
I Promised to be Nice

The adventures and memories of Yena as she moves to Aecrea in order to fulfill her promise. Will she be able to forget her ruby eyed, blackhead childhood love, or will she find a new hubby? Why does she need to be nice? What happened in Oswell? Read to find out more!! Two chapters weekly*

tpi13 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


Yena paused in front of the door. She sighed, and lifted both of her pointer fingers and pressed the creases next to her mouth. "Smile," she said, pulling them up.

The streets were empty since it was the break of dawn. Yena looked up at the golden sky that would soon become a light blue. Then, she turned her gaze to the grass that had a frost-like sheet that signaled an early winter. She smiled. 'Thank God that the day is early.'

Yena's house was on the edge of the village which was quite small compared to the other village Yena lived in. Yena's father was a scientist. He was well known within the empire, but having failed his annual progress report James was stripped of his title and position as Head Researcher.

Because of that, James and Yena moved to Yena's mother's home town. In fact, Yena was born here but moved to Oswell when she was a baby due to her father's job. And again, she had to move back because of her father's job.

Oswell was more luxurious. High class. Ladies wore gowns to pick up their children, and men played Kercer ball in clubs.

It was better this way. They already had a house back in Aercea that remained vacant throughout all these years. And so, Yena and her father moved back.

Aecrea, a new village. This time will be different. I am different.


*Back in Oswell when Yena was young*

It was a quiet morning when a shriek filled the damp air.

"No! I don't wanna. I don't wanna. I don't wanna."

"Yena! Stop that right now. You're gonna have to!" Reagan screamed as she struggled to pull Yena from her father's leg. Yena grasped it like her life depended on it.

" I don't wanna!" She chanted one last time before her mother ripped her from her savior.

"Come on Rea, just let her do whatever she wants. It's the first day of school. If you guys argue too much then we'll all be late."

"Daddy, I don't wanna wear pink or have my hair tied up. Why can't Mommy just let me be!" Big pearls started flowing from her huge violet eyes. She shook off her mother and ran into her father's arms.

"Just let her be Rea" he pleaded once more. But Reagan had already had her hands around Yena.

That day Yena walked into her classroom wearing a neon pink dress. Her beautiful locks were chained together in two tight braids that fell to her shoulders.

Even as a child, Yena was beautiful. Her silver hair with a glossy fine finish and her violet eye enchanted even the teachers. Everyone in town knew of her beauty, her delicate features. And everyone had the same wish… 'If only her personality matched her angle-like appearance.'

Since she was late there was only one seat left. Straight smack front and center of Teacher Oh. But, Yena didn't care. She waltzed into her class and headed towards the back row.


Yena starfished her palm onto the desk where a geeky boy sat. 'Easy,' she thought as she stared into her reflection in his glasses. She got angry at the sight of her neon reflection and was glad when the boy turned his head and quivered.

"Scram" she commanded.

The boy fell out of his chair and grabbed his backpack. The whole class murmured as they witnessed the start of Yena's tyranny.

"Welcome to kindergarten!" Ms. Oh managed to squeak out. She forced out a smile to calm the entire class.


When Reagan got to the school many other mothers already swarmed the windows to watch their little angels play.

"Look, there my little Ava playing house with Mary"

"Look at Mathew and Conner play blocks! They will make quite the architects when they grow up!"

Reagan tiptoed to see if she could pick out Yena within the group of children. But, she was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, the crowd watched in horror as a muddy monster entered the room and began to chase everyone around.

"It must be one of the boys" a mother chuckled, hiding her sarcasm. Everyone could see the bits of neon pink under the mud.

"What a disgrace. My Matthew would never!" another said her fanning herself.

Rea covers her eyes with her hands. She couldn't stand to watch the horror in front of her.

Just then, Yena noticed her mother.

"Momma!" the monster called. The crowd of onlookers parted and there stood Reagan.

One of the ladies smiled. " Oh my, your daughter is so... cute. She's so...active isn't she. Wouldn't she make a great hunter," she unfolded her fan which revealed a sparrow crest and began to fan herself. Rea recognized her. It was Countess Marmalade. Her father was an exotic fruit merchant while her husband was the cousin of Duke Brenerd.

The other ladies joined her laughter, but Reagan knew their true meaning. Hunter. A man's job. Unlike a knight, it was a job for peasants. A job in which many brave men died. To call her daughter a hunter in front of so many implied that the Countess didn't favor Yena. Not only that she didn't favor her, but wished death upon her.

To the other ladies, Yena was a mixed breed. James was the third son of Baron Grey while Reagan was a commoner.

The Grey family were originally Dukes and Duchesses that were favored in the last regime. However, they opposed the succession of King Adrian who belonged to the noble faction.

When Adrian became King he took power from the Greys' and other supporters in the King's faction. The Duke became a Baron and had James and his siblings under that title. But, King Adrian had already taken away their merchant ships, their trade, and even their business partners. They were destroyed.

However, James became well known for his inventions and studies. While other nobles were reluctant to say it, they respected his work and dedication to science.

Just when the Greys started to earn back their respect, James married Reagan. A commoner. A peasant. And she just had to move to Oswell.

Rea was despised by the noblewomen. But, Rea was strong and intelligent. James fell for her for that reason.

"Yes, my daughter will become the best sparrow hunter in the city of Oswell. Don't you think?" Rea replied.

Countess Marmalade scoffed at Reagan not knowing what to say. She closed her fan shut and thought of a comeback.

"Yena!" Reagan called leaving no time for the Countess to respond, "It's time to go home. We have to prepare the sparrows I caught for dinner!"

Yena looked to her mother who smiled lovingly. But, she knew that smile. She knew that the twitch in her mother's lips meant, ' I'm going to murder you, and there's nothing you can do about it.'

She froze and dropped her smile. Ms. Oh was then able to catch her with a towel and wipe off the mud.

Yena obediently gulped the fear in her throat and followed her mother.

Hello! this is my first time publishing my writing. I know its kind of awkward, but thank you for reading!

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