
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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Unless Li Zhien wakes me up,

 Zhang Mengyu's Weibo post was like a declaration of war. As soon as this picture was posted, the number of retweets skyrocketed.

  There are many Chinese students studying abroad in Ligao Country. In the past two days, the bank incident has caused a lot of panic in Ligao Country. Even if they want to withdraw some living expenses from the bank, they have to queue for a long time.

  Now they understand that this is all Zhang Menglong's fault! This was all planned by him!

  Just some warm-up has almost caused the economic system of Ligao Country to collapse. One can imagine what will happen once these hundreds of billions of Ligao coins are really taken out from the bank. A butterfly effect like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

  "He really has the ability to disrupt a country's economic system!" Someone finally realized this terrifying point. One bank has 730 trillion Ligao currency deposits. Zhang Mengyu may not only have such a bank account in Ligao country. ?

  It's impossible for a person like him to have deposits only in Ligao Bank, right? In the neighboring island country and the United States across the sea, Zhang Mengyu might have such a huge sum of money in banks around the world.

  Even if every country's situation is similar to that of Ligao, once Zhang Mengyu becomes serious and makes a desperate move to withdraw the money, the world's monetary system will undergo earth-shaking changes, and he may really create a crisis that will sweep the world. economic storm!

  "He's not joking, he can really do it!" Realizing this, some people began to panic, especially those economists who scolded the most fiercely. Some even secretly deleted the offensive comments against Zhang Mengyu. language.

  Once Zhang Menglong finishes cleaning up the Ligao Kingdom, maybe they will be the next ones to deal with. Zhang Menglong doesn't need to do anything at all. He only needs to take a trip and throw his bank card on the table. This country's economy may be destroyed. It's over!

  When something like this happened, banks all over the world were panicked at this moment, and they began to frantically check their internal bank accounts.

  Then, they discovered a terrifying thing. Almost half of the banks in the world had at least one mysterious account number.

  These accounts have extremely high authority, ranging from ten years to seventy or eighty years. There is no record of these accounts being used!

  Finally, someone took the risk and tried to investigate these accounts, but they found that the information of these accounts had actually become confidential, and there was almost no information about their owners. The only note on the accounts was that these accounts were never closed, and in accordance with the The attributes of these accounts all point to one country, and that is China!

  Those banks have never worried about these accounts, but the deeds of Ligao Bank obviously slapped them awake. If they think about it boldly, if these long-standing accounts all belong to Zhang Mengyu's elders...

  That economic crisis might really have been caused by Zhang Mengyu's grandfather! He didn't lie or hype, he just stated a fact, that's all!


  "Immediately issue an emergency notice and prohibit provocations against Zhang Mengyu!"

  "Delete them all, delete them all. If anyone still doubts Zhang Mengyu, he will be punished with treason!"

  "You idiots, economists, what you've learned is shit! No one found a problem with such a big thing. Is the economic history you studied all shit?"

  "Are you trying to paralyze our country's economy by slandering Zhang Mengyu like this?"

  The top leaders of some of these countries have been frightened out of their wits by what happened in Ligao. Although Ligao is a small country, its economy is still very developed. They may not be able to survive this kind of "bank card warning".


  "Idiot! What have these people done?" In an office of Ligao's Ministry of Finance, a middle-aged man smashed the ashtray at hand, "These idiots who are doing nothing, what kind of monster are they provoking? "

  Almost all the chairman and presidents of Ligao Guoda Bank gathered in this office. Facing this middle-aged man, they all lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word. Although it is not a country with a monarchy and empire system, Due to official deterrence, even the chairman of the bank did not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

  This middle-aged man is the core figure who currently controls Ligao's financial power, Su Zhihe.

  Su Zhihe reached this position after decades of hard work, and will soon be replaced. During his tenure, Ligao's economic development has made gratifying progress. As long as he operates properly, he may go further and have a higher impact this time. s position!

  But in just two days, he almost hit rock bottom. First, there was a nationwide sharp decline in bank deposits, followed by a sharp drop in stocks the next day. In just two days, the country's economy actually fell into a state of decline. A depressed state.

  If Zhang Menglong really withdrew the money from those banks, they... No, this is simply a wrong proposition, because the total cash deposits in their banks across the country cannot cover the amount Zhang Menglong asked for. money!

  "Representative Su, what should we do now?" The bank chairmen all looked pale and couldn't think of any way to deal with this matter.

  "Representative Su, we simply cannot come up with so much cash. Even if our money printing machines across the country are activated at the same time, it is impossible to print so much money in a short period of time!"

  "The money printing press cannot be turned on!" Su Zhihe said, "If it is really turned on, our economy will be finished. It will not be able to recover in less than five years or even ten years! According to the current rapidly heating up international competition, after so many years In time, we have become the poorest country!"

  "Then what are we going to do? Don't we pay?"

  "It's impossible. If we don't give money, people across the country will riot. Not to mention the economy will bring us down, the angry people will destroy ourselves first!"

  "This won't work, and that won't work either. So what are we going to do? Representative Su, please think of a solution!"

  "At this time, the only way is to make him give up withdrawing money."

  "How is this possible? Zhang Mengyu is here for our country's economy this time. It is impossible for him to go back without destroying our economy!"

  "That's because he is now filled with resentment, destroying our country's economy and even creating an international economic crisis. These are not his real purposes. He just wants to make people believe that he has this ability and shut up those who question him. Then just teach those who humiliate him with their arrogant words!"

  "Then let's..."

  "What we have to do now is to appease his mood. As long as his conditions are not too excessive, we will agree unconditionally. When his mood improves, he is satisfied, and his anger subsides, he will naturally go back."

  "We, the noble and noble country, are going to be so groveling to a brat from China?"

  "Liu Gaoren, shut up. If you can, come up with a better solution first!" Su Zhihe was already furious. "Is face or the future more important at this time?"

  "Call him now!" Su Zhihe said to the president of Ligao Bank, "You don't have his contact information, come on, ask him to come over and talk!"

  "This... okay..." Pu Guanzhi reluctantly dialed Zhang Mengyu's number.

  Zhang Menglong and Lu Yiyao played games until early in the morning last night. It was already past nine o'clock, but he was still immersed in sleep.

  "Mr. Zhang, I have your phone number!" Zhang vaguely heard Hong Yi's voice.

  "Who! Cnm, are you going to stop letting me sleep?" Zhang Mengyu yelled, "Don't you know I'm angry when I wake up? You idiot, get out!"

  "It's Mr. Park from Ligao Bank. He said that he invites you to talk about withdrawals on behalf of their Ministry of Finance. Do you have time in the morning?" Hong Yi didn't feel anything at all. After all, Zhang Mengyu was not scolding her.

  "Talking about your sister, tell her that unless Li Zhien comes to wake me up, I will sleep at home all day!"