
I Need A Hero

Main paring: jin/Hiro Chen is tired seeing his half-Chinese friend continue to mourn the death of his cousin. This becomes the reason why he signs him, jin and jehyun to a summer camp. That would have been the case if he read the ad properly before signing them up for a boot camp made for troublemakers instead. The trio loses hope as they realized how much trouble they were in. Also wanting to murder the butterfly that caused this. However they also unexpectedly meet a handful of people who makes their boot camp experience into something more that just a boot camp, especially for Jin "Chen when you said I need a hero I thought you meant H-E-R-O not H-I-R-O" - Jin

lalieleo · Politique et sciences sociales
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23 Chs



❝make us lose you❞ Jin snorted, angrily folding the blankets he newly washed while glaring at it. ❝I'll be happy to lose you❞

Jehyun didn't know what the older was talking about nor did he know why he was there in the first place. Jin just entered his room with a basket full of laundry before dumping it on his bed and started folding and rambling the same thing over and over again—getting madder at each repetition.

Jehyun showed a ridiculous look, ❝what are you talking about now? ❞

❝what am I talking about? ❞ Jin started out camly, ❝WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT IS THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING TALL AS LOBSTER❞ he seetehd, throwing the blanket he once held to the floor and crossing his arms over his chest. ❝he has the audacity to—❞

❝alright I think you've had enough hours of being awake❞ Jehyun picked up the poor blanket before walking to Jin and tucking him into his bed—this was a struggle as the older continued to seeth out his complains and sometimes slap his hands away because he was tucking him the way wrong. ❝there's always your room I can sleep in❞ Jehyun waited for Jin to calm down which wasn't long as he started to massage his scalp. it took a good 2 minutes, a new record, before Jin was fast asleep.

a deep sigh left his lips before deciding to just leave his room and head to Jin's where he would be staying for the night. on his way out, he didn't forget to turn off the lights as Jin didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night with intense brightness and highten the future electricity bill.


Jin woke up with a terrible morning. It wasn't an exaggeration. It was simply the truth. For Jin, waking up at the crack of dawn just to feed some chickens and water some flowers wasn't something a person do.

As of the moment, he was in the garden, squating while filling a flower pot with soil and placing an unknow seed and watering it. It was his time to take care of the gardens. It was Junghoon yesterday to which the older surprisingly liked. He even told Jin how he plans on making his own garden back home.

❝when I said I don't need your help, I meant it❞ Jin pursed his lips, turning around with an empty pot close to his chest and narrowed his eyes at the Japanese who insisted would accompany him.

Why? Let's just say the two bumped into each other after Jin tried to avoid the older, went to the extent of skipping breakfast. He wondered, why was it when he tried to do something, something or someone would interfere. Like that one time he was about to leave for the US, Chen and Jehyun ended up catching him in the airport.

❝I never said I would help❞ the Japanese replied, picking up an empty pot. ❝I just asked if you had an extra flower pot❞

He did? Well that was awkward... Jin heaved a sigh of disbelief, fighting the urge to let out a scream. ❝well what are you waiting for? You got it, now leave❞

❝did you even hear what I said? ❞ hiro asked him, ❝I asked you earlier if you had two spare flower pots❞ he them motioned to the pot jin was holding, ❝are you going to—❞

❝you know what—❞ Jin sported a strained smile while he pushed the flower pot he was holding to hiro's chest. ❝take it. I have better things to do❞ like getting away from you.

Hiro frowned, taking the pot on his chest with his unoccupied hand before stepping back from Jin. ❝are we not going to talk about what you said last night? ❞

Jin visibly flinched at the topic. Turning away from the Japanese going back to his first position, he started to busy himself.

This made hiro roll his eyes at the pettiness. ❝it would be nice if you would clarify what you meant by you losing me❞

❝what's there to clarify? The sentence was straight to the point❞ Jin took a leaf that was obviously eaten by a caterpillar due to the fact it was missing some parts. ❝what do you want me to say? That I'll miss you? ❞

Hiro shrugged nonchalantly, ❝maybe but you do realize that Jake and brazen heard you right? They're bugging me and you know how annoying they get❞

❝no❞ Jin finally looked at him, ❝YOU know how annoying they are. May I remind you that this is the first time we have met❞

Well ouch, hiro thought. He may look unbothered on the outside but he was inwardly hurt at what the Chinese said. ❝well I would also like to remind you that I too have feelings ❞ he then grumbled something under his breath, ❝I better get going before Brazen goes rampant from waiting❞

Jin watched hiro turn his back at him and started walking away. It didn't take long for the Japanese to walk out of his sight. Well that was something. It made him frown. Was he too harsh? Maybe.

