
I Married a Billionaire after Divorcing my Evil In-Laws

When Su Lian'en was diagnosed with infertility, her mother-in-law shouted to the whole world that something was wrong with her. With a cheating husband and a vile mother-in-law, Su Lian'en quickly and decisively filed for a divorce, causing her mother-in-law to scoff, "A divorce? Who would marry an infertile b*tch like you?" Nonetheless, a handsome billionaire proposed to Su Lian'en soon after, giving her ex-husband and ex-mother-in-law a slap in the face! The man's son had cerebral palsy and was a mute, but called Su Lian'en the instant they met. With their prenuptials signed, they were married in a flash, and she would start to heal her new child's various discontent. Given a new life and a new career, she would traverse all challenges to rise to the peak. And yet, her billionaire husband is...

Domestic Grace · Général
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40 Chs

Sorry, I'm Sorry

Translator: Atlas Studios Éditeur: Atlas Studios

"I'm sorry."

Su Nianen lowered her head, not daring to look at her mother.

"You've been obedient since you were young and have always been our pride. But why did you…"

Mother Su choked on her words and quickly stopped.

A moment later, she continued, "Back then, I didn't agree to you being with Lin Wenfeng at all costs. Lin Wenfeng values his interests more than anything else. I could tell the first time he came to our house. But what about you? You thought your mother was stuck-up and looked down on people! You thought I looked down on him for being poor! You said that he doesn't care about our family's things, that if it weren't for your relationship, he wouldn't even be bothered with a family like ours. You said that he's noble, talented, has a good character, and treats you well. Is that so? Is that so? Su Nien, is that so?"

"Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry."

Su Nianen covered her face and sobbed.

She knew that her parents were the most disappointed, but she…

She knew she was wrong. She didn't know how to read people. She deserved all the abuse.

Su Nianen choked as she apologized and ran out.

When Mother Su saw that her daughter was leaving after having just returned, tears streamed down her face.

"Su Nianen, don't come back if you leave!"

"Not coming back when you have a home, do you still have your Mom in your heart?!"

Was this family so scary that she wouldn't even come back after suffering all of that out there?

Mother Su felt as if her heart was stuffed with clumps of weeds. She felt extremely uncomfortable.

Her original intention wasn't to yell at her. She wanted to comfort her daughter. After she'd suffered so much out there. She wanted to hug her daughter and comfort her.


Mother Su couldn't control herself, especially after Lin Wenfeng's whole performance outside the door. She couldn't control the anger in her heart anymore, and all of it bursted out.

For the past few days, she couldn't even sleep or eat well. She had been worried about her daughter.

She also hated herself. Why did she say those things to her, rubbing salt into her daughter's wounds?

Mother Su knocked her head hard twice. Why did she say those things?

Su Nianen went straight back to the hotel. The sadness of being betrayed by Lin Wenfeng's feelings was very different from the sadness of disappointing her family.

Her heart ached. She knew too well how she'd disappointed her parents. She knew too well how embarrassing she'd made it for her parents. She simply couldn't bear going home with all that shame.

She actually just really wanted to hide at home and hide in her shell like a turtle, so that she could escape reality.

However, she couldn't do so. Her home could not tolerate such an embarrassing daughter.

Su Nianen hugged her blanket and cried bitterly. She had been outstanding ever since she was young, and thought that she had found an outstanding husband. It turned out that it was a monster she had married. Her future was bleak.

Su Nianen was unconscious for an entire day. When she woke up at night, Lin Wenfeng sent her a message asking to see her. Su Nianen ignored it.

Lin Wenfeng had gone back on his word and didn't want a divorce.

For these few days, Su Nianen's heart had been under great torture. Her sleep schedule was completely flipped, and day and night were indistinguishable.

Even now, she would return to the hotel to sleep after teaching the little guy in the morning.

Life was once again without passion, without hope, without expectations.

Lin Wenfeng went to harass the Su family again, so Su Nianen had no choice but to appear again.

When Lin Wenfeng saw Su Nianen, his eyes lit up. He spoke happily.

"En, Li Feifei has already agreed to leave Qingdu. She'll leave tomorrow. There won't be a third wheel between us now."

Su Nianen was furious. She rushed forward and grabbed Lin Wenfeng's collar.

"Are you a f*cking pig? It's over between us, it's over! Don't you understand?! Lin Wenfeng, do you have to drive me crazy before you're satisfied?!"

The light in Lin Wenfeng's eyes dimmed. He asked in a low voice, "I've already sent Li Feifei away. What else do you want me to do?"