
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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The Dance of Demons

In Baliska's store, two middle-aged people looked down through the second-floor windows at Xiangxie Street and the crowded flow of people.

The thin one is called Gore Siens, who is the person in charge of Balisca on the Champs-Elysees. The other one is the European regional director Ferdia Schillerberg from the headquarters. It seems that the two of them are There is a huge gap in status, but in fact, there is not much difference in the status of the two.

For Balisca, this store on the Champs Elysees has extraordinary significance. It can almost be regarded as the face of the brand. His person in charge also plays a decisive role in the entire Balisca. status.

"Gao Er, I hope what happened yesterday will not happen again today. Such things have a great impact on our Balisika brand, and it is easy for us to lose Chinese consumers!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, they are just verbal protests at most. You see, the largest number of people lining up outside today are Chinese people. Everyone is a businessman and they are pursuing the interests of capital. No one will cooperate with You can't get by with money." Gower didn't seem to regret his decision yesterday.

"Don't underestimate Huaxia. Chinese people account for 30% to 50% of our annual turnover. Without the support of Chinese customers, we, Balisca, would have gone bankrupt," said Fodia. "Yesterday's news caused a lot of fluctuations in China, and their protests were particularly loud."

"Well, at worst, we can just put all the fault on that security guard," Gao Er said with a smile. "At most, we can only make a mistake of poor supervision, and no one will really pursue it to the end."

"I hope so," Fodia said, "but I still say the same old thing, never underestimate the Chinese people, and never underestimate the anger of the Chinese people."

"Okay, my friend, relax a little. Look, our passenger flow today is twice that of yesterday. Don't you think what happened yesterday is also a disguised form of publicity for us?" Gao Er pointed to the group of young people below and said, "Look, they are all full of energy!"

"Strange, why do these hundreds of people seem to know each other?"

"What's so strange about this? There are hundreds of tour groups every day on the Champs Elysees. Maybe this tour group is just a little bigger."

"Why do I always feel a little uneasy?"

"Maybe you've been too busy at work recently? Why don't you stop being the director and find a position that's less stressful?"

"Wait, look, there seems to be something wrong with them!"

"What's not quite right?"


At the extremely noisy gate of Baliska, the sale time was almost here. I don't know if it was to join in the fun, but more than 300 of the more than 700 patients brought from Shuguang Mental Hospital were actually outside. A line formed.

They were talking and laughing with each other, seeming to be talking about the memories they had in the hospital, those ridiculous behaviors, even they themselves felt a little outrageous.

"Mr. Zhang, the time has come," Ye Yin's voice sounded in Zhang Mengyu's ears.

"Another cup of milk tea!" Zhang Menglong said to the waiter at the milk tea shop, "Friends, prepare your mobile phones, the next step is to witness the miracle!"

An invisible ripple radiated away from a position near Zhang Mengyu as the center of the circle. This kind of wave has no physical signs. It is invisible and intangible, but it exists in a real way. Maybe we really need to use a word to describe it, and it would be something like "mind power".

Those fluctuations passed through ordinary people and did not have any impact on their bodies. However, when they came into contact with the patients from Shuguang Psychiatric Hospital, they seemed to have been cast a body-holding spell for an instant, as if a certain person in their body was The switch was flipped.

There were more than 700 people, some were eating, some were playing, and some were running around, but they all fell into stillness at this moment, while the people around them still maintained their original rhythm of movement.

Is there anything more bizarre than seeing hundreds of motionless people on the street? All the customers in Champs Spring stopped at the first moment and observed this group of strange people attentively. For some reason, everyone felt a faint feeling of uneasiness.

After a moment, the lock that imprisoned them seemed to be opened, and everyone's faces showed different expressions, some were fierce, some were dull, some were crazy, some were sad, and some were even filled with emotion. bloody.

The young man named Vidra instinctively began to grope his back, but the wooden board that had been with him for two years was nowhere to be seen.

"Who! Who stole my Xuanzhong Ruler! Soul Emperor, is it you? Come out and fight me. I, Xiao Yan, know more than just Ruler Techniques!"

This burst of loud shouts suddenly attracted the attention of everyone around them. They instinctively took a few steps back and looked at this man who suddenly fell into madness.

"Xiao Yan, I have been looking for you for many years. My five lightning whips are used to transform the realm. Today I will have a showdown with your Buddha's Fury Continuous!

"Well done! I'll kill you first, and then go find the Soul Emperor!"

Suddenly, the two of them were fighting like crazy.

"Security? Where is the security? Someone is crazy here!" Tourists around him immediately started calling for security.

"What's going on? What happened?" A security guard hurried over. It was the same security guard who helped five locals bully the Chinese young man yesterday!

"I don't know, these two people suddenly started fighting, shouting about Soul Heaven Emperor and so on."

"Isn't it mental illness?"

"No way? I just saw that these two people were quite normal. Could it be that something happened to cause a dispute?"

The security guard looked at the two people struggling together, and for a moment he didn't know which one to help.

"Bump!" At this time, a golf club hit the security guard on the back of the head, knocking him unconscious on the ground. A Frank teenager who was already sick quickly waved the golf club over his head. Then, he glanced disdainfully at the unconscious security guard, and said in a contemptuous tone, "Humph, there's no one who can beat me!"


"Someone is crazy here! Where is the security? Someone come quickly!"

"What are you doing? Sir, please put down what you are doing, otherwise we will call the police!"

The already very noisy streets suddenly became several times more lively. Screams, the sound of smashing glass, yelling, and calls for help all started one after another!

"Hahahaha! I finally achieved the ultimate martial arts!"

"Sir, sir, please take off your clothes, these clothes are very expensive!"


"Voldemort! You killed my parents, and today I want you to pay with your blood! Expelliarmus!"

"Sir, you haven't paid for your raincoat and cat teaser yet!"


"Orcs will never be slaves!"


"Look! I have become light, I have become light. There really is an Ultraman in this world!"

"Have you seen my gloves? If I snap my fingers, half of you here will be wiped out!"

"Human blood, I want human blood!"

"Sir, that's red wine worth 200,000 yuan, not human blood!"

"I am the reincarnation of Qin Shihuang. Now I need 3,000 elite soldiers. When I conquer Europe, I will definitely make you a marquis!"

Both handsome guys and beauties have already voted! And you?