
Chapter 1864: Preparations Before the Battle (Please Subscribe)_1

Soon after receiving the notice, Jiang Qiyue and Long Yuxue came to the command center.

After giving a military salute, they turned their earnest gazes toward Long Tianwu and another Major General in front.

Long Tianwu swept a glance over them and said seriously, "The reason I've called you here is because the Abyssal Passage has become unstable and an Abyssal Tide has emerged!"

Upon hearing this, the pupils of Long Yuxue and Jiang Qiyue sharply contracted…

An Abyssal Tide?

Every occurrence brought massive casualties!

It was the thing that officers of the Ferocious God Legion feared the most!

Before they could think further, Long Tianwu continued, "However, fortunately, this time only three Abyssal Passages are affected by the Tide. Therefore, after deliberation between us two generals, we have decided to appoint the two of you as the supreme commanders for this battle!"

He planned to use this Abyssal Tide as a trial for the two of them.

Long Yuxue's eyes showed a hint of hesitation, "General… isn't this a bit hasty? Major Jiang Qiyue and I have no experience in dealing with the Abyssal Tide!"

Jiang Qiyue, however, was full of fervor, "Generals, Major Long Yuxue and I will definitely accomplish the mission!"

Her eyes not only lacked fear but were even filled with eager anticipation…

Long Tianwu said, "Very well, then this is decided. Major Long Yuxue, Major Jiang Qiyue, you both must act immediately and ensure you minimize the casualties while stopping the abyssal creatures!"

Having said this, Long Yuxue had no choice but to comply and, along with Jiang Qiyue, both said promptly, "Yes, General!"

After the two had left, the other Major General looked at Long Tianwu with a peculiar expression and worriedly said, "Is it really okay to entrust such an important matter to them?"

He hadn't expected Long Tianwu to make a decision on his own and represent him in doing so!

Long Tianwu, with slight remorse, said, "I apologize, I did have some personal motives just now. However, Yuxue and Qiyue are the most thoughtful officers in the Ferocious God Legion, and I believe in them!"

The other Major General looked at him deeply and said, "No worries, since you have such confidence, I trust your judgment!"

After all, Long Yuxue was his daughter and perfectly inherited his strengths!

With Jiang Qiyue assisting her, there shouldn't be any major issues!


Back at the special operations office, Long Yuxue immediately assembled all the officers!

Looking at the people before her, she said sternly, "Officers of the special operations office, just a few minutes ago, an Abyssal Tide occurred within the Abyssal Passage!"

The officers, upon hearing this, exclaimed in shock, "What? An Abyssal Tide? Why would it happen at such a time!"

"Damn, are we really this unlucky? You should know that the number of abyssal creatures that gather for each Abyssal Tide is beyond count!"

"Yes, it's feared there will be huge casualties again this time!"

Only Tang Wulin couldn't help but interrupt, "Excuse me… officer, what exactly is an Abyssal Tide?"

Gu Yue also looked puzzled, as Long Yuxue had not informed them.

Long Yuxue explained, "Simply put, the Abyssal Tide is when various types of creatures from within the Abyssal Passage gather together to launch a joint attack on the outside world!"

"And the number each time won't be less than a thousand!"

This statement made Tang Wulin's eyes light up with delight, "Doesn't that mean that during the Abyssal Tide, one can earn a large amount of Merit Points?"

Upon hearing this, the other officers looked at Tang Wulin as if he were a fool…

It seemed they didn't understand how he could make such a statement so calmly!

After all, it's the Abyssal Tide we're talking about!

Being able to keep one's life is already a great fortune!

However, Long Yuxue didn't deny his words and affirmed, "Correct, the Abyssal Tide indeed brings huge Merit Points, and it is the best choice for advancing in military rank!"

After getting confirmation, Tang Wulin earnestly said, "Officer, I want to be on the front line!!"

Seeing this, Gu Yue couldn't help but tug at his arm...

Clearly, the former's action was not very rational!

Because she noticed that the other officers always had a hint of fear in their eyes!

Long Yuxue showed a relieved expression, "Very good, this is what our Special Services officers should be like!"

"However, this operation will be under the joint command of me and Major Jiang Qiyue, and the specific battle plan is still to be discussed!"


Meanwhile, Jiang Qiyue did not immediately go to gather the soldiers and arrange the battle plan, but instead sought out Xu Sheng!

Surprised by the unexpected visit, Xu Sheng asked, "July, what brings you to me?"

Jiang Qiyue blinked her beautiful eyes, "Hehe, Xu Sheng, can't I come to see you if there's nothing?"

Xu Sheng raised an eyebrow slightly, "Is that so? Then I'm leaving, do as you please!"

Jiang Qiyue suddenly became anxious and called out to stop him, "Xu Sheng, wait, I really do have something for you!"

Xu Sheng, who had anticipated this, crossed his arms and chuckled lightly, "Let's hear it, what is it?"

Jiang Qiyue took a deep breath and said word by word, "Here's the thing, Xu Sheng, I want to invite you as an adviser to assist me in arranging the battle plan against the Abyssal Tide!"

Xu Sheng pondered, "Abyssal Tide? You mean the uprising in the Abyssal Passage?"

He had already sensed something was amiss yesterday, but had thought it was just a normal occurrence!

Jiang Qiyue nodded, "That's right, the Abyssal Tide will bring about a huge number of abyssal creatures, and we need to take it seriously!!"

"How about it, Xu Sheng, are you willing?"

Xu Sheng replied calmly, "I'm quite willing, but why do you think I can help you?"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Qiyue pouted, "Anyone who can teach a freakish student like Tang Wulin must be extraordinary!"

Moreover, she had conducted a thorough background check on Xu Sheng in private!

It was confirmed that he was indeed a former teacher at East Sea Academy, but that was many years ago!

So she conjectured that he very likely had joined Shrek Academy as well!

This one investigation turned out to be significant, as she finally understood Xu Sheng's true identity!

He was not only a teacher at Shrek Academy but also a member of the Elders of the Sea God Pavilion!

Who else to seek help from, if not from him?

With that thought, she stared at him with eager eyes, "So, what's your decision??"


Afterward, Jiang Qiyue, Long Yuxue, and the other officers discussed the matter in detail!

The soldiers from the Special Services will serve as the Vanguard Unit to scout the Abyssal Passage!

To clarify the scale of this Abyssal Tide and which Abyssal Passages are involved!

This will allow the following warriors to reach the front lines in the shortest time possible, to fight and provide support!

After ending the meeting, Jiang Qiyue looked at all the officers participating and declared with intensity, "The Abyssal Tide has a significant impact on the entire Continent, so our operation this time must succeed, failure is not an option!"

The rest of the officers also responded excitedly, "Yes!!"



