

Kingdom of Eureka.

I was beyond happy and content with my life. I was the youngest daughter of the Royal Family. I had my friends and had fun when I felt like it. Everything was going good and I felt like I had nothing to worry about. But, I was wrong. If I only knew how much I'd have to worry about, I'd have prepared myself better.

~Alayna's POV~

Let me introduce myself. My name is Princess Alayna, youngest daughter of the Middleton Royal Family in the Kingdom of Eureka. I just turned 21 years old last week and had a blast at my surprise birthday party I had been given. Things were definitely looking up.

- 09:00 a.m.- ~Alarm rings~

I bolt up to shut off the alarm clock and sit on the edge of the bed. I stand up , stretch and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I like to exercise every morning before I actually do what I have planned to do that day. I have things I need to talk about with my parents and my boyfriend. By the way, I do have a boyfriend and his name is Liam, but he's not a royal. Not that it matters to me if he is or not. I love him for who he is and for him being able to love me and be there for me in everything.

~Dressed in my exercise clothes and ready to go~

I grab my earplugs, phone and keys and head out the door. I plug my earplugs into my ears and take off running down the street. I feel the rush go through my body as I'm pumped! ~20 minutes later~ I see a black, fully tinted vehicle pull up in front of me and I see the back door open. I quickly start turning around and heading back to the palace as I see that the guy is chasing after me. I quickly exit through a dark alleyway to escape through an abandoned window in an abandoned building. I hear the guy grunt angrily and leave. I hear the vehicle speed off and I quickly run back to the palace. To my home.

Phew. I coughed, trying to catch my breath. My mother and sisters come to see me. "What's wrong? You run too fast?" my mother asked, worried. I take a deep breath. "Mom, someone tried to kidnap me as I was running just now. I was able to get away though," I say, rushing to hug her. She hugs me tightly and rubs my back gently. "It's going to be alright. We'll go tell your father right now. Let's go, as he is in his study," she assures me. We head to his study. "Dad, are you busy?" I asked. "No, pumpkin. What's the matter?" he asked. I say, "I was almost kidnapped today on my run, but luckily I was able to hide and make it back here." He motioned for me to come over to him. "Pumpkin, did you catch a glimpse of what they looked like?" he asked.

"A tall guy that had long hair and a scorpion tattoo on his face, under his left eye," I say. My dad gets mad! "I will kill him! Trying to get my daughter!" he yelled. "Alayna, go shower and meet us for dinner. Okay?" my mother says. I nodded. I head to my room. I shut the door, lock it and begin to undress until I heard a low growl from behind me. I slowly turn to face the sound. I saw a guy sitting on my window sill, looking at me with a devilish grin. "How did you get in my room? Get out," I say. He just laughed. "I think I'll be staying for as long as I'd please," he said. I grab my towel, change of clothes, and head into the bathroom. I had my cell phone on silent mode so he couldn't hear me text my dad and mom. I texted my dad, 'Dad, there is a strange guy in my room. Please come. I locked my door but just break it down. I'm hiding in my bathroom.'

My dad is there in the next 2 seconds, punching the guy from my window sill. My mom rushes to me and asks, "Did he do anything to you? Did he try anything?" I shake my head No. My body is shaking nonstop! My dad and the guy are still fighting and the stranger (yet handsome guy) punched my dad until he fell onto the ground. I stand in front of my dad to stop the stranger. He smirks. "You defending daddy, little girl?" he asked. "Get away from us, you ba*tard! We don't owe you anything!" I yelled. The guy clenched his teeth hard, pulled me to his chest and tilted my head to make sure I look into his eyes. His golden-colored eyes. "Say that again. I dare you, little butterfly. And you owe me a lot, but I'm only here for one thing," he says. "And, um, what is that?" I say, stammering. "You. I came for you," he says. My mom and sister tried to come pull me back but the guy was too quick and he lifted me over his shoulder and left out the same window he came in from. I yelped as he leaped. "Dad, help me! Please put me down! Let me go!" I screamed. We got to the same vehicle I saw from earlier.

I struggle against him and he looked at me with a death glare. That didn't stop me from struggling though. I kept hitting his chest as hard as I could, that I actually didn't notice what he was doing until he had lifted a soaked rag onto my nose that I had finally noticed what he had done. I try not to breathe the scent in, and hold my breath. 'Breathe,' he says. I shake my head No. He holds onto my neck and says, 'Do it or I'll kill each one of your family members.' I start tearing up at his words and sees he is serious. I look down. I do what he says and I breathe in the scent of the soaked rag. I feel myself drift off into darkness, but not before I saw him smirking that he had gotten what he wanted from me. For me to be submissive to him. I feel hands carrying me as I am regaining my vision. I see HIM carrying me. 'Ugh. How long have I been out for? My head hurts,' I utter in pain. 'About 2 1/2 hours now. But, don't worry. We're just getting to your new home now anyway. Seems like you needed the rest,' he said, chuckling.