
I Need A Hero

Main paring: jin/Hiro Chen is tired seeing his half-Chinese friend continue to mourn the death of his cousin. This becomes the reason why he signs him, jin and jehyun to a summer camp. That would have been the case if he read the ad properly before signing them up for a boot camp made for troublemakers instead. The trio loses hope as they realized how much trouble they were in. Also wanting to murder the butterfly that caused this. However they also unexpectedly meet a handful of people who makes their boot camp experience into something more that just a boot camp, especially for Jin "Chen when you said I need a hero I thought you meant H-E-R-O not H-I-R-O" - Jin

lalieleo · Politique et sciences sociales
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23 Chs



"rise and shine female dogs! "

there was only one person Jin knew would use that to substitute the word bitch and that person happens to be Chen who was busy banging against his door.

squinting his eyes, a groan was heard from him as he peeled off the heavy blankets that came with the bed he was using. he stayed there for a few seconds before pulling himself off the bed and to open the door wide open to greet Chen and getting his forehead hit in the process as well.

❝ah shi—❞ he stopped himself, remembering that he isn't supposed to curse on camp grounds and that it was too early. no normal person would curse the moment they wake up. with his hand on his head, he lazily stared a Chen. ❝what? ❞

Chen didn't bother to answer him before grabbing him by the arm and dragging him to what he guessed was the dining area once they arrived he caught a sleepy and dazed Jehyun, brazen who was happily talking to a barely listening Jake, and lastly Junghoon who looked like it was his typical morning. he allowed Chen to place him a seat away from brazen.

❝thanks Chen❞ Jake smiled at the butterfly before picking up a bell that they only noticed now and ringing it. sooner than later server's came and placed their breakfast.

their breakfast consisted of bread(toasted and not) , bacon, sunny side up eggs, fruits, freshly squeezed orange juice, milk, coffee, and assorted jam.

❝all of you should eat a lot❞ Jake told them, ❝we'll be tending the farm today❞

❝great, what a—❞

brazen was cut short as everyone's attention went to hiro who newly arrived and looked like he was hit by a typhoon. Jin in particular noticed how the Japanese still had buggers in the corner of his eyes and how his nose was slightly red. something that contrasted his well kept image.

❝you look like an idiot❞ he commented, picking up the bacon he picked and shoving it to his mouth.

❝yeah and you looked cute❞

he ends up choking at the remark. not only him actually, brazen was punching his chest while Chen had his jaw wide open and blinking in disbelief. Jehyun looked calm but his eyes said otherwise. Junghoon looked conflicted while Jake looked like he won the lottery.

the oblivious Japanese ignored them, gesturing Chen to pass the plate of eggs in front. seeing that the Chinese was unresponsive, he took it upon himself to lean for the plate.

❝well... ❞ Junghoon finally said after A few minutes of them staring at the unbothered Japanese, ❝why-why don't we discuss what we're going to do today. like a run through❞

❝r-right❞ Jake smiled, waving his hand and earning a list seconds later. ❝well... first and foremost we'll be visiting a friend of mine who own a coffee and grape plantation as well as a winery❞

❝holy shit that person must be rich❞ Chen said with awe, slamming his utensils on the table. Jehyun, who was nearest to the butterly, did the right thing of hitting him on the head.

❝why's that Jake? ❞ Jin plopped his shoulder on the table.

❝oh the owner wanted us to help around especially now that his son is back❞ Jake explained.

❝oh shit Johnny is here? ❞ brazen slammed his utensils on the table. ❝fuck that fucker he ows me ten million li❞

having no idea who this Johnny is, Jin dove his attention back to his breakfast. he chose to ignore Jake and brazen who were bickering. he would occasionally glance at the Japanese who gave a passive look, shoving his cereal in big and quick bites. he then would look at jehyun who was talking with Junghoon.

wow and it was like two years maybe that Junghoon confessed to Jehyun but got rejected.

then came Chen who was creepily smiling at him. he furrowed his brows.❝what are you thinking now Chen? ❞ he kept it low but knew the person beside him already heard it.

