
I Just Wanted a Normal life with my Waifu!

Disclaimer-I own nothing. Dying and waking up in a weird place, I get wishes and you can guess from there, except for the part where ROB fucked me over! Warning- I'll update when I feel like it so sometimes I'll update sometimes I won't, also constrictive criticism is welcome.

BoredBoy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Besto Friendo

Teleporting back to the dorms, Gojo takes Yuji to somewhere else while I decide to get some sleep since it's late.


Opening a door, Hanami walks through to a beach, and hearing the door Geto looks over.

"So you decided to not save him?"Geto asked despite knowing the answer. And after some, unintelligible words, Geto got his answer.

"So it's not that you didn't want to, but couldn't, interesting, it seems there's more to that second-rate than meets the eye."Geto spoke to himself with a smile while thinking of Sakuta. Hearing that Sakuta apparently knew of his plans, greatly surprised but intrigued him more.

'It seems that Sakuta will be a very interesting player. Let's follow my plans for now, and if he truly knows what we'll do, then we can just change it up a bit.'Geto thought, amused at the thought of someone being able to, "predict the future."

Next Morning

Waking up with a yawn, I move my hand through my hair.

'One of my favorite features, soft and smooth, long hair.'I thought with a smile, feeding my own ego.

"Tom is the best!"I suddenly hear Carnage.

"Shut up, the best is Tobey!"I hear Venom then say.

"What the hell are you two talking about?"I ask irritated.

"We're arguing which Spider-Man is better."Venom explained while I sighed at their childishness, I felt like a parent taking care of two brats.

"You know that your heart looks mighty fine right now, right?"Carnage said and I could almost hear him licking his lips.

"Yes, another thing! You neglect us too much! We haven't eaten in a while and are running on fumes! What type of "parent" doesn't feed their kids?!"Venom complained, and he was right.

"Fine, fine, I'll get you guys chocolate."I said with a sigh, getting out of bed, clothes suddenly cover my body.

'Right, forgot they could do that.'I thought to myself while staring at myself in the mirror, a black hoodie over a red shirt with black jeans and primarily black shoes with red as a secondary color.

"Why the hoodie?"I asked aloud while looking at myself in the mirror.

"Well it's not like you'll be hot in it anyway with that body of yours."Venom said simply while I nodded in response.

"Alright, let's go then."I say while walking out my room. While walking I run into Nobara and Megumi.

"Couldn't they put a few more vending machines?"She complained loudly before turning back, seeing they still haven't noticed me walking up I call out.

"Hey guys."I say with a two finger salute.

"Hello Sakuta-senpai."Megumi said.

"Come on Megumi, no need to be so formal, feel free to talk casually with me, along with you Nobara."I said with a friendly smile, and though it was off-putting for them from how casually I said their name, they shook it off. Going to respond, Megumi stops himself seeing Todo and Mai walk up behind me.

"What are you doing here Zen'in-senpai?"Megumi asked, and I turn around to face the both of them directly.

"Oh, she's one, too? They do seem similar. Are they sisters?"Nobara asked aloud, but me and Todo were too busy glaring at each other to really care.

"They're twins."Megumi answered.

"Don't call me that, Fushiguro-kun. You make me sound the same as Maki. Call me Mai."Mai said.

"So these are the pinch hitters for Okkotsu and the third-years?"Todo asked rhetorically, though never braking eye contact with me.

"We came here with the principal because we were worried about you."She said though an obvious lie.

"I've never seen you before though."Mai addressed me so I broke out of me and Todo's staring contest.

"Sakuta Gojo, pleasure to meet you."I said bowing slightly with a friendly smile.

"Gojo?... oh, I know you, heard you were quite the looker, but it seems like words weren't enough to describe you."She said with a teasing smile.

"While I appreciate the flattery, I'm already interested in another woman."I said bluntly.

"Enough. I'm only here to see if these guys are fit to take Okkotsu's place. That's all I want to know."Todo said butting in.

"Gojo, right? What type of woman is your type? Depending on your answer, I'll beat you half to death right here and drag Okkotsu, or at least the third-years, out to the exchange event."He said while ripping his shirt off with a crazed smile, but honestly I've been waiting for this question, always loved the guy, so more motivation to prevent Shibuya arc really seeing what happens to him there.

"By the way, my type is a tall woman with a big ass!"He exclaimed, and I looked him in the eye before smiling and answering.

"Seems we have the same type then! Though I would also prefer thick thighs, it doesn't matter if they have big boobs or not, they're nice but it'd be more satisfying when I--"

"Don't finish that sentence!"Nobara exclaimed, but ignoring her I see Todo gain a far off look as he starts crying.

"...You are fun! We are best friends now!"He eventually says.

"But now it's time to test you!"He says as he tries to clothes-line me.

Deciding not to use infinity since then it would be boring, I plant my feet and easily stand my ground against him.

"Sakuta-senpai!"Megumi says as he tries to come and help to be stopped by Mai.

"It's fine!"I say as me and Todo are in a deadlock.

Now some people seeing my situation and knowing my power would wonder, "Why not easily just overpower him?" Well first off, Saiyan bloodline has always got me itching for a good fight recently, so like Goku won't transform into Super Saiyan or higher for a good fight, it's the same for me. Second, I NEED good fights, after all, if I just easily overpower people weaker than me then I won't gain any experience, so when the time comes to fight someone like Jiren who's just seriously OP, even if we'd have the same level off strength I'd probably get shitted on from the difference in experience levels.

"It seems you live up to your family name!"Todo says with a wide grin still trying to overpower me.

"And you live up to your reputation!"I say back with my own grin, but I jumped away last second as Todo swept his leg where mine were a moment ago.

Not letting up the pressure, he jumps right at me going for a super-man. Side-stepping the last moment, I try to grab his outstretched arm, what a mistake that was, because he grabbed me by the face with his other hand before face slamming me into the ground caving in the ground around us.

'Fuck!'Was all I could think, and while my body durability is obviously high it doesn't mean I still won't feel pain from getting face slammed by a body builder looking motherfocka. And while I did grit my teeth from the pain, I also couldn't stop a slight smile from getting on my face.

Pushing myself out of the ground I gut kick Todo with both legs at the same time and use my momentum to send him flying over me while I jump back up, turning mid-air to face him, to see him catching himself mid-air and facing me as well.

Running back at each-other, we almost start round two but then Panda pulls up in between us.

"Long time no see, Panda."Todo says with a now more, civilized, smile.

"Why can't you just wait until the exchange event?"Panda said annoyed.

"Go on home, or I'll start screaming, "No!""Panda continued.

"You don't have to tell me to go home."He said before turning around and mumbling to himself. Turning back he speaks again.

"Looks like I won't be bored the whole time. Give Okkotsu a message for me:"You take part, too.""He finished saying, but after a moment of silence he spoke up again, specifically to me.

"I'll see you around, my besto friendo!"He said before walking off with Mai.

And then a very uneventful month passed.

So sorry I've been gone for, what? 3-2 months? Yeah sorry, it's just with school and me starting to go to the gym along with playing basketball a lot more, it has been leaving me happy but tired. Really the only reason I wrote this chapter is cause this story has been stuck in the back of my head and I'm sick rn, not COVID thankfully but still enough to stay home so yeah. I'll probably keep writing, like once a week but if I feel motivated enough then definitely more, but yeah just wanted to explain my absence, and I'll see yah next chapter ig

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