
Chapter 5 : We wouldn't go this far (2)

PD Jung-woo Song unexpectedly had business with Seo-hoon Jung, who seemed to have hurried over with a slightly flushed expression.


"Do you have any idea how long I've been looking for you? Ah, the expression you showed that time, it was absolutely captivating. I couldn't get it out of my head, haha."


Jung-woo Song continued non-stop.


"I heard you came for the audition, but when you didn't show up, you have no idea how awkward it was. I had bragged to the writer that we found the perfect role for you, and then to be stood up, I was in disbelief. Was there some kind of emergency?"


"Oh, wow. Is that true? Was my Seo-hoon really such a perfect fit?"


"I had no idea our department's youngest knew him. Heh, the world is indeed small. But what's the relationship between you two?"


"He's my younger brother."


"Ah, I thought so. Seeing the acting vibe from both siblings, I figured you couldn't hide such talent."


"…You used to say I don't catch the camera's eye at all."


"No, that's not what we're talking about right now. Cough, cough."


After clearing his throat, Jung-woo Song asked with a more serious tone, "So, the younger brother of our department's youngest, what's your name? Oh, right, I'm Jung-woo Song, the director. I directed 'Prince Sky,' 'Winter Villa,' and 'Faded Lake.'"


"Ah, yes. I'm Seo-hoon Jung."



"Director Song, my brother really doesn't watch dramas or movies at all… Oh my! What am I saying? I should've lied and said he's a drama fanatic… Ah, sorry."


"Ah, well. If he doesn't watch dramas or movies at all, it's understandable."


What Jung-woo Song had listed were his blockbuster hits, making a significant mark in the history of Korean dramas. He was smug, thinking, 'If he's into acting, of course, he'd know them all,' but now felt foolish for worrying too much about how to calm him if he reacted too strongly.


'But he doesn't know dramas or movies at all?'


Then what was that acting I saw?

Jung-woo Song examined Seo-hoon's face carefully.

Even without a camera, it was clear how he would appear on screen. Yet, the wild ferocity he saw before was nowhere to be found. Instead, Seo-hoon was the epitome of a gentle and exemplary young man.


'To think his emotional immersion could override the prejudice of his visual image…'


I want to see it properly.

Not with the naked eye, but through the camera monitor.


"If you are not into something right now, I would like to see you act."


"I'm sorry, but I thought I wouldn't pass that day, so I gave up at the last minute."


"Not pass? Who says that?"


Why Seo-hoon didn't appear at the audition wasn't important anymore.


"It's just, my sister has a severe case of celebrity syndrome, so she told me to quit dreaming…"


"Really? Soo-ryeon said that?"


"Hey! When did I ever!"


In truth, those were Seo-hoon's words to Soo-ryeon.


"Height, looks, acting skills, nothing works out, and once you get a few confessions from unattractive people, you think you're all that. That's when you're nearly incurable, and you have to pull out immediately and get treated…"


"You little brat! Slandering your sister like that! Those were all your words!"


"…Haha, siblings really do have a great relationship."


"I'll be heading in first then. My shift has ended."


"…Part-time job?"


Normally, one wouldn't leave because they had a part-time job.

He's leaving even though his part-time job has ended?


"Ah, my brother sometimes helps me out with physical tasks. Carrying stuff, driving. I've been banned from driving by our mother."


"Still, just once…"


"It was a pleasure meeting you. I'm leaving now."


Seo-hoon bowed politely and turned away without hesitation.

As Jung-woo Song watched his neatly disciplined gait, he turned to Soo-ryeon.


"Did our department's youngest have such a brother?"


"He's not my brother but my enemy. But in front of you, he still saved me though. He's probably planning to charge me interest again."


"Try talking to your brother. Just for a camera test, okay?"


"Is he really a perfect match for the role? Did you feel that immediately when you saw him?"


"Oh, absolutely! I'm really good at catching these moments of inspiration. The moment I saw him act, he was exactly the character I had imagined."


