

Falling in love? There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. The only problem is when falling in love is the only thing leading to your end, but... ....at the same time the only thing that can save you. . . . . . . Beomgyu is a college student who works as a dancer at a very popular night club, what happens when an ordinary college student stumbles across an unknown reincarnated demon who is sealed in the body of a male named Yeonjun.

Bunny_soobinnie · Action
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33 Chs


The Next Day

As promised, Soobin and Yeonjun got to have the talk they wanted.

It was mostly about Soobin asking Yeonjun for advice on how to get back together with Huening Kai.

Beomgyu hadn't gotten out from last night's scene with Yeonjun, he was still suspicious about the male.

"Stop eye raping him, not everyone is gonna be into sluts like you," Yuhan clicked her heels as she walked to Soobin and Yeonjun.

'I hope you are aware that you are included as well,' Beomgyu mentally said to himself.

"Excuse me Soob, I need to talk with Yeonjun," she blinked cutely.

"We'll talk later," Soobin said to Yeonjun as he stood up to leave.

Yuhan sat down in front of Yeonjun and crossed her legs, "you already made friends with our class doll face?"

Yeonjun nodded slightly.

"So I guess you've met our class slut too," Yuhan smiled slightly leaning forward to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun raised a questioning brow.

"Beomgyu, raven boy over there," she pointed at Beomgyu who was now talking with Soobin, "you might want to stay away from him."

Yeonjun nodded.

"You want to sit together with me during lunch today?"

"I'm eating with Anika"

"Oh, the nerd," Yuhan smirked, "well at least come to my boyfriend's party tonight," she got up, "I hope to see you there."

Yuhan cat walked away not missing the chance to insult Beomgyu when she walked past him.


"I like this colour," Huening Kai clapped looking at a metallic black nail polish in a magazine.

"Black?" His friend Joengin asked, "black is not your colour Kai."

"I want it, it's sexy," Kai stared at the magazine in Joengin's hands.

Joengin's stared at Huening Kai a smile slowly creeping on his lips, "you are just a baby Kai, who are you trying to seduce?"

Huening Kai's cheeks heated a little bit, "what makes you think I'm trying to seduce someone, I just want to look good for the party."

"I saw the outfit you ordered Kai, it screams 'fuck me' Kai," Joengin deadpanned.

"Maybe that's what I want," Huening Kai mumbled quietly looking for new boots as well.

"I know this is about Soobin, but is this really the best way to forget about him," Joengin asked quietly.

Huening Kai lifted his eyes to Joengin, "this isn't about Soobin."

"Sure it isn't," Joengin snorted turning round looking for a specific blonde male.

Huening Kai's phone rang from his pocket and he mentally cursed himself for not changing his ring tone up till now.

Huening Kai's ringtone was just him and Soobin purposely singing off key to a popular song, that's why Huening Kai's phone was always on silent so he wouldn't get teased about it.

"Kai? Are you free tonight, can we talk?"

Huening Kai hadn't checked the caller ID before answering the call.

"Yes, I'm busy."

"Right now then?"

"I'm busy at the moment as well."

"I can see you Kai, you aren't doing anything at the moment."

Huening Kai dropped the phone from his eyes scanning the environment until his eyes landed on a specific blue haired boy no to far away.

"Stop stalking me," Huening Kai yelled before ending the call and dragging Joengin away with him.


Tonight's part was held in Yuhan's boyfriend- Kim's home, his house was big enough to accommodate hundreds of people and that's exactly what he did.

He wasn't much of a bright coloured person, the red rotating bulb was the only available source of light at the party.

He could easily get away from his girlfriend if he wanted to get down with someone.

"Thanks for coming with me Tae," Beomgyu squeezed Taehyun's arm, Yuhan's boyfriend had specifically invited Beomgyu to his party.

"If you can't go by yourself, why did you accept the offer?" Taehyun snapped, he as well as Soobin and Kai hated parties.

"He said it was important," Beomgyu spoke getting a whiff of alcohol from an already drunk guy, "he said he wants to help me."

"I'm sorry Beomgyu, but you are dumb, why you need me here? Soobin's here as well," Taehyun said and both boys turned to the said boy beside them obviously looking for something or rather someone else.

