
Good stuff doesn't stay for long; enjoy them while you can.


My name is Calvo, a black man obsessed with Nyash. When I see a good Nyash, my soul goes a step further to invite my ancestors to come and witness the greatness before my eyes. Thank you, God, for blessing your daughters with Nyash. Also, thank you, my ancestors, for coming through for me when my soul needs you. Gin chases away my fears and gives me wings to fly. I will share my experiences with Nyash, and I hope you all will enjoy reading these stories.


It was a very calm morning. I woke up feeling very relaxed; the only hard thing was my manhood, and it's allowed for us men. Waking up this way assured me that everything was good. I am a man. There was no doubt about it. However, I had had enough of my friends' stories about how they spent good times with their girlfriends. Everything was well placed; I had a good physique, good looks, and some money I had saved since 4th grade. I was also running a store in the nearby town. But I had no girlfriend like my friends. I was still in bed, my eyes fixed on the roof, and my heart was ambushed by my thoughts this early morning. The previous day, I had met a very beautiful girl on my way home. Her looks were very attractive, and the force she possessed was that of a magnet for metallic objects. Here I was, the metal object, and I had no choice. I approached her confidently because I am the type to go for what I want. Her smile almost killed the bad boy in me for a second, but I recovered quickly; she didn't even notice it. Her name is Carol; we had chemistry for real, and it did not take us long to feel relaxed. She was so calm and free that it felt like we'd been friends for a long time. Before she left, I made a few compliments about her looks. I noticed she liked them so much; maybe that's her weakness. She left smiling, walking backward; we were staring at each other, smiling. She turned around 20 to 25 meters, and that's when I saw the Nyash. My interests picked up from below average to excellent within a minute. I couldn't hold it; I said loudly, "You are so blessed, gal, that Nyash is so dope!". She heard me, turned, and blew some kisses.

This memory was carrying me away, and I was smiling like everything had worked out, so I shouted, "Yeees". All this time, my cousin was standing there looking at me, wondering what the hell was going through my mind. She asked, "Yeees, what?". I could see it in her eyes—she wanted to know what made me this happy. We were so close; we shared so much. She also knew that my friends were making fun of me for not having a girlfriend. I promised to tell her as we ate breakfast. "Breakfast is ready; freshen up and join us ASAP," she said, smiling. She left the room, and I got out of bed, took my towel, and headed to the washroom. I took a shower; the joy inside me was overflowing, and I kept singing love songs. Back to my room: I came home late yesterday and threw my clothes and bag on the seat, and it was my norm to keep my room clean and organized. I took the shirt first and took a list of items that are supposed to be delivered to customers today. I also reached into my trouser pocket, took the wallet and yesterday's balance, and threw the clothes into the washing machine, which is outside my room near the washroom. As I was coming back, I noticed a business card that was on the floor. "I didn't see this card, and I have passed here three times now; I suspected maybe I dropped it myself. "Today, no one gave me a business card," I said to myself. I picked up the card, and what surprised me was that the name on it was Carol Bella. "Could she have planted it when I hugged her before we parted?" I thought. I didn't call her immediately. I was not sure if it was her, or maybe it was a card I received from my customer or suppliers and forgot about. I tossed the thought to the back of my head and headed out for breakfast.

The sound of birds singing was like a melody in the quiet morning. To be honest, my day started with happiness and joy from within. I think the heart and the mind were completely on the same page; Carol is the girl. I couldn't go straight to the dining room before appreciating the bird's good song. I went closer, and the song got nicer to listen to; I even picked some lyrics to match the melody. Nature sometimes understands us better, and it's there exactly when you need it; it never fails. I stood there for 5 minutes, listening and murmuring lyrics to the melody. Unfortunately, the show ended abruptly. A hawk came from nowhere, and all I could see were feathers everywhere. The little "carnivore" served itself breakfast with my favorite 'artist'. I felt a little sad about it, but then something came up in my mind: "Good things do not stay for long; enjoy them while you can". I quickly left and ate my breakfast while explaining a few things to my cousin. She was so happy and also opened up that she has a boyfriend too, and they have been together for a week. She was younger than me, and she didn't want to offend me; she kept it for herself until the time was right. I assured her we are of opposite sexes, and girls experience some stuff earlier in life than men. I was so happy for her; she was a gem, and I knew the guy had just found the treasure unknowingly.

