
Chapter 715 What is this situation_1

Zhou Xiaoshu sat next to Ning Yuling and chuckled again, asking, "So tell me, what do you think of your uncle?"

Ning Yuling glanced at Su Weifeng and answered, "My uncle is a good person, he helped me out so much, I don't even know how to thank him."

With a mischievous grin, Zhou Xiaoshu said, "Hehe, thanking him is easy, just offer yourself to him."

Ning Yuling's face turned bright red, and she protested, "Even if I wanted to, uncle isn't that sort of person."

Zhou Xiaoshu blinked and replied, "No no, he is, as long as you agree, there'll be no problem."

Su Weifeng cleared his throat and said, "Xiaoshu, stop teasing, I helped Xiaoshu without any ulterior motives."

Lin Xuanxuan chuckled and said, "Xiaoshu, look at how you've scared Yuling."

The group chatted and laughed, making Ning Yuling even more confused.

Fortunately, at that moment, the dishes arrived, which temporarily relieved Ning Yuling's embarrassment.

During the meal, Ning Yuling also observed everyone's actions.