
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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Power, water and gas cut off.

 Mu Xian Kingdom, a country closest to Ligao Kingdom, actually belongs to the same country, but it was split due to a war a long time ago, and finally formed two countries with different political powers.

  Although they are independent of each other, the relationship between them is indeed quite good. After all, the people of both countries share the blood of the same ancestors, and they have a bond that is difficult to wash away due to the separation of the country.

  Mu Xian is the country with the most Ligao currency and foreign exchange in the world. Their reserves of Ligao coins have reached 1,080 trillion Ligao coins, far exceeding the foreign exchange reserves of any other country.

  When Ligao asked for help the first time, they were the only country that did not make any additional demands. They just paid their corresponding US dollar foreign exchange according to the US dollar exchange rate. The so-called brothers are of one mind.

  In the office of the Minister of Finance of Mu Xian Kingdom, Cui Wu was talking enthusiastically to Su Zhihe on the phone.

  "Minister Cui, thank you for your help this time. If you hadn't been willing to lend a helping hand, our Ligao country's economy would have declined a lot this time."

  "What are you talking about? We are friendly countries. Of course we have to help each other with this small matter. We are just Chinese people. If our two countries work together, can we still not be able to defeat a young man in his early twenties?"

  Although he sounds nice, Cui Wu just checked the banks across the country not long ago. It seems that because they were founded relatively late, they did not seem to have been invaded by the Zhang family's forces, and there were no mysterious accounts in the banks. .

  Obviously, Zhang Mengyu cannot deal with them in the same way as Li Gaoguo. If this is the case, then do they need to be afraid of a hammer? They can do whatever they want, but can Zhang Mengyu still interfere with them?

  "Hahaha, you are right. Although we are two countries, we have the same ancestors and the same blood. We must not let the Chinese take the lead!"

  As he talked, Su Zhihe began to pour out his bitterness. He told Cui Wu about Zhang Mengyu and their desire for a woman.

  "He's gone too far." After hearing such a thing, Cui Wu's anger was not the same as Su Zhihe's. "Don't worry, this matter has been approved by the Congress. We will spare no effort to help you. In two days at most, this 1000 trillion The Ligao coins will be transferred to your Ministry of Finance account!"

  "Great!" Su Zhihe immediately beamed, "As long as this first aid arrives within two days, everything will be solved."


  "Minister Cui, do we really want to do this?" After putting down the phone, Cui Wu's assistant suddenly asked this question, "Although I don't know the young Chinese man named Zhang Mengyu, I can feel that he He is a very willful person, and our actions may offend him."

  "If you offend us, we are offended. We are not Li Gao. How can he still attack us?" Cui Wu sneered, "The Chinese people are too arrogant. It's time to tell them that not everyone is afraid of them."

  "But Minister, our country has only been established for a few decades. The infrastructure and society are still developing. If something goes wrong, it will have devastating consequences."

  "You are so unfounded. Chinese people don't have this ability!" Cui Wu said.

  "Bang!" At this moment, the entire minister's office went dark. Not only the lights, but also other equipment were all paralyzed.

  "What's going on?" Fortunately it was daytime and Cui Wu wasn't dealing with any important documents.

  "It seems there is a power outage. Let me go and ask." Cui Wu's assistant said.

  "Absurd, impossible! This is the Ministry of Finance building, how could there be a power outage?" Cui Wu directly ruled out this possibility. You know, this is not an ordinary place. Once the power is cut off, what important data will be lost? Or information, this affects the entire country, and it is absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen in the buildings of Government Z.

  At this time, Cui Wu's phone suddenly rang. This number belonged to a cadre under his subordinates.

  "What's the matter?" Cui Wu said in a voice full of majesty.

  "What did you say? Nationwide power and water outages?"

  "What? The energy supply is also cut off? How is this possible?"

  After several shocking news, Cui Wu was immediately confused, "What's going on? Where are the departments responsible for the power supply system, water supply system and energy system? Shouldn't this kind of matter be left to them to handle? Why would it be reported to Where am I?"

  "Minister, the people in charge told me that they want to ask you about this matter. What exactly did you do?"

  "What does this mean?" Cui Wu was stunned. He didn't understand what his subordinate's words meant at all.

  "Minister, our power supply system, water supply system and energy system are all dependent on other countries. A few minutes ago, our natural gas supplier cut off the supply of natural gas to us, as well as the water supply system and power supply system."

  "Where is our own supply system?" Cui Wu asked.

  "Minister, although our country's infrastructure has been improving over the years, more than 80% of it so far still relies on nearby countries, especially in terms of power supply and energy. Most of the power supply companies are not state-owned. Now our state-owned Our resources can only barely maintain the energy supply in some important areas, and as for the supply of civil parts, there is really nothing we can do."

  "What is going on? Why is this happening? Why are those companies cutting off supply? Are the huge annual energy expenditures of our Treasury Department all nonsense?"

  "Minister, those companies said this was an order from their bosses to adopt a 'three breaks' policy towards our country."

  "Three-break policy? Which three-break?"

  "Cut off the water, cut off the electricity, cut off the gas!"

  "Asshole!" Cui Wu pounded the table hard, "Who is the boss they are talking about? I will go directly to him!"

  "I...I asked...but Minister Jin of the Ministry of Energy said that this is all your fault..."

  "What did I do? What did I do?" Cui Wu was still confused.

  At this time, Cui Wu's cell phone signal was suddenly cut off by another call. This was an unfamiliar number, and it didn't seem to be their Mu Xianguo number.

  "I am Cui Wu, who are you?"

  "Hello, Minister Cui, I'm Zhang Menglong!" A young voice came from the other end of the phone.

  At this time, Zhang Menglong and Li Zhien had arrived at the largest shopping mall in the entire Ligao Kingdom. Li Zhien was trying on clothes in a luxury store. It must be said that shopping is really every girl's nature. It was clearly Zhang Menglong's request. Li Zhien went shopping with him, but in the end it seemed that he was shopping with Li Zhien.

  "Zhang Menglong? How do you have my contact information?" Cui Wu asked, "What are you looking for me for?"

  "Oh, I just wanted to ask if Minister Cui is looking for the bosses of those multinational energy companies."

  "How do you know?" Cui Wu's pupils suddenly dilated when he heard this sentence, and he thought of a very scary possibility, "Could it be..."

  "Be confident, get rid of it, Global Energy, Enka Construction, Lima Energy...the bosses behind those companies are just me!"

  "You...did you do this?" Cui Wu was extremely frightened. He originally thought that Zhang Mengyu didn't have to control their country's economy, so there was no need to worry about him.

  But he didn't expect that Zhang Menglong did not control the economy, but he did control the energy of the entire country! This is simply strangling their Mu Xianguo's throat!

  "I'm making this call to warn you not to meddle in things you shouldn't be meddling in. I want to cut off your power, water, and gas for three days as a small punishment. Of course, if you behave well, I can consider this. Time shortens."

  Zhang Menglong smiled and said, "Of course, your key departments have their own power supply systems, but most of your civilian water, electricity and energy are decided by me."