
Chapter 1822: Goal - Enlist in the Army (Please Subscribe)_1

Seeing that everyone else had already shared their plans, Xie Xie looked at Yuanen Yehui with eager anticipation. "Ye Hui, Xiao Yan, and Zheng Yu, Lizhi and Xing Lan are all planning to join the military. What about us?"

If the latter wanted to join the military too, he would definitely stick by their side like a shadow to protect them with everything he had!

Upon hearing this, Yuanen Yehui glanced at Xie Xie disapprovingly. "What do you mean by 'us'? Did I say I wanted to do anything with you?"

Seeing this, Xie Xie coughed and whispered in her ear, "Come on, Ye Hui, everyone is here now, give me some face..."

Yuanen Yehui hummed softly and pondered. "Originally, I wasn't planning on pursuing a military career, but since Teacher Xu proposed it, I think I could give it a try!"

It was simply because of her absolute trust in Xu Sheng!!

Following the path he had laid out for her would definitely take her to the next level!

Xie Xie immediately beat his chest and took up the conversation, "Then I'll stay by your side to protect you!"

At these words, Xu Xiaoyan couldn't help but laugh. "Xie Xie, you protect Ye Hui? Don't end up being the one who needs protecting!"

Yue Zhengyu nodded in agreement, "Exactly, exactly, if I'm not mistaken, Ye Hui's strength is actually far beyond yours!"

Ye Xinglan couldn't hide the smile on her face. "Xie Xie, although I hate to admit it, it seems like Ye Hui doesn't need your protection!"

A somewhat infuriated Xie Xie, bristling with defiance, retorted, "You all... what if I become Ye Hui's human shield then??"

This statement triggered a roar of laughter, but no one pursued the matter further...

Xu Sheng raised his hand to stop their laughter, "Alright, now we're just left with Gu Yue and Wulin. What are your plans after this?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Yue thought for a moment, hesitated, and then said, "Me? I'm planning to return to my clan. I shouldn't have any involvement with joining the military!"

She already had a powerful Soul Beast Legion; there was no need to join the military!

The only thing she needed to do was to gain approval from Leng Yaozhu and the council members as soon as possible to become the master of the Spirit Pagoda!

Then, with her Soul Beast Legion having a place for refuge, she could finally have the time to do what she loved!

Hearing this, everyone's brows furrowed slightly. Xu Xiaoyan said sympathetically, "Gu Yue, if you return to your clan, doesn't that mean Wulin will be all alone again?"

Ye Xinglan nodded, "Yeah, Gu Yue, think about it again. Do you really have the heart to see Wulin fight alone in the military?"

Yue Zhengyu sighed, "Gu Yue, you don't know. In the days without you, Wulin often sits on the ground, lost in thought all alone."

Xie Xie also suggested, "Gu Yue, if there's nothing major happening with your clan, it's better to join the military with Wulin!"

But Tang Wulin stopped them, shaking his head, "Everyone... stop it. Gu Yue should follow her own heart! I don't mind!"

Although he desperately wanted Gu Yue to join the military with him, she wasn't his puppet, she had her own thoughts!

If he retained her using this method, how would it be any different from coercion?

Gu Yue seemed to sense that Tang Wulin's heart was not as calm as his outward appearance suggested, and she stared straight at his cheek, "Wulin..."

Although she felt a little guilty, she did not change her mind because of it...

"Sorry, Wulin, my family is waiting for me. I can't join the military with you!"

Tang Wulin, who had anticipated this outcome, forced a smile, "It's okay, Gu Yue. Just do what you think is right. If I join the army alone, I definitely won't disgrace Shrek Academy!"

With things having come this far, Xie Xie and the others didn't feel it was appropriate to say more, and they all sighed quietly...

Wulin, oh Wulin, why must it be so hard for you? If you join the army alone, how many years will it be before you can see Gu Yue again!

After understanding the situation, Xu Sheng said, "Aside from Gu Yue, the rest of you plan to enlist in half a year, right? I will report this matter and have Sea God's Pavilion facilitate connections for you! We will try to assign you to different military regions."

As soon as these words were spoken, Yue Zhengyu scratched his head, looking somewhat embarrassed, "Um, Teacher Xu, about being assigned to different military regions... "

Although they did not yearn to be in the same military region as all the Shrek Seven Monsters, at the very least, they wanted to be together with their loved ones!

Xu Sheng blinked her dark eyes, "Don't worry, I know what you little ones are worried about!"

Then, turning toward Gu Yue, she reminded, "By the way, Gu Yue, if you change your mind later, you can always come to me!"

Gu Yue, however, seemed somewhat distracted as she responded, "I know... Teacher Xu!"


Inside the office!

Shen Yi was holding a register of new students, which listed the profiles of the students that had recently joined Shrek Academy...

After going through all the students' information, he couldn't help but sigh, "The overall quality of the students joining Shrek Academy this time doesn't seem to be as high as before!"

Standing beside him with a cup of tea, Cai Yue'er slowly took a sip before explaining, "Yes, because of a proposal by Elder Ya'li, the admission criteria were lowered."

Shen Yi was puzzled, "Why do that? Shrek Academy shouldn't be short on applicants!"

If it were up to him, he'd rather have fewer talented students than fill the ranks with mediocrity.

Cai Yue'er's lips curled up slightly, "Indeed, Shrek Academy is never short on applicants, but the incident with the Twelfth-Grade Soul Guidance Shell from a few years back still had a significant impact."

"If we didn't relax the requirements, I'm afraid we wouldn't have enough students to fill even a few classes. Therefore, setting the admission condition to be above level twenty-five and not older than thirteen was the result of detailed discussions by Sea God's Pavilion, to maximize our talent recruitment."

After a pause, Cai Yue'er said with curiosity, "However, Shen Yi, from what you said earlier, it seems you're not satisfied with this batch of students!"

Shen Yi sighed helplessly, "Elder Cai, it's not that I'm unsatisfied, but the Martial Souls possessed by these new students are all extremely ordinary! There wasn't even a single outstanding Martial Soul!"

Cai Yue'er expressed her surprise, "Oh? Not even one outstanding Martial Soul? I actually didn't know about this. Shen Yi, give me the list!"

Upon hearing this, Shen Yi handed over the register of new students, his lips twitching a few times...

It was normal for the former not to know; after returning to Shrek Academy, all this work had piled up on her...

Of course, the only compensation, perhaps, was the honorary title of deputy dean!

After a quick glance, Cai Yue'er closed the register of new students and spoke indifferently, "Hmm... They are indeed all very ordinary, but I have faith in these children. The reason Shrek Academy is called Shrek Academy is never about transforming monsters into monsters!"