Chen shook his head in denial. ❝me? oh nothing❞

❝that doesn't look nothing to me❞

❝and you don't look like you don't realize your hero is here❞


❝welcome to Oh winery! ❞ Jake raised his hand in he air as of a welcome as he guided the group past a tall stone column that was wrapped in vines. he then led them threw a tunnel. ❝ the best producers of wine in Cibi❞

❝wait you mean we're in THE Oh winery. the manufacturer and original maker of wine in our country? ❞ Jin was baffled. if he remembered correctly, the oh winery was a top secret place in their city. the family as well was a secret.

Why? Simple because they continue to be righteous when it came to their products and for the fact that they have a secret formula that makes their wines the best of the best.

❝I thought they don't let some random people enter here❞

❝that's the main base, ❞ Jake pushed open a large wooden door that let them to a small kitchen, ❝but we're in one of their small pop up booths❞

❝what is this? some type of one week display? ❞ Chen joked, eyeing the pots that were on top of the burning fire wood.

❝you can say that❞ Jake answered before pushing Another door that led them to the grape plantation. he tried to look everywhere but found no sign of Johnny or any worker. ❝where is that—❞

❝where is that coffee loving giant when you need him!? ❞ brazen huffed, walking past Jake with his hands on his hips. ❝he still got to pay me ❞

❝don't you think it's way past that stupid debt of yours❞ hiro commented from behind the group.

❝aish! that fu—❞ brazen stopped himself from cursing as Jake gave him a terrifying look. ❝I mean, that idiot hasn't paid me for winning the bet❞

❝oooh~ bets❞ Chen clapped his hands, ❝what was it? ❞

❝if he could—❞

"mister Jake you're here! "

the group turned to look behind them and caught the sight of an elderly woman running up to them(more like Jake) before stopping a few meters away and crouched on her knees while panting.

❝h-hold up❞ she wheezed with a finger before straightening her back and running past them and to Jake who she started to pinch his cheeks.

❝my jakeie wakie ❞ she cooed at him.

brazen and Hiro snickered, Junghoon kept a polite smile, Chen looked weirded out, Jehyun gave no response, while Jin simple gave a judging Look.

❝lola dalia❞ jake Called At the woman, holding the hands that were in his cheeks and pulling them away. ❝where's Johnny? ❞

❝oh the third master❞ the woman paused for a moment, ❝he just left❞

❝what!? ❞ brazen pushed past Jake, ❝that fu—I mean guy left? did he at least leave some of the tools? ❞

❝brazen is certainly excited to work here huh❞ Jin whispered To Junghoon who shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

❝I mean, I would too you know. imagine working in one of the farms of THE Oh winery❞ Junghoon told him.

back to brazen, he was busy interrogating the old woman as to why this ''johnny'' was out. apparently Johnny left the winery to meet up with some friends.

❝I swear that ass—I mean cockroach knew we were coming so he, let me guess, took his rangerover and drove to town and meet up with his sticky friends from Hana Academy ❞

❝he's from Hana Academy!? ❞ our Adams university attendees felt like their eyes were about to pop our from the revelation.

❝God this is horrid❞jin said in exasperation, turning his head to Jehyun who showed him a worried look the two then turned to Junghoon who nodded his head. the three then turned to Chen who had his jaw tensed while huffing in anger. ❝now Chen, let's act rationally before—❞

❝what are you talking about Jin? I DO act rationally❞ the butterfly smiled brightly at them.

again, Jin would beg to differ. he knew Chen was plotting a way to prank 'johnny', seeing that he attends their rival school. Jin prayed that Johnny wouldn't be coming back before they left and if he did then he would gladly pay for the funeral service as well as Chen bail out of prison.