"But what role is it?"

"Private Jin-wook Lee."

"…Ah, Private Jin-wook Lee."


Soo-ryeon's expression slightly deflated at that moment, but Jung-woo Song was too absorbed in his own thoughts to notice.


"It's a supporting role for just one episode, but the character is so good that if acted well, it could really make an impression and even steal the scene…"






"Just don't do it."


"That drama audition."


"Why? Because you suddenly got the celebrity bug?"

"I wasn't planning on it, but telling me not to do it makes me want to do it."


Wouldn't that be the most Seo-hoon-like response? Soo-ryeon sighed heavily.


"I thought you were making a fuss over a semi-leading role. But it's just a bit part that ends after one episode. A supporting role that's pretty much a cameo."


"It seems like you were the one who couldn't even land roles like that."


"I'm seriously trying to deflate your ego right now, so at least refer to me with some respect."


"I never got carried away in the first place."


Soo-ryeon, scratching her head in frustration, continued.


"Street casting miracles are things of the past. Unless a director takes a special interest in you for a leading role, it's hopeless. I'm worried you'll get carried away by PD Song's flattery."


"I have no intention of pursuing it."


"I know, but getting pulled out is scary, isn't it? I took a while to come back to my senses too, right?"


"I remember watching that whole mess."




Slightly irritated, Soo-ryeon brushed her hair back in annoyance.


"PD Song's persuasive skills are no joke. He could sell ice to Eskimos. Convincing naive kids like you is a piece of cake. Listening to him, you'd think 'So it is possible to make bean paste out of beans,' right?"


"It is made from beans, though."


"Look at you, already spellbound. I am an idiot who thought we could actually talk.


Seo-hoon nearly let his "soldier" façade slip in front of Soo-ryeon.


"Even if they contact you, just say no. If they ask to meet, just shut them down. You're good at that, right? Ah, maybe not to men? Anyway, be thorough."


"Why would they contact me?"


"Sorry. I gave them your number."


"Why would you do that and then tell me not to do it?"


"My boss thinks you have potential and asked for your number to talk, could you really say no?"



"If your boss at a big corporation offers your sibling a good intern position, would you be able to say, 'My sibling doesn't do internships'? Try living my life."


"Forget it, give it here."


Seo-hoon held out his palm, and Soo-ryeon placed two $50 bills on it.


"Ignore PD Song's call and use this to go to a club or something."


"That's a pretty cheap way to buy a pardon. Won't it all be gone after transport and entry fees?"


"My salary isn't great, so it can't be helped. You should try not to end up like me. Don't even glance this way, let alone come near."


"At least you're not trying to drag me down with you."


"I never intended to use you as a driver in the first place. How about it? If you talk to mom this time…"


"Planning to crash the bumper again?"


"Hey! That was an accident! I am a best driver now!"


"You took the car out without permission again?"


"…I'm starving."




Seo-hoon had no room to store Jung-woo Song's words. Balancing two sets of memories and adapting to his current life was training enough. Although still hypersensitive to external stimuli, his actions were now perfectly under control. The desire not to be in crowded places remained strong. Surrounded by many people, his heart thumped loudly enough to hear.


"Hello. Is this Seo-hoon?"


Then came a call from PD Jung-woo Song, less than an hour after Soo-ryeon had spoken.


"It's Jung-woo Song, the PD from your sister's broadcasting station. Remember?"


"I've decided to give it up. I just don't have the talent for it."


As much as he had made up the excuse of acting practice to avoid an awkward situation before, this response felt fitting.


"Oh, siblings often fail to see each other's strengths. Everyone does that. A third party can often provide a more objective view. Just give the camera test a try."


"I'm sorry."


"Just give me half a day of your time. Think of it as a part-time job for a day. I'll give you $1600 as a transportation fee, how about it?"


"…Is it normal to offer that much?"


"Normally, we wouldn't go this far."