I was planning to call the number on the card after a week, but after the incident with the bird, I decided to take my chances early. So I was going to call her during lunchtime and see if it was her. She had given me her address, but calling would make it easier for us to catch up. My father used to tell us to take food while we are in comfortable clothes and feel free as we eat and drink, especially at home. This brings satisfaction. I was wearing sweatpants all this time. I went back to my room, opened the wardrobe, and took my brown classic custom-made suit, cream white shirt, and a vintage tie. I turned to my shoe rack and pulled out brown moccasins, size 43, and placed them on the floor. I knew it was going to be the best day. The suit looked so nice on me when I looked at myself in the mirror, not to mention the tie and the perfect shoes. My mind was so obsessed with this girl that I couldn't afford to meet her looking shaggy. I combed my hair and placed my favorite hat on top. I had an iced watch, a silver necklace, and a custom-made bracelet before I picked up the card, kissed it, and placed it in my right pocket. The day was going to be busy in the morning hours, then ease out after 1100 hours. I sat in my small office at home and contacted the people on my list. After everything was arranged, I ordered an Uber to my shop. I found it opened by Jane, one of my employees. I own a clothing store that I opened immediately after high school. I was planning to expand the business and have more stores. The store had all kinds of modern designs of clothes, shoes, belts, and caps. Everything was looking fine. We had a little chat with Jane as I instructed her to prepare the orders and send them to their owners as described in the list I prepared.

In the office, my secretary is wiping the table. She is wearing a red flowered short round dress; she is bending and busy finishing before my arrival. She has been my friend since childhood, and I have never seen her in such a short dress. I had respect for her, and I couldn't think beyond the change I noticed. I cleared my throat just to notify her I was in already. She turned around and greeted me first, saying, "Hi Calvo, I didn't know you would be here this early. Is everything okay at home?". I smiled like usual, assured her everything was okay, and she was relieved. She calls me by my name because I couldn't let the 'boss' thing ruin our friendship. "I have never seen you in a short dress before; they look nice on you. Maybe you should consider adding more to your closet.". I commented casually. She smiled and said, "My parents are worried because I am 18 and I have no boyfriend. My friend told me I should stop dressing like I am training for sisterhood. I do not know if I am doing it right or if I am the problem". She almost broke down in tears. I couldn't let that happen, so I took her into my arms. She has been in my arms so many times, so it was a big deal. Even in high school, I used to play basketball, and the deal was that every 3 points, I should go for a hug and a good luck kiss.

She held me so tight, and I whispered in her ear," Listen to me, baby gal, you are the most beautiful girl in our area; even in school, every boy wanted to be with you, but you couldn't see because you were so strict. Every time I hold you like this, I can feel how perfect you are. You have the perfect body any lady can ask for; your curves are on top. I didn't believe what I saw this morning. "You have nicer curves than Riri, and I never knew you had such a big, good nyash." I stretched my hands and grabbed them as I said that. I lifted my head and looked into her eyes. "You are so blessed, my sister; if I were not your 'brother', I would have dated you a long time ago. "I love you.". She was happy now; there were no signs of tears anymore. I could see how happy she was. "Let me finish; it's getting late, and by the way, you grabbed and squizzed my bare Nyash; next time, try and do it over the dress". She laughed as she said that. I apologized, and the mood in the room was different. She left smiling, and I was happy for her.

Time flew by fast, and I realized it was already 1215 hrs. I called Jane to confirm everything was handled as instructed. Once they confirmed that all orders were done, I was relieved. I had also finished with suppliers and signed a few checks, and I was free to leave for lunch. I reached for the card and smiled at it. I wanted to make that call and talk to Carol, so I entered the number, but before I could dial the number, my business phone rang, and it was the same number. I sat down and stared at it before answering. A serious lady's voice from the other side made me lean back in my office chair. Then laughter followed. I hung up and slammed the office table with disappointment. That was not her; I could remember her voice very well. That is not her. I even tore the card and tossed it into the trash can. My moods were messed up now, and my appetite was as well; I couldn't leave for lunch anymore. I took a book I had bought about a week ago about finance and opened it to read. I had just read one page when the number called, and I heard the voice I had been longing for all day—it was Carol. She begged not to hang up. She was just messing around. "Hey handsome, did I make that cute face frown? I am so sorry; I have to pay for the damages. What do you want, boy? I know money is not the problem; come punish me. I need to be whipped. Anyway, handsome, I was wondering if you would join me for lunch at the Jill Restaurant. I will be there in 15 minutes. Please do not bring your debit cards; I will pay for everything. Say no word,". she said, and she hung up the phone. I tried to finish reading the last two lines, but I couldn't grasp anything.