
I lost him

why me

fezzyquin · Sports, voyage et activités
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2 Chs

chapter 1

Zain and Lana were childhood friends that lived together on the Same street; they were so fund of each other to a point that everybody on that street recognized them. They always go to school, fetch water from the borehole and sometimes,Zain takes her to the football pitch to teach her how to play football and sometimes show off his skills to amaze Lana. The two friends grew up together and attended the same university, during their times at the university Lana's beauty always attracts boys but she would resist them telling them about her supposed fiance Zain

One faithful day, Lana got a phone call from her father who is in the village, the father said Lana should come home urgently, Lana then ran ran to Zain and explained the urgency to him.

What could be the problem? Zain asked in a shocking mood

I don't know, he only said that I should come home right away, he didn't tell me what the matter was except that I should come with immediate effect, Lana explained

It's okay, I don't want you to panic over this, it may not be anything serious, just relax and everything will be alright, Zain said mildly

   But this has never happened before, if anything happens, he will tell me and advice me on what and not what to do, but this Time around, he couldn't tell me, Lana said looking so confused.

     Well, sometimes parents behave that way to make us hasten up or try the mentality of their children, you have to take a deep breath and relax, I'll gather some clothes and other stuffs and follow you to the village tomorrow, okay, Zain said to the relieve of Lana.

     Thank you very much Zain, I don't know what I would have done without you, Thank you very much, Lana thanked and that moment, they began to gather their clothes.

     The next day the two friends set out to the village, on arrival Lana's mother welcomed them with much excitement, Lana was so confused and surprised because she saw excitement on her mother's face, she couldn't understand what was actually going on, so she just asked with much  certitude.

    Mum, what is going on, why did you people ask me to come in such a hurry without a clue of what is going on? She asked smiling and confused

     My daughter, the almighty God has finally answered our prayers, please relax and enjoy your meal while we patiently wait for your father to give you the good news, Lana's mother replied astonish

    At that point, Lana then began to take in some relaxing breath having known that the sudden news wasn't a sad 😭 one but of good one. During their conversation, she insisted that her mother should tell her what the good news was but Lana's mother ( Carrie) couldn't to avoid upsetting her husband.

       Mum, you still haven't told me or given me a hint or clue about the good news in other to calm my nerves down, do you know that I have given up the ghost thinking about something terrible had happened, Lana stated

     Yes ma'am, she is right, she couldn't eat or sleep last night,I  tried  and I forced her to eat but she ate a little, that's why I have to follow her here as a support, but now that it's a good news I have to go visit my parents, Zain said

      He told Lana to give him a hint when she comes to visit his parents

     Ok bye for now

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