
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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The Legend of the Chinese Car God:

 "Slow down!" There is a very bad road ahead! "The girl reminded while taking care of the injury.

 But Zhang Mengyu's speed only slowed down a little, and the truck immediately rushed onto the muddy path.

 However, the feeling of shaking the earth and the mountains did not happen as they imagined. When it came, the vibration of the car was only slightly greater than that on the flat road just now.

 They breathed a sigh of relief. Such vibration should not have much impact on the patient.

 After a while, the car rushed out of the A trail entered the road leading to the city.

 "Emergency notice, emergency notice, there are seriously injured patients who need to go to the hospital for emergency rescue. Please cooperate with the mission and make way for life!" Thanks for your cooperation! "

 On the road leading to the hospital, the sound of notifications resounded.

 At this point, there were not many cars on the road, but in the urban area, there were still some vehicles coming and going.

 "Whoosh! "A blue phantom shuttled on the city road, sometimes accelerating and sometimes drifting. Its speed was always maintained above 200km/h.

 "Old Wang, is this the car you are talking about? "The staff member on duty at Dongji City's traffic control system pointed to the surveillance photos on the road and said.

 "I don't know what kind of car it is, but the license plate should be Jiang L76679, holy shit! What the hell is this? "

 On the screen of the traffic monitoring system, a blue track is constantly traveling on the road. The speed can only eat up the dirt of the cars passing around. According to the instrument display, even on the curve, the speed of the car reaches 216km/h.

 "Is this...is this person crazy? Dare you drive like this? Find someone to take care of it quickly! This will cause a huge traffic disaster! "A traffic policeman suddenly panicked.

 "Wait! You play it back in slow motion! "Another traffic policeman said.

 "Jiang L76679... This is the license plate of the car that transported the injured!

 " Are you kidding? " By truck? "

 "That's not the point! Have you fucking seen a truck like this? Running in a straight line at a speed close to 250 yards, drifting through corners at a speed of more than 200 yards, you tell me this is a truck? "

 Look, that car almost doesn't sway at all. Is this really something that can be driven by human skills?" "

 "The car gods in Qiu Mingshan don't dare to drive like this!" "

 The two traffic policemen stared dumbfoundedly at the blue afterimage racing on the road. They even forgot to continue to remind the citizens on the road.

 But compared to these traffic policemen, the drivers on the road were the most collapsed.

 " Damn it! Trucks transporting injured people? Isn't it too tough?

 "I've been a driving instructor for thirty years. Does such technology really exist in the world? " "

 "Drifting! " The truck was drifting, and I split open on the spot! "

 " Take a photo and post it online! This is definitely a world class racer! We actually have such a master in Dongji City, it's really amazing! "

 " Damn, there's an afterimage on my phone. Did I masturbate too much?

 "Idiot, just record it in slow motion! " "


 "What happened in front? "Suddenly, Zhang Mengyu noticed that the traffic light in front of him was actually blocked by a bunch of cars, and there was a path in the middle that was only big enough for an ambulance to pass through.

 "It's those ambulances that are going to deal with food poisoning! "Zhang Mengyu realized this immediately.

 "Brother, the patient's condition is starting to become unstable. We must speed up! "A girl from behind urged.

 The injured with an open fracture is doing fine, his blood pressure is temporarily stable, and the bleeding has been controlled to a certain extent, but the injuries of the injured with severe burns have worsened.

 " It's over! The front is blocked! !

 "The truck is too wide, and we can't pass that lane! "

 "You all sit down on the right side! " Zhang Mengyu shouted, "Secure the injured, don't ask why!" "

 Facing a slow and congested road that was almost more than a hundred meters long, Zhang Mengyu actually stepped on the accelerator again!

 "Hey, are you crazy? "

 "ah! "

 The car suddenly accelerated, Zhang Mengyu swung the steering wheel, and the strong inertia actually made one side of the truck tilt up!

 "What on earth is he going to do? "The two girls immediately protected the injured person with a fracture, and also kept the other three injured people close to the triangle area of ​​the carriage.

 The truck did not roll over, but continued to move forward in an upturned position, and the chassis The height is just enough to pass through this section of traffic!

 "Look behind you!" A truck is coming! "

 "Hold! What the hell is this? The legendary blade overtake?

 "This is not a racing car! " It's a truck!

 " Damn it! " God! "

 I know, that's the Jiang L76679. My friend just sent me the video. There were four seriously injured patients in that car. I heard that the speed of that car did not drop below 200 yards along the way. When cornering, They all use drift. I didn't believe it just now, but now I believe it! "

 China is really full of talented people. Maybe this one is from our Dongji City!"

 "Are there any racers in Dongji City? " I remember there seemed to be a guy named Liu Aowei, but he had retired a few years ago, and his results were mediocre. He was definitely far behind this car god! "

 "Depend on! It's not even close! You find a second person to drive the truck into a race car and let me see? Jiang L76679, always a god! "


 It took Zhang Menglong only 8 minutes to make the 20-minute journey. When the truck stopped at the door of the hospital, even the engine started to smoke.

 After all, it was just a truck. Under such high power operation, it is already good that the engine can still support it until now.

 "Hurry! superior! "The emergency doctors who were already ready at the entrance of the hospital immediately rushed forward with their carts and began to treat the patients.

 "The patient is in good condition. This patient with a bone injury needs a blood transfusion!

 "Third degree burns, prepare for rescue immediately! " "

 "Um? Where is the driver! "The two girls assisted the doctor in getting the patient off the car. They immediately wanted to see who the young man driving the car was, but at this time, the cab of the truck was already empty.


 After all, it was On New Year's Eve, it was past one in the morning. At this time, most people had already fallen asleep. Zhang Mengyu's incident did not cause much of a sensation.

 But this matter would never be covered up like this.

 On the morning of the next day, a video of a truck with license plate number L76679 drifting around corners at a speed of more than 200 yards and overtaking with a razor blade appeared on major platforms, immediately detonating the whole country.

 "My mother asked me why I was kneeling and gave me a 1,000-yuan red envelope!"

 "Ah, ah, ah, ah..."

 "What does this mean? A professional racing driver can also drift by 200 yards." Cornering?"

 "The boss slaps your Tianling cover to pieces. This is a fucking truck! The most ordinary truck! You find a professional driver to show me a 200-yard drift around the corner?" "

 And blade overtaking! I'm here It's the first time in my life that I've seen a truck perform such a stunt. It's so cool!" "

 I heard that the conditions of several injured people rescued by that truck have stabilized. The doctor said that it was all because they were delivered in time. If If it had been ten minutes later, it would have been impossible!"

 "The great gods are indeed among the people. I would like to call him the God of Cars!"

 "The God of Chinese Cars!"


 This news not only caused a stir in the country It was a sensation and even attracted great attention abroad.

 "Chinese Car God? Yin Chui Sting!"

 "Chinese Car God? Yo West!"

 "Chinese Car God Smida?"

 "I want to challenge this Car God! Assistant Bai, wait until after the Chinese Spring Festival and help me arrange it. A flight from China!"

 "Get my car tested! In three days, we will go to China to find this car god!" "

 I want to see whether I, the American car god, is stronger or he, the Chinese car god, is better!

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