
I Need A Hero

Main paring: jin/Hiro Chen is tired seeing his half-Chinese friend continue to mourn the death of his cousin. This becomes the reason why he signs him, jin and jehyun to a summer camp. That would have been the case if he read the ad properly before signing them up for a boot camp made for troublemakers instead. The trio loses hope as they realized how much trouble they were in. Also wanting to murder the butterfly that caused this. However they also unexpectedly meet a handful of people who makes their boot camp experience into something more that just a boot camp, especially for Jin "Chen when you said I need a hero I thought you meant H-E-R-O not H-I-R-O" - Jin

lalieleo · Politique et sciences sociales
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23 Chs



Jake clapped his hands together, delighted st the sight of three sleepy campers and his two friends who were sleepy as well.

the day perfect. the sun was shining (not yet really as it was six in the morning), the wind was just right, and there were no wild animals in sight. just the day Jake prayed for for the upcoming activity.

❝alright sleepyheads! it's a good morning! ❞

jin let out a groan, forcing his head to look up at the councillor and gave an annoyed look. how can someone be so energetic first thing in the morning? heavens and here he thought he would enjoy being in this camp.

❝who wakes up on six in the heavendamn morning? ❞ Chen grumbled, talking hold of jehyun's shoulder before placing his chin on top of it. the lion cub, who had his eyes close while swaying tried to shake him off.

❝what he said❞ brazen yawned, going behind hiro to place his forehead on the Japanese bed. ❝I wonder how I'm friends with you❞

❝it wasn't a choice, that's for sure❞ hiro snorted, straightening his back so that brazen who get off. he then walked to Jin who looked like he was going to fall down any minute. ❝alright china plate, time to get you back to bed❞

jin simply hummed, not registeringthe fact it was hiro who was holding him. he honestly thought that it Jehyun since he felt the person holding him to be taller.

Jake who watched it all happen to could only scoff. where was all the complains that the Japanese threw the day they met them? did it fly off his brain or something? it seemed like it. seeing that the two were about to leave, he quickly pulled they by the hem of their shirts before dragging them and telling the rest to follow.

❝how is climbing some tall tower and crossing to the other side with a bridge that sways by the wind a trust building activity? ❞

jin quickly agreed at jehyun's question. after being successfully dragged by Jake, he and the rest stopped in front a huge and tall tower that they didn't know existed. which is weird because of the size and height which was not hard to miss. he turned to hiro who held a blank expression then to Jake who was smiling eye to eye as if this was the perfect activity.

❝mind you but I'm a butterfly and butterfly's have a short lifespan❞ Chen tried to save himself by stating something related to him. ❝and it's said they live for only a day❞

❝but you're still alive❞ Jake interjected with a small before clapping his hands to get their attention as they were still looking up at the swaying bridge. ❝OK here's the plan, each of us will be partnered and would take turns crossing the bridge to get to the other side❞

Jehyun raised his hand, ❝what if we have fear of heights❞

❝then you're partner is there to reassure you❞ Jake smiled at the question. ❝this activity is for strengthening our trust as a group. take this as the trust exercise in a way other level❞

❝more like other way❞ hiro mumbled. he wondered if his good friend hit head on the way out of his cabin to think something absurd.

❝alright who wants to go first? ❞ Jake asked expectantly.

the group instantly moved to the sides which left Chen in the center. the butterfly letting out a fake gasp while clutching his chest.

❝do you want me to die? ❞ he cried, ❝I'm too young to die! ❞

both Jehyun and Jin clicked their tongues. honestly tired of chen's dramatic non-existent ass.

❝Chen you almost started a war from our rival school because you almost shot their mvp player in basket ball. not only that but ten dogs almost bit you while chasing you around the park❞ Jin deadpaned before walking up Chen who he patted his shoulder encouragingly. ❝don't worry, you'll still live another day. if you fall then you can just fly. you're a butterfly right? ❞

❝what!? ❞ Chen quickly tried to scramble away but was caught by Jin who had a mischievous smile on his lips. oh he was going to enjoy this.

❝anyway, who's this idiots partner? ❞

❝that would be hiro❞ Jake answered while giving a look at the Japanese who was obviously upset as how his eyebrows met at the center. he also had a deep frown. ❝Jehyun would be with brazen while you're with me jin❞

at the mention of him being with Jake Jin instantly showed a bright smile and walked up to the older who he stood he stood with. unbeknownst to him, a certain Japanese was glaring while grumbling curse words in his native language. the same Japanese turned to the distraught butterfly before grabbing him by the wrist and started to march to the tower.

Jehyun on the other hand could only look warily look at his partner who was ecstatic that he would be crossing that bridge. it made him shiver when he overhead it being his partner's first time crossing. heavens was he praying that a bear would catch him. wait... why a bear?


❝for the last time Chen you'll live for another day ❞

Chen shook his head at what Jin said before peering at the back of the butterfly and gave a look of help to Jehyun who was busy trying to figure out how to put on his helmet. why was he so unlucky?

❝it's not like hiro is going to push you or something❞

❝don't jinx it you China plate! ❞ Chen looked st his partner who still had that upset look which scared him a little. he doesn't know why the Japanese was like that. ha, as if he doesn't know. Chen can read anyone in a matter of seconds. ❝can't we just switch partners? ❞

❝and I spend with undercooked lobster? no Thanks. I still value my. life you know❞ Jin finally got to clip the helmet strap together before talking a step back to look Chen up and down. call the butterfly paranoid but in his opinion, kneepads, shoulder pads, a bulletproof vest, and a helmet is too much for just a simple task of crossing the bridge. ❝isn't this a little too much Chen ❞

❝nothing is too much for safety jin❞ the butterfly replied before turning around. ❝is my butt pads alright? ❞

Chen was too paranoid in his opinion. he didn't get why the butterfly had butt pads to protect his already flat butt. nevertheless he nodded his head while saying that it was alright. he then turned to the Japanese who was too quiet since this morning. he was about to what was wrong but was cut off when Jake returned with brazen who brought four helmets with them.

❝alright, you ready Chen? ❞ turning to the butterfly, Jake gave one sweet smile. this earned a no from Chen who srarted to beg on not letting him go first. in his defense Jin was older than him and should crest a good example to his juniors which made Jehyun scoff and mumble Something About Chen being ironic. ❝you don't have to worry Chen. hiro is the best when it comes to this activity unless you annoy him then he wouldn't even think of helping you even you're on the verge of dying which happens a lot but hey maybe there's a change❞

❝what!? ❞

If there was something Jin knew it was that Chen would probably go to hell sooner than he thought.