
Chapter 59

|3rd POV|

The situation in the Khalasar of Kako is getting worse by the day. They do not have any sleep because Valerys sends his people to harass Kako and his horde using the invisibility potions each night.

Each time they are done building their tents, Viserys and his people will raid their tent each night and burn them down. Not only that, they also make sure to destroy all the food the Dothraki manage to gather from the remaining animals and plants around the area. They start to eat grass just to fill their stomach.

What makes matters worse is that they are also running out of arrows because of the constant burning of their tent, and their arrows get burned alongside their tents. Speaking of tents, they are now sleeping out in the open without any protection.

The last thing that broke them was the sight of their horse being butchered at night by the invisible army. After a long day of running away from the invisible army and back to Valysar city, they are exhausted from the lack of sleep and the long journey. When the sun goes down, they go to sleep immediately, and in their sleep, Viserys and his group butcher the entire horse of the Khalasar.

That is the last sign that they are defeated. Their arrows are gone, their food and water are gone, and now their horses are gone. This loss of their horses, which are not just a means of transportation but also symbols of their identity and pride, is the greatest insult to a Dothraki possible. With shame hanging over their heads, the Khalasar walk through the grassland instead of riding horses.

Even after losing their horses, Viserys and his people do not stop. They continue to terrorize the Dothraki with everything they have. Arrow in the dark and slithing of the throat while they are sleeping. Those are among the moves he uses against the Horse Lord.

The Dothraki that comes with Khal Kako starts to call Viserys and his group Demons of the Night in their language. The demon that makes them fear the dark and have nightmares when they close their eyes at night.

However, they get their hopes up when they see Velvet Hill after a few days of walking. They are near the city and can start doing what they did best: Raiding. Within a few more days, they will reach Valysar City.

Khal Kako orders his people to rest underneath the hill, hidden away from the others from the thick forest around them. As the night covers the continent, Khal Kako and his Khalasar sleep fast because they are exhausted from the lack of sleep and constant attacks from Viserys even during the day.

With their mind and bodies begging for relief, they eagerly close their eyes and let the dream world consume them. Sadly for them, Viserys is not done with them. However, he does not do it with a small group of people.

He had already sent someone to inform the others to move out quickly through the forest from the north and enter Velvet Hill. The Dothraki were too tired and too hungry to notice an army moving north of them. Combined with the loss of their stead, they now do not have any scouts who can notify them if there is a movement.

So, when the moon is above them, Viserys moves his hand and silently orders his army to move out. The only sound they release is the sound of their horse. The Dothraki are too deep in their sleep to hear the sound until they are already near enough to their hidden camps.

Viserys takes out his warm horn and blows it up.

When they wake up from their sleep, it is already too late. Two hundred cavalry sweep down the hill and go through their camp like a tsunami, washing away a city. All the horses are equipped with armor. It is a leather armor that Viserys made using the power of Minecraft, and the blacksmith created chainmail on top of it.

"It is the Demon! Demon! Demon!"

One of the Dothraki shouts in fear as he takes his sword to try to hit the incoming cavalry charge. However, before he can even hit the horse or the person on the horse, a massive lance pierces through the unarmored Dothraki.

As for Viserys, he swings his mace left and right as he crushes all the Dothraki standing in front of him. The slaves had already run a long time ago, using the chaos from his group to escape to the Gurlian City.

With no innocent left in the Khalasar, Viserys does not hesitate to use his weapon to go on a killing spree.

Ser Willem rides next to him with his mace in hand. He also crushes all the enemies near him. He makes sure to keep up with his liege to ensure he is safe and prove that he is worthy of being a knight who stands next to a king.

Melisandre stands not too far away from the battlefield and uses the higher ground to use her magic against the Dothraki. Seven snakes made of flame fly out of her hand, and it slither on the ground to burn all the Dothraki who touch them.

Even though the Dothraki are known for their fearlessness, they start to know fear from fighting all the supernatural enemies before them. With that crack in their belief, they start to retreat. The only one who is still fighting is Khal Kako, who screams at his men who are running away.

"Fight! Fight! Fight, you coward!"

With a scream of frustration, Kako looked at the leader of his most hated opponent. He screams and starts running toward Viserys, who is charging at him. Viserys looks at the Khal, and as he gets near, he swings down his weapon.

Kako tries to block his attack, but that is a mistake. He does not prepare for the explosive power of Viserys swings and does not expect his sword to get broken by his attack easily. The mace hit Kako's head and turned it into a meat paste.

Viserys wipes the brain matter off his face and looks at his people butchering the feared Dothraki. After another few minutes, all Dothraki were either dead or managed to get away. With a deep breath, Viserys raises his mace and roars.

The others follow.

The Dragon wins the war against one of the Horse Lords and shows the world that he still has his fang, even on the ground. Viserys don't know it, but it is the start of the expansion of Solaris Kingdom to the mainland Essos.

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