
I Pursue the Villain! [BL]

When Kai Lunao was on his way back home from school, he picked up a mysterious BL book titled, "The Gold Knight." Shortly after reading the book, he died from a fire. Shockingly he transmigrates into the book! Kai reincarnates as the hero's childhood best friend who was destined to be left behind by the hero of the book. His fate was to fall into an unrequited love with the hero who was the protagonist of the book. However, Kai adores the Villain! Kai does not want to fall in love with the hero, instead, he wants to pursue the Villain!

harutotreasure13 · Fantaisie
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37 Chs


"When do you think they will wake up?" A female voice asked curiously.

"Caliban should wake up any minute now, however, I'm afraid that it will take Kai longer to wake up because he is in a coma despite the fact that Prince Rowan saved his life."

"I see, it's a shame. His majesty and her majesty were finally reunited with their long lost son, however their son is in a coma."

"I feel so bad for the Queen. I heard from the other maid's that the Queen locked herself up in her palace in sadness."

What were they talking about?

I groaned as I tried to get up from the bed.

I saw two nurses outside of my room.

"Where is Kai?" I demanded.

"Quick! Call the doctor! He is awake!" One nurse yelled to the other nurse.

The other nurse nodded and ran off.

"Where. Is. Kai." I repeated myself with a deadly glare.

The nurse's eyes widened in fear.

"Room 202!" The nurse yelled out.

I slowly got up from my bed and walked to Room 202, which did not take me long as it was right next door to mine.

My heart clenched painfully when I saw Kai.

Kai was deathly pale, and he lied down peacefully on the bed.

I sat down on the chair beside his bed.

Why was I so weak? I couldn't even protect him!

I was angry. Angry at myself for not being strong enough to protect him from that damn dragon.

I grabbed his hand gently.

I remembered what he told me after the confrontation with Asher and Crown Prince Caspian.

"You are not a monster, Caliban. You are human, just like everyone else. I see you as my friend, I'm not afraid of you."

I was shocked when Kai said that. He was the first person to view me as his friend and not as a monster.

After his confession to pursue me, I remember telling him, "I'll never fall in love with you Kai."

I lied. I have already fallen for him, hard.

He piqued my interests in our first encounter, but after spending time with him, I grew to love him. But, I can't love him. Everyone around me always got hurt. This was proven by my mother's death and Kai's injury.

The first 5 years of my life was the only time I felt love. After my mother's death, all I've known was hate.

But, every time I am with Kai, I feel these weird feelings. Feelings that I thought I lost.


"Please wake up. I'm sorry for being so weak." I said with tears streaming down my face.

"Can I speak with you Caliban?" A voice asked.

I spun around and came face to face with Jace.

"You, you are the god of death? Jace Nightwalker?"


"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

Jace motioned me to step outside.

I followed him outside and all of a sudden, it turned dark.

"Where are we?"

It looked like we were in some sort of throne room.

"The Eternal Darkness, my home."

I walked towards him and grabbed his shirt.

"Take me back!" I yelled with a furious gaze.

Why was I at his house?

"Relax, I'm not going to eat you." Jace said grinning.

I regained my composure and let go of his shirt.

"Talk." I said, crossing my arms.

"Well, I know why Kai is still in a coma."

"What! Tell me!"

Jace smirked.

"Not without a price. Nothing is free."

"What do you want then?"

"You just owe me a favor."

I clenched my fist.



"Now tell me."

"Well, Kai will not wake up until my boyfriend is done with him." Jace said.

I swung my fist right at his face and grinned when I heard a cracking sound.

"Fuck Caliban, that's not what I meant!" Jace yelled.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Then what did you mean?"

"Kai is currently trapped in Ajax's dream world." Jace responded.

"Ajax? Dream world?" I questioned.

Jace nodded.

"Ajax Arlo is my boyfriend. He is a minor god of time. He is basically a time keeper. He is currently with Kai right now and will release him after he tells him some things."

My eyes widened in shock.

"There are minor gods?!? I thought there were only 5 great gods/goddesses."

"There are more than a billion gods, however many of them are very weak. They are known as minor gods. This is because there are very little people who know their existence. Gods are only immortal as long as they are remembered."

"That's crazy." I said, running my hands through my dark black hair.

"What does the minor god of time have to do with my Kai?"

"He needs him to help save the world."

"What. That makes no sense. Why him? Couldn't that fake ass pussy boy, Ashie or Ashen or whatever his name was save the world?" I asked.

Jace looked at me with a serious expression.

"You can not tell anyone what I am about to tell you. The only ones that already know is Kai and Rowan."

"Kai and Rowan are reincarnated."

"Reincarnated? I never heard that word before. What does it mean?"

"It means that a person from another world has been transported into the body of another in this world."

I gasped in surprise.

Before I could say anything, I was suddenly back outside of the infirmary, Jace no where in sight. It made me wonder if I was just hallucinating. But I knew that it was real.

It did not bother me that Kai was reincarnated, I was just a little sad that Kai never told me.

[1.5 Years Later, Location: The Emerald Palace]

A year and a half has passed since then, and I spent my days visiting Kai who was still in a coma.

I found out that my father and the King practically threw me away to the Silvan Kingdom.

The whole royal palace of Silvan was in a depressed state.

The Queen who had just found her lost long son locked herself up in her room, refusing to meet anyone because Kai was in a coma.

The King busied himself with paper work.

The 1st and 2nd prince were moodier than usual and I haven't seen Rowan anywhere. However, it seems like Jace has been keeping the 2 princes as well as the Crown Prince of Arna company.

And it seems to me that Jace, Zale, Perseus and Felix and Ajax were all together in a relationship. I don't know all the details, but somehow they are all dating each other.

I made my way to the infirmary and sat down in the chair.

I felt tears starting to fall.

"I love you, please. Wake up. I'm sorry for not being strong enough to protect you." I said as I cried.

It seems like ever since Kai went into a coma, I have been a huge crybaby much to my embarrassment.

Before I met Kai, I barely let out my true emotions. But, it seems as if he had changed me.

"Do you really mean it? You love me?" Kai said.

My eyes widened in shock.

"Kai!! You are awake!" I exclaimed as I hugged him.