
Chapter 17

I finally told him everything he needed to know from the beginning of time when i met her and to this period, I asked him if we could go to a near by restaurant and discuss more and maybe have some breakfast there.


He didn't act as surprise as I thought he would. So I just listen authentically to what he has to say. "So Seth, you quite your part time job just to be with her." He laughed with mouth full of burger. "I never knew you could sacrifice,"

"Now you do" I replied a little annoyed.

"Its surprising that you could do such a thing. I never knew you had this hidden heart." He said sipping his tea as I glared at him. He noticed and cleared his throat and sat straight. "So what do you want me to do?" He asked with a full attention on me. I hated myself in asking a favor from him. I never knew a day like this would come. But let go of the past.

"Jamie, I need your help. I want you to stand by my side and support me. I pushed you away but I'm bringing you back. Please!" I pleaded as I watch him stare at me with a shocking stare.

"Unbelievable!!! Seth, I never thought this day would come, but I dream of it. You know you didn't push me away and i didn't go away, I am your friend. Understand that. True friends never leave..." He laughed.

"I would stand by your side till the very end Seth" he added as we both fist bumps. I really enjoyed his company. He made me realize what it is to have a true friend. I told him how I wanted to see April so much but she asked me not to.

"What if its her last" I said and Jamie shrugged. "Don't think that"

Well I have too.

Through out today, Jamie had accompanied me. I met with his girlfriend and some of his male friends. I tried to put up a smile and mingle with them but I felt something wasn't right but what is that? What is that thing that kept bugging me.

I became friends with her by a mere help and I'm scared of losing her. Same go to others and that's why I don't want friends. I think I need time alone to figure out what i need.

I left Jamie with his friends and returned to the apartment to at least settle down and know what I want. I never knew time was going until I saw that the sun was already setting.

I had a quick shower and ate some dinner alone. There I sat to think what I really wanted. My kidneys weren't of match. Her kidneys are dead, surgery will lead to fast death. What do I do. What?

I kept on thinking until i fell asleep pretty fast.


Few days have passed and I didn't dare pass that door, I tried calling her but she wasn't picking, she really don't want her dead hurting me.

Through out that day I've been reading the book she has given me and I could tell it was similar to what I'm facing. He has cancer and she has too. Who will die and who will survive among them Both?

Time pass still not having the idea it was already getting late cause through out that day, my routine has been on my bed then when I feel hungry i leave to eat something in the kitchen then watch movie. I had switched off my phone so no one would contact me.

The time was 5:00pm when I heard a knock on my door. I ignore it twice and the third time, it pissed me off that I wanted to go to that door and give the shit what he wants.

The moment I opened the door, I pause to see who stands before me with a grin. "Hey Seth" she calls.

I looked her from head to toe. She's not dead yet and she's standing before me, I rubbed my eyes to be sure I ain't dreaming that she's standing before me.

I still had this feeling even if she shut me out, she dies it will still remain in my heart but she's still alive and here.

"You.... What are you.... Did you sneak out of the hospital" i panicked because she once told me she like to sneak out and what if she does and they find her.

"What do you think" she smiled. This is creepy. I was right that she sneaked out. What do I do. I got scared cause if anything happens now, its me.

"Oh good God, if they find you here" I panic looking around.

"Its alright, I was discharged yesterday" she giggled.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked trying to look upset.

She shrugged. "Wanted to surprise you" she laughed.

"Surprise.... Well this is scary, come in" I invited her in and gestured her to seat on the couch. My house isn't as scattered as many guys would leave their rooms.

Mine is so neat. What a gentle misanthropist.

"What would you like to drink?" I asked walking to the kitchen. "Water will do" I heard her say. "What?" I was sure I heard clearly but I know her as a food monger.

"Why, you don't" I paused for a bit. "What did the doctor say?" I asked cause i know if anyone has to stop her from taking sweet must be the doctors.

"Well, they said I have probability of staying till next month. They should just quite the medication and let me die."

Her words hit me that I felt my body rush to her and knelt before her.

"Hey, why are you so in a hurry to live. Ain't you happy you would be able to see the sun and bright things of next month?" I said tryinh to calm her down.

She shook her head. "I dont think so, even if I do. That would be through my window" she said.

"Window?" I thought out loud that she heard me and nodded.

"I won't be allowed out after today for home treatment and so I was allowed to see a friend and I thought of you. I want to appreciate your time wasting on me."

"I would come over" I said.

"No... I don't want my parent worries to be a burden you can't handle. I guess I'm with my phone so..." She said showing me her phone.

"I can call you" she nodded. "We can make video calls, chat till the very end" she smiled. I hate it when she says end. I got up and took my coat from the hanger and walk to the door. "Where are you going?" She asked looking worried.

I pased her a sweet smile. "I guess its my turn to have fun with you before you get home. Come on let's go." I said passing her a hand.

She grin happily and ran over to me holding my hand as we both head out to have some little fun that evening.






"Ghost" Justin beiber

