
I open a tavern in Tang Dynasty

Traveling through the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Nuo only wanted to run his tavern peacefully, and when the economy improved, buy a slave and marry a beautiful wife to live a good life. However, on the first day of business, a special guest arrived: Li Shimin. As a time traveler, he possessed a vision and knowledge far beyond this era, and his casual remarks shocked Li Shimin. Soon after, Zhang Nuo discovered that his casual words had become the governing policy of the Tang Dynasty...

Eric_whites · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Booking “cabbage”

Mr. Fang, who had figured it out in his mind, casually took a bite of his food and said to Zhang Nuo without even looking at him,

"Master, although the matter of getting married can be temporarily set aside, there is no problem with taking a concubine. I think the little sister would be a good choice."

Before Zhang Nuo could even speak, Zhang Erniang and Doggy nodded in agreement, as if they were eager for Zhang Nuo to immediately take the little sister into his room.

However, the little sister stopped using her chopsticks at this moment. Although she still kept her head low, her ears were perked up, listening attentively.

Zhang Nuo was also caught off guard by Mr. Fang's words.

In his eyes, Zhang Xiaomei was just a fourteen years old girl, equivalent to an unfinished junior high school student in modern times, like a small sapling.

No matter how bold he was, he could not do such a thing!

Therefore, in the face of the slightly resentful and charming look in the little girl's eyes these days, he could only pretend not to see it.

But Zhang Nuo couldn't help but sigh at the fact that this little girl was indeed a beautiful embryo. At such a young age, her eyes were like hooks, capable of bewitching people's hearts.

If she grew up a few more years, she would surely be a stunning beauty.

Well, after careful consideration, Zhang Nuo decided not to let this beauty cause any trouble to others in the future. He reluctantly decided to keep her for a few more years and eventually accept this enchantress as his own.

So, with the thought of this beautiful little girl already in his pocket, Zhang Nuo boldly announced to everyone at the dinner table, especially to Zhang Xiaomei's mother and elder brother,

"From now on, Zhang Xiaomei's monthly allowance will be raised to one strings. I have already reserved this girl. When her body has grown in a few more years, and I have finished my mourning period, I will let her enter my door as my wife!"

"Zhang Erniang, Doggy, do you have any objections? If not, Mr.Fang will go and give some money as a betrothal gift later."

At this moment, Zhang Erniang and Doggy had no objections. They saw that the master's business was getting bigger and bigger, and he might even become an official in the future.

Although this was not an immediate wedding, since the master had said so, it meant that he truly had his eyes on their little sister.

There was nothing more to say, and naturally they agreed!

Da Zhuang and Liu San Niang also congratulated Zhang Xiao Mei, knowing that she had found a good match in life.

Zhang Xiao Mei no longer lowered her head and blushed as she ate with chopsticks, stealing glances at Zhang Nuo from time to time.

Zhang Nuo couldn't stand the way she looked at him with those small eyes like hooks.

After a few laps in the courtyard after dinner, Zhang Nuo went to bed.

There was nothing he could do, as it was already late in the Tang Dynasty, and he had to sleep except for making child.

But not long after, he started rolling around in bed!

Because his system had arrived again!

Last time, it buffered to 10% and made him dizzy.

This time was the same. He didn't know how it buffered so fast, but it suddenly reached 20%.

Then it gave him a "ding-dong" notification, scaring him into thinking he had received a Whats App message.

He discovered that it was his game system arriving for the second time, and this time, it was for "function enhancement"!

Then he started rolling around in bed!

It wasn't painful, it was itchy!

His entire body, including his key parts, was itchy and tingly, making it indescribable.

His bones crackled and his pores slowly oozed out some smelly and greasy sweat.

After a short time, the function enhancement was complete, and Zhang Nuo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But before he could check how well his enhancement worked, an unprecedented hunger surged up.

This feeling was like not eating for five days.

Although Zhang Nuo had never experienced not eating for several days, he thought that not eating for five days would probably feel like this.

He couldn't wait a moment longer, so he called Zhang Xiao Mei, ignoring the strange smell in his room, and asked her to go and fetch Da Zhuang and Liu San Niang to cook more food for him.

He specifically instructed them to make more steamed buns and meat, and to work quickly.

Zhang Xiao Mei didn't know what had happened, but she had to follow Zhang Nuo's orders and ran to the front yard in a hurry.

After a brief discussion, they arranged Da Zhuang and Liu San Niang, and Zhang Xiao Mei hurried back.

This was already a prearranged marriage, so nothing should go wrong!

At this moment, Zhang Nuo looked at the sticky substance all over his body, feeling nauseated. If he didn't wash it off, he would probably vomit before even starting to eat.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiao Mei came in and he quickly asked her to boil water, and to boil more, so he could take a good bath.

So Zhang Xiao Mei came in and was immediately sent out again. This time, she had to fetch everyone else and boil two big pots of hot water.

The fire in the stove was burning fiercely, like they didn't have to pay for the firewood.

Although Zhang Xiaomei didn't ask, she could see the disdainful expression on her husband's face. He probably needed a good wash.

Soon enough, the water was boiled and the Doggy helped carry the buckets to the backyard, while continuing to heat more water according to Zhang Xiaomei's plan.

At this moment, Zhang Nuo was too preoccupied to think about anything else, feeling overwhelmed by the odor emanating from his body.

When he heard that the bath water was ready, he didn't even bother putting on his clothes and ran out bare-chested and wearing slippers.

After changing the water four times, Zhang Nuo finally got rid of the disgusting smell that had been plaguing him.

Now, he could finally alleviate the hunger pangs that had been tormenting him.

However, when he dried off and picked up the clean clothes that Xiaomei had prepared for him, Zhang Nuo was surprised to find that they didn't fit him properly, feeling two sizes too small.

Ignoring the growing hunger pangs, Zhang Nuo reluctantly checked his system to see what his latest reward was.

He finally understood that this time he had been given a comprehensive upgrade to his physical fitness, including his height, strength, endurance, and even some private abilities.

Most importantly, his physical memory had been improved!

What is physical memory? Learning martial arts, calligraphy, or painting, are all the result of combining brain memory with physical memory.

This upgrade would further shorten his calligraphy training time, making him a master calligrapher in no time!

This is what you call a surprise!