He couldn't blame himself. Somehow he's conflicted as to why they're a push and pull. One minute they're acting so close and the next they're out there hurting each others feelings. Well mostly him hurting hiro's feelings.


❝god I'm an idiot❞

❝it's a good thing you know❞

Jin didn't bother looking up from where he watching the chickens feed to know who owned the voice. It was clear with how sarcastic it was said. ❝hello to you too junghoon❞

The older sat beside him on the cement, placing at the side the basket full of chicken feed before turning to look at Jin with a raised brow. ❝what did you do now? ❞

❝what do you mean "what did I do"? ❞

❝jin❞ Junghoon called out slowly, ❝you only look like this when you did something wrong. Do or say, you're like this❞

Jin rolled his eyes, ❝what if this time it wasn't my fault. I was provoked❞

❝but someone said something more provoking❞

❝I didn't say anything more provoking❞

❝I never said anything about you provoking❞ Junghoon pursed his lips, ❝and I'm not going to put any blame to either of you two. But I will ask what you did❞

Jin debated telling Junghoon. He knew he was the best person to go to for advice as the older rarely joked around but he couldn't help but feel warry. Maybe it was the fact that it really concerned about him and hiro.

❝jin❞ the older called out again, ❝I may not know you that well but I want you know that I'm trying to know you better. I know it's hard for you. Really it is and that's why I want you to be honest with me. Don't keep every single thing bottled up when you have someone to open it before it explodes. Don't even try to play around it. Not every game can be won or cheated. So Jin, please be honest with me❞

Junghoon wasn't their school council president for nothing. He was the person who made the bast essays and speeches fit for politics. It wasnt that much of a surprise when everyone was scared when he would join a speech competition as well as a debate. There was something about the older that could convince you to open up to him.

Jin sighed, ❝I-i just don't know Junghoon. I'm conflicted. It's such a push and pull. Im scared since it's like both of us are on an unbalanced plank of wood That would tip if one of us tries to move forward. It's also like if one of us tries to be the hero, one of us would be the villain of the story. Why is like that Junghoon? ❞

❝well that's how the start of relationships are Jin. At the start everything will be unbalanced, one would look like a villain in another's story. You can't expect that you would start at same time. And it's a push and pull because of the fact you're conflicted whether or not to take the risk❞ Junghoon paused, ❝do you know what noona said about relationships? ❞

Jin shook his head no.

❝well she said, not every relationship starts at common ground. Sometimes both would be so different from each other that they would clash and turn into a mess❞

❝it already is❞ Jin groaned

❝I never finished❞ Junghoon huffed, ❝but despite the mess, the two would learn to harmonize with each other. Perfect things are good but being too good can cause implications. Sooner or later it would feel bland. There's no longer excitement of learning something new with your partner as everything you do is expected. ❞ Junghoon shuffled closer until he held Jin by the shoulder. ❝what I'm saying Jin, it doesn't matter if it starts with a push and pull. You two are just learning thing about each other. That's the thing about love Jin, you learn it❞

❝but what if me and Hiro refuse to learn❞ Jin frowned, unaware that he called out the Japanese's name which made Junghoon chuckle.

❝you don't need to force yourself to learn to love Jin. It comes naturally❞ Junghoon smiled, using one hand to pat Jin's cheek. ❝you'll realize that you're really in love when you can't imagine being away from the person. In fact, it would pain you to even hear about it❞

❝about what? ❞

Junghoon showed a sad smile, ❝departure❞

Noticing the older's change of expression, it was Jin's turn to ask, ❝Junghoon, why are you so verse about this? The last time I remembered you weren't even in a single relationship❞

Junghoon suddenly chuckled bitterly, ❝sometimes you don't have to be vocal about a relationship. A sense of secrecy you could say❞

Jin suddly realized something. The wisdom, the way Junghoon looked sad while speaking to him the way Junghoon was speaking from experience. ❝wait❞ it could be right? ❝don't tell me you... You were in relationship before❞ he then looked at Junghoon like he was betrayed. ❝you were were you❞

Well there was no way he was hiding it, ❝yes and so if I did❞

Jin snapped his finger, looking around the place with his mouth open. ❝oh my-is that why you looked so heartbroken a year ago after summer? You.. Fell in love❞ Jin said the last part softly, the excitement from before gone. ❝you did, didn't you❞

❝I did❞ Junghoon now smiled sadly, ❝and I don't regret it❞

❝and why is that? ❞

❝because that person made me realize that everyone has a soulmate❞