
Chapter 3 The Wish of a Tier-3 Mage

The changes in the cemetery couldn't escape Sherrell's eyes. His consciousness sank into the cemetery. He held the dragon egg in his hand, which read, "The wishing power is 20/100.". It should be at the level of 100 wishing power so that the dragon egg would hatch and the wishing dragon would come out.

He looked at the frightening shadow of the evil dragon in the sky and didn't know whether to cry or to laugh.

"This egg is your real body, isn't it?"

The shadow of the evil dragon disappeared with a bang, turning into smoke and entering the dragon egg.

A muffled sneer came from the dragon egg.

Sherrell's conscious body burst into laughter.

The night fell. In the enslaving dormitory, the new people turned over again and again. They were full of fear of the unknown life, and it was difficult for them to fall asleep.

Sherrell had a graveyard of the evil dragon. Considering his own situation, he noticed that he was safe for the time being, so Sherrell slept extra soundly.

When Sherrel woke up in the morning, he felt relaxed all over.

The servants had already quickly gotten up from the big shared bed. After a simple cleaning, they hurried to their own positions.

Sherrell and other four new servants also got up. However, since no one had assigned them any work, they had to stay put.

Outside the window, someone with a black hat flashed by. Steward Slade walked into the dormitory.

"You look energetic, guys. From now on, you have work to do. "

Slade raised his head slightly and only half of his face was exposed under his hood. Pointing at Sherrell and Sodota, he said, "You two, go with me. The other three will be taken away by another steward later."

After saying that, he walked out of the dormitory. Sherrell and Sodota hurried to follow him.

"What are we going to do?"

"To the Magic Garden, you are assigned to the Mage Chelsey. You needed to help take care of the magic plants."

"Do you mean the site where a child died yesterday?" Asked Sherrell. At the thought of what had happened yesterday, Sodota began to shiver.

Slade stopped and looked back at them. "The site where a child died? In the Magic Tower, almost each site was dangerous and had caused death. "

"Why doesn't the guy over there speak?"

"He is dumb." Sherrell answered for Sodota.

"Dumb? Good. The dumb will live longer than others usually. "

The Magic Garden was not far from the Servant Dormitory, because they were all built at the edge of the Magic Tower.

There were not many buildings in the iron fences. There were unknown plants on the vast field. As they walked inside, they saw a two story building surrounded by many green plants.

They walked along the path yesterday. The birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. It was quiet and peaceful. Many of the big buds were drooping their heads, as if they were asleep.

But the whole time, Sodota was shaking, extremely nervous.

He knew that as long as he touched these flower buds, he would become the nutrients of these flowers, just like the unlucky boy yesterday.

Approaching the two-floor building, when Sodota was extremely nervous, a loud bang suddenly came, and thick smoke billowed out from the second floor. A man in servant clothes fell down from the second floor. His body was badly mutilated and he bumped into Sodota.

Sodota was surrounded by glass fragments, but the man fell on him. Although Sodota was hit hard by that man, his body blocked the aftermath of the bomb for Sodota.

Sherrell hid behind the steward when the explosion happened. With a wave of his right hand, a translucent shield blocked the debris. And Sherrell was not hurt either.

Taking a look at Sodota, he grinned and said, "You are still alive. Lucky for you, little dummy."

In a hurry, Sodota pushed the corpse away. He checked his body, there was even no any small wound.

"I am still alive! The wish I made yesterday is true! "Thinking of this, he felt grateful for the real name of the evil dragon he recited yesterday.

"The evil dragon gets 1 wishing power, and you get 1 points."

Taking a look at Sodota, Sherrell was a little surprised to know that the person who had achieved his wish could continue to obtain points.

"Damn it! I failed again! "

A roar came from the second floor. Soon a man in a mage robe with mud all over his face came out from the second floor.

"Chelsey, can't you give your servant a little safety protection? It must be the last time I send servants to you. If someone died this time, I won't send to you again. "

"Oh, my dear Slide, I will be careful. As long as I thoroughly study the project assigned by my master, no one would die here! "

"Don't try anymore. It's already the last day now. Tomorrow is the day for our master's investigation. If you still can't find your work, you can get out of the Magic Garden. " 

After saying that, the Steward Slade put on his hood and sneered, "Goodbye, Mr. Mage who is about to be demoted."  

After saying that, Slide left Sherrell and the little dumb Sodota behind, turned and left.

Chelsey, who was standing behind him, picked up a vase from the shelf and smashed it on the ground.

"Damn it! How dare you laugh at me! I am the great mage Chelsey! Ah, I want to succeed. I must succeed tonight! "Chelsey was a little bewitched. When he turned his head, he suddenly saw Sherrell. Chelsey stared at Sherrell nervously.

Sherrell got goose bumps under his strange gaze.

Chelsey laughed, opened his mouth and got close to her, "I smell the magic. You, the new servant, have already sensed the existence of the magic power? "

Last night, Sherrell used one hundred points to upgrade and become a tier-1 apprentice mage. Apparently, he was discovered by the tier-3 mage in front of him.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know. I know. It's good to have magic power of you, bacause you can help me then. What's your names? "

"My name is Sherrell and his name is Sodota. He is dumb."

"Dumb? Pretty good. Wait, what are you taking about? Why did I sense an evil aura?" Chelsey suddenly approached Sodota and took out a piece of paper from Sodota's pocket. On this paper it was the real name of the wishing dragon written by Sherrell last night.


Chelsey read it out curiously. Suddenly, the room became cold, and the servants and roof beside him disappeared. Chelsey seemed to be caught into a dark world, which was empty and chilling.

When he raised his head again, a giant dragon's head floated in the air and clung to Chelsey's face.

"Loser! Why did you summon the great wishing dragon? What wish do you want to realize? Tell me what you want to trade. I can consider to fulfill your wish. "

"Fulfill my wish?"

Chelsey opened his mouth wide and suddenly became happy.

"The Evil Dragon Cemetery Notice: Chelsey wants to pass tomorrow's examination and create a pure magic potion.He was willing to trade with a life span of ten years. Dear administrator, do you agree?"