❝oh don't give me that look❞ Chen brushed them off, ❝I'm completely sane❞

❝that's what he said yet he almost killed someone❞ Jehyun muttered under his breath.

if there was something for sure they would do, it would be keeping watch at Chen. make sure that one of them would accompany him, that way he wouldn't set anything or even the entire place on fire.


jin wiped the last bottle of wine that they got from the wine Cellar. the bottle was a little dusty but needless to say the wine would taste good. if what brazen said that the wine jas been fermenting for few years for better quality then crawling and wiping for this bottle was worth it.

he was in, as you could already guess, in the wine cellar that was a few meters away from the farm where the others were. if he was correct, Che and Jehyun were sent to pick some grapes while Junghoon was sent to do inventory. as of the trow from the camp, he could care less. despite the old feelings for Jake, it was somewhat lost and full of resentment.

"oh there you are"

❝ah shit! ❞

holding tight on the bottle that he almost dropped, he turned half of his body towards the cellar doors where he saw hiro rid of his first attire that consisted of a plane grey v-neck short and sweatpants. instead, the lobster was dressed in a white sleeveless shirt that revealed his toned arms and some shorts. he had his had in a man bun which made him look attractive.

❝you can stop staring you know and please close your mouth❞

jin quickly closed his mouth, faking an awkward cough before turning back to where he was facing. ❝what do you want❞ he asked the lobster, wiping the stubborn stain in the bottle in hopes to hid his embarrassment.

❝Junghoon was looking for you❞ hiro replied before walking up to him and peered past his shoulder. ❝it's stubborn you don't need to remove it❞

❝excuse me but I prefer to have the bottles spotless before serving❞ Jin retorted before letting out a huff and placing it on a basket beside him that full of the already wiped ottles. he took another dusty bottle. ❝aren't you supposed to be working or something❞

❝yeah❞ hiro sighed, ❝but I wanted to annoy you❞

❝well thanks, I guess❞ Jin sarcastically retorted with an eyes roll. ❝you're doing a great job at it❞

hiro smiled, deciding to squat beside the Chinese and grab one of the clean bottles and examined it. ❝you pick good❞ he mused, impressed.

❝of course I would. I know a thing or two about wine❞

❝really now? ❞ hiro mischievously smiled which Jin didn't miss despite not looking at him. ❝then what is the oh's best wine? ❞

❝grape seed white 1975❞ Jin replied smuggly, turning his head to look at hiro with the same expression. he took the bottle the lobster was holding and started to wipe it again. ❝like I said, I know a thing about wine❞

but hiro's smile didn't falter, ❝then what wine can I use to make you mine? ❞

jin swore he almost he choked on air after what the Japanese said. he even had to hit his chest to stop his coughing fit while the Japanese kept on laughing at his state. if he didn't value his will to live (as little as it may be) then he would have chosen to smash the wine bottle on his head.

❝what's got you briefs in a twist? ❞ Junghoon asked, noticing his cousin's cousin's sour mood and expression. the two were under one of the mango trees that the place somewhat offered. they were watching as Chen tried to drag a Carabao across the field.

Jin turned to Junghoon, ❝how would you react to someone randomly asking what wine would be used to make you his? ❞

❝obviously I would go "what!? "❞ Junghoon said like it was the most common answer. ❝why? ❞

❝well that happened❞ Jin huffed, crossing his arms and leaned back farther on the tree's bark. he then pointed at hiro who was busy carrying some grapes and going in and out the kitchen. ❝that idiot said that? ❞

❝hiro? ❞ Junghoon had to squint his eyes to see it Jin was pointing at the Japanese. ❝what did he do? ❞


❝thanks for helping again you four❞ Jake helped Jehyun to sit at the bad of the run down truck. ❝we should be going before Johnny arrives and before Chen would set the place on fire❞

the Adams, except chen, choked on their spit. Jin in particular whipped his head towards Jake. ❝where did you hear that? ❞

❝oh, well Chen told me about his ill feelings towards students from Hana Academy and I completely understand. I too hate Johnny and he's from Hana Academy ❞

❝it's finally nice to see someone who agress with my view ❞ Chen said triumphantly. ❝well, what are we waiting for? go before that darn dragon arrives here❞

❝dragon? ❞ hiro quirked a brow towards jin .

❝he means Johnny. hana's School symbol is a dragon❞

❝yeah, dragons and phoenix do not coexist❞