stretch into the distance.

In a soft voice, Luke murmured, "I never really wanted to become a Trainer..."

Gastly's eyes sparkled, and it hovered in the middle of the road.

"Jie jie~ jie jie~!" (I'll make sure Master becomes a Trainer!)

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