"He's here for Kai," Beomgyu spoke leading Taehyun to a chair with Soobin.

"Learn to say 'NO' Gyu and be assertive about it," Taehyun said wrapping his arms around Beomgyu, "you are not sixteen anymore."

"I'm working on it, it's hard because I'm already used to this things," Beomgyu glanced around, "'yes' kind of comes out without me even thinking about saying it."

Beomgyu's eyes caught unto a pink haired male sitting not to far away from them,"are you sure they aren't dating?" Beomgyu asked Soobin referring to Yeonjun and Anika.

"I don't know," Soobin turned to the two who were covered by few girls from his class.

Soobin let out a deep breath as he scanned the room for Huening Kai, his eyes finally caught unto the raven haired boy sitting on the counter talking with someone who might be the same height as he was.

Soobin touched Beomgyu's arms, the latter turned to look at Soobin and followed his fingers which were pointing off to somewhere else.

"Woah," Beomgyu went eyes wide while staring at Huening Kai, he was putting on full makeup, a netty long sleeve shirt that was barely covering his body, a crop denim jacket without the sleeves, a ripped denim pants with the cut outs covered by the netty material and black boots.

They didn't miss the black shiny nails on his fingers either, Huening Kai would have never worn any of the things he was putting one, so what happened?

"I can't take this," Soobin stood and stomped right to Huening Kai and his 'friend' who was offering Huening Kai a drink- that was probably spiked, but that wasn't what was hunting Soobin's mind right now.

It was the hand which was moving slowly, going higher on Huening Kai's thighs towards his butt area that was pissing Soobin off.

Huening Kai stirred his drink with the straw in his cup, "what kind of drink is-"

"Knock it off," Soobin forcefully shoved the guy's hands together with his whole body away from his baby.

Soobin wasn't wearing his glasses, one of Huening Kai's weaknesses was Soobin's eyes.

The latter had a very piercing and intimidating gaze that could render Huening Kai submissive with one look, the glasses kind of prevented Huening Kai from seeing Soobin's eyes properly.

Soobin doesn't know this though, if he did he would have used it as an advantage at the very beginning.

"Why won't you leave me alone," Huening Kai screamed getting down from the counter, "you don't like parties what are you doing here, stalking me again?"

"And that doesn't apply to you? What the hell are you wearing?" Soobin stared blankly at Huening Kai, "I'm not even sure you can see through all that make up,"

"I didn't dress up for you-"

"So you dressed up for this pea sized brain right here," Soobin glared at the boy that was formerly with Huening Kai, "he just wants to wreck you."

"Maybe that's what I want," Huening Kai snapped walking to the other boy.

"Can you hear yourself!!"

"Loud and clear," Huening Kai spat before walking off with the guy.

"Wh-" Soobin looked over to Beomgyu with a stressed out expression before following Huening Kai and that duff.


Anika was getting some drinks from the fridge when she was stopped by Yuhan and another girl, she couldn't exactly remember her name, but she knew she was Yuhan's cousin.

"You two look cute," Yuhan commented.

"Yeonjun and I?" Anika smiled, "we aren't dating.....yet that is."

"Uhhh, so very soon I presume," Yuhan grabbed her drink as well.

"Are you jealous?" Anika smirked, "you really shouldn't be."

"Why would I be, I have a boyfriend you know," Yuhan was getting slightly annoyed, "the person who threw this party, if you can't remember."

"Yeah, but his name isn't Yeonjun, I promise to send pictures of our date," Anika winked as she walked away.

"Did she just wink at me," Yuhan's brow twitched, "I don't know where her ego is coming from, but once an outcast, always an outcast."

This was the first time Anika had ever got to do something like this, Yeonjun was really a blessing that came her way.

She had gained a lot of attention and she was loving every bit of this, her status as the class outcast was going down the drain pretty fast.

She confidently walked to her seat with Yeonjun and was sad when she didn't see him there, she turned to ask Beomgyu if he had seen him but got a little pissed when she saw a sleeping Taehyun without a Beomgyu by his side.

'That 'slut,' did they leave together?'