

"Young Master, the guests have arrived. " The lead housemaid came to Han Jun's room. Han Jun nodded and signalled the maid to go out.

"Ariel, stay beside me." Ariel walked beside Han Jun as they went downstairs to meet the guests.

"Long time no see, Brother!" A man in his late twenties greeted Han Jun. His name was Chris but they were step brother. Chris took notice of Ariel and smiled.

"Who is this beautiful angel?" Ariel bowed slightly and stayed beside Han Jun.

Chris came forward and kissed Ariel's hand but Han Jun grabbed his hand and twisted it.

"Owww..." Chris screamed in pain and backed off.

"Hands off. She's mine." Han Jun glared at Chris as if he will kill someone in an instant.

"Master? I'm fine. Chris was being nice." Ariel brushed it off.

"No one can touch you. Remember who you belong to." He said coldly. Ariel nodded and she didn't know what to say.

"Come on, Han Jun. If you are like this all the time, Ariel should come with me. I can take good care of her." Han Jun looked at him, "How did you know her name? I never told you." Chris scratched his head, "That's a secret. Haha." Ariel giggled but immediately stopped when Han Jun looked at her.

"You know each other? Explain." Ariel looked at Chris and back at Han Jun.

"Master, Chris and I known each other for awhile. He often visited me when I was in the other mansion. Don't worry. He's just a friend." Ariel looked down and took a deep breath. Chris nodded, "That's my Ariel. You are much better than this ice block."

"Ariel. In my house, I have rules. Remember them? Do you want me to repeat?" Ariel immediately bowed, "My apologies, Master. From now on, I am yours. I don't belong to anyone else." Han Jun nodded and looked at Chris.

"Chris, she does not belong to you. She is mine." Han Jun looked at Ariel and asked, "Repeat, are you his or mine?" Ariel repeated, "I'm yours, Master Han."

Ariel stood there with no expression. Few minutes later, another girl came in. She was no slave but from a rich family. She was spoiled and being pampered at home.

"Young Master, I'm Lady Maya. I've been waiting to meet you. I heard all about you. It's too sad that your parents passed away. Luckily mine is still alive. Young Master, you are so handsome. Who is this ugly girl?" Lady Maya looked at Ariel with a curious expression.

"Lady Maya, enough." Han Jun shouted, "You have no right to call who is ugly. You should look at yourself in a mirror before you call my servant ugly." Lady Maya pouted.

"But, young master. She is only your servant. I will be your future wife. You should be nice to me. She has no place in this house." Lady Maya tugged onto Han Jun's sleeves.

"Let go. I won't repeat myself. Chris, bring this ugly frog home." Chris bursts into laughter and wouldn't stop laughing.

"Come on now, Lady Maya. When young master is angry, he could be much more frightening. Let's go." Chris pulled Lady Maya away from Han Jun. After she left, they were left alone.

"Master, are you going to marry Lady Maya?" Han Jun didn't say a word. Ariel was curious.

"Be quiet." Han Jun said two words as he headed upstairs. Ariel followed behind him and stayed quiet. She stayed outside the bedroom and watched Han Jun. Ariel wanted to say something but words wouldn't form properly. She sighed.

"Come. I won't repeat myself." Ariel quickly went in and closed the door behind her.

"Master, what do you need?" Ariel bowed and waited for him to answer.

"Come sit beside me. It's an order." Ariel nodded and sat on the bed with him.

"Do you want to know about Lady Maya?" Ariel nodded.

"My aunt wanted me to marry her. She really does have a poor taste in girls." Han Jun started to feel his energy being drained.

He leaned closer to Ariel and she felt his breath.


"Stay still." Han Jun placed his head on Ariel's shoulder.

It was the first time that Han Jun did this to a servant. Ariel was speechless.

"Master?" Han Jun did not reply and Ariel sat there quietly until he wakes up.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Young Master? Your aunt has arrived." The headmaid notified Han Jun. Ariel tried to wake Han Jun up but it was useless.

"Master, your aunt arrived. You need to wake up." She gently whispered.

Han Jun wouldn't wake up.

"Master? You need to wake up." Ariel gave up and waited until he wakes up by himself.

Few minutes passed, Ariel heard the door slammed. She was startled. Han Jun woke up groggily. Ariel was relieved.

"Master, you aun---" Ariel stopped midway when she saw Han Jun's aunt inside the room.

"Ha, I knew you two were up to something. Han Jun, you really have time to play around. Do you like Ariel?" Han Jun didn't say a word.

"Aunt, this is my room. Who told you to come in? At least have some manner and knock the door." Han Jun got up in front of Ariel.

"You! How dare you talk back to me! I heard from Maya that you called her name and you rejected her. Go and apologize. I won't say it again." Han Jun stood there as if he was amused.

"Aunt, I won't marry her. I know she is from a rich family in Southern England but I don't need her. Help her to find someone else. I have no interest in anyone." Han Jun spoke firmly.

"You are just as picky as your damn parents. Why did they give birth to a devil like you." Ella whispered to herself and glared at Han Jun. Ariel sat there speechless. He was right, she was just a servant and assistant not his lover nor wife. Of course, he won't have any interest in her. She gave out another sigh. His future won't have her in it. Was she jealous? Did she have feelings for him? She was just a servant girl to her master. What did her master think of her?