
I Need A Hero

Main paring: jin/Hiro Chen is tired seeing his half-Chinese friend continue to mourn the death of his cousin. This becomes the reason why he signs him, jin and jehyun to a summer camp. That would have been the case if he read the ad properly before signing them up for a boot camp made for troublemakers instead. The trio loses hope as they realized how much trouble they were in. Also wanting to murder the butterfly that caused this. However they also unexpectedly meet a handful of people who makes their boot camp experience into something more that just a boot camp, especially for Jin "Chen when you said I need a hero I thought you meant H-E-R-O not H-I-R-O" - Jin

lalieleo · Politique et sciences sociales
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23 Chs



jin tossed to his left, his blanket slightly touching the floor as he edged closer off the bed. Chen on the other hand had no blanket in sight, the poor object now on the dust covered floors. the two looked so unruly if someone were to enter. Jehyun was the one who looked normal in a way. if sleeping straight like a person in a coffin could be considered normal.

Hiro knocked on the door expectantly. he didn't want to be the person waking up the newbies but someone had to do and just happened to lost at a fame of Rock, paper, scissors. knocking again, only this time harder, he grew impatient. he pondered If he should kick down the door of the cabin. that would be a good solution but one, that meant they would not have a door to protect them from the wild animals of the forest and two, he might end up fixing the broken down door.

clicking his tongue he started banging on the door. ❝yah! wake up time is at five! and open the heavendamn door! ❞

hearing no response, hiro retorted to the one thing he thought minutes ago, breaking the heavendamn door.

jin hissed at the light that was able to seep through the curtains. he had no plan in waking up early even if he was in a boot camp since one, it was summer, and two he could be excused since it's his first time here. tightly closing his eyes and tossing the opposite of his previous position, he let out a groan and tried to block out the sound of what he guessed as carpentry noise outside their cabin.

❝yah❞ Chen groaned, tossing himself where he laid flat on his stomach. ❝shut the hell up❞

he too was bothered by the noise. thinking that it was Jehyun who was banging his head, he got his head pillow and threw it at the youngest who was startled awake.

❝what the hell Chen!? ❞ taking the pillow away from his face, Jehyun was greeted with the sight of a sleeping Chen and Jin. looking at the pillow and instantly knowing who owned it, he couldn't help but throw it right back, unfortunately not hitting the owner. ❝damn butterfly❞

scratching his cheek, he turned his attention to the door that was furiously being knocked on and looked like it was about to be busted open. it made his raise a brow as the knocking stop abruptly. ❝what—oh shit! ❞

watching the door fall to the ground with a loud thud that woke up the two sleeping beauties, Jehyun had to squint his eyes to catch the sight of hiro who held a chainsaw over his shoulder looking tremendously proud.

❝what the fuck!? ❞

seeing the door being brought down by some crazy Japanese was not the sight Jin expected when he wakes up. he expected he would wake up the noise of birds chirping, not a A door falling down to the ground.

his eyes landed on hiro who got inside their cabin, still having the chainsaw by his shoulder, and started to look around the place.

❝hmm... like what you did to the place❞ the Japanese commented, his gaze landed on the suitcase that stayed at one corner of the room. ❝you guys haven't unpacked? ❞

❝why would we? ❞ Jin huffed shaking his head and sleepiness away. ❝why are you here anyway? ❞

hiro suddenly snapped his finger, the sound making Jin flinch. ❝oh right that, well breakfast is ready❞

❝what is this? ❞ Jin raised his spoon that was filled with various berries, small chunks of ice, and water. he wouldn't consider this breakfast much more a cereal. he glanced at his two friends, Jehyun shared the same expression with him while Chen was cheerfully eating while having a cheery conversation with Jake. ❝is this even cereal? ❞

❝it's called nature's cereal❞ hiro answered beside him. right hiro was sitting beside him. since Jehyun decided to sit opposite to him and be the thirdwheel. ❝it sucks doesn't it❞

❝you think. it's just fruits and water❞ Jin poured the contents on his spood and watching it fall with a disgusted expression.

❝oh come on Jin, it's not like you'll end with an upset stomach❞ Chen pointed his spoon. ❝just take one bite❞

❝I can't believe this idiot forgot Jin doesn't like eating berries❞ Jehyun sighed, giving Chen a betrayed look. ❝and I bet you don't even remember my birthday❞

❝of course I do❞ Chen stated proudly, ❝April 11❞

❝that's my cousins' you idiot❞ Jin didn't hesitate to throw his spoon at Chen which fortunately hit the butterfly square on the head. ❝you can't get anything right❞

❝excuse you but the last time I remembered, I was the one who got us tickets to that Japanese movie we wanted to watch last summer❞

❝how is that even related to to our argument? ❞ both Jehyun and Jin asked the butterfly who wasn't ready back down.

❝my point is, I do get things wrong but it turns out right. who knows Jin, you might find your hero here❞ Chen ever so proudly like he saw the vision. he then pointed at his eyes. ❝I see the vision❞

❝you don't even see shit unless Joshua saw it first❞ Jin deadpaned, already needing their only sane friend at the moment. ❝why didn't he come with us again? ❞

❝something about an engagement❞ Jehyun shrugged. ❝he's going to get married soon❞

❝just how rich are you guys? ❞ Jake asked the trio. he knew they were rich but not THAT rich. he even bets that they could buy this entire camp.

❝enough to buy this camp❞ Chen said calmly. he watched them(the councilors) widen their eyes in surprise. ❝but don't worry we won't. managing a camp is too tiring for us❞

❝it's too tiring to handle❞ jin explained. ❝if we wanted something our parents would force us to take care of it ourselves. so when we say we want a tiger then they buy for us but won't let anyone take care of it other than us❞

❝and did you get a tiger? ❞ hiro asked the Chinese.

Jin shook his head. ❝nope but I did get a lobster❞