
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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Let me hold an art exhibition.

Clark, who was almost collapsed, had been taken away by his colleagues, and the art exhibition was terminated at Zhang Mengyu's request. All the staff began to pack up the works, and the originally bustling exhibition hall suddenly became silent.

  In fact, no one in the venue left. Although Chinese culture is extensive and profound, it must be admitted that during the Renaissance in Europe, a large group of creative painters did emerge. Not only that, in fact, those who emerged in other periods A painter, he also has considerable abilities.

  There is a big difference in style between Chinese paintings and European paintings. It is meaningful for many people to learn from their paintings. After all, it is not only about Chinese culture and feelings, but also for many people. , this is also their life.

  "Hey!" said the professor at the Art University, and reluctantly watched the painting being taken off the wall.

  He is quite old and flying is no longer very safe for him. Seeing these works is almost a luxury!

  Finally, this painting exhibition came to Gusu. He came all the way here just to have a chance to see the real work, but he never expected to encounter such a thing.

  It is understandable that the honor of the nation outweighs everything else, but it is also a great pity for him to miss out on those works. It is even very likely that this is the only opportunity in his life.

  Not only that professor, but many people also had the same sentiments. It was such a pity that this art exhibition was terminated like this.

  Some of the more extreme people even have some resentment towards Zhang Mengyu in their hearts, but after all, Zhang Mengyu is also doing it for the sake of national culture and integrity, and they cannot blame him from any moral perspective.

  "Zhang Menglong, everyone seems to be very disappointed." Lu Yiyao tugged at the corner of Zhang Menglong's clothes, "Why don't this matter be forgotten, that Clark will also be punished as he deserves, and the exhibition will be terminated like this. A lot of people are disappointed."

  To be honest, Lu Yiyao felt a little disappointed. After all, they had just come in and hadn't admired a few paintings yet.

  "It's because I didn't think it through well," Zhang Mengyu did not deny his mistake. Indeed, he was happy, and so were the netizens who were watching the excitement, because they didn't have much interest in this art exhibition at all. interest.

  But for those who really have artistic pursuits, they have lost a very important opportunity.

  "Hey, forget it, let's go. I don't know if I will have the chance to see these works with my own eyes in the future."

  "I haven't even fully appreciated Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa". It's a work collected in the Louvre. Without this opportunity, I'm afraid I'll never see it again in my life."

  "What a pity, what a pity!"

  "Let's go together!"


  There was actually a depressing atmosphere in the venue.

  "Hey, everyone, wait!" At this moment, Zhang Menglong took the microphone from a commentator, "Don't leave in a hurry!"

  Hearing what Zhang Mengyu said, everyone turned around and looked at him with doubts on their faces. What else is he going to do?

  "I'm sorry. What I did today seems to have made everyone's trip in vain," Zhang Menglong admitted openly, "But as I just said, our Chinese culture is also broad and profound, and our works are no better than theirs." Come on, I will hold an art exhibition today!"

  "Did I hear correctly? He is going to hold an art exhibition?"

  "The more than 4,000 paintings he just bought? Although those paintings are also very good, compared with those that are not for sale, they are still a level lower!"

  "I think he still has some domestic and foreign collections at home, right?"

  "How many can there be? I'm afraid it's on the same level as the scale of this art exhibition, right?"

  "And he just said that to show our Chinese culture, I'm afraid even if he has other works, they should all be works left by our ancient painters, right?"

  "I'm not saying that our ancient Chinese paintings are not good, but as a student of Western art, I can't understand our own works!"

  "Who says it's not the case! I just want to broaden my horizons!"

  The tourists chatted with each other. They did not doubt that Zhang Menglong had the ability to hold an art exhibition, but it should still be incomparable to the scale of this international art exhibition and the cherishment of his works, right?

  "Do you think they are the only ones who can produce such works?" Zhang Menglong laughed. He knew what these people were disappointed about. "I can tell you that the paintings in my collection are definitely ten times better than this exhibition! And! Even if it's a work on the level of the Mona Lisa, I can still take out several of them!"

  "I have notified people to send the works. Please give me two hours. To express my apology, I will treat you to lunch!" Zhang Menglong has arranged everything. The works were flown from Jiangnan City to Gu. Sioux City, relying on his family's private plane, is only an hour or two away.

  "real or fake?"

  "He's not bluffing us, is he?"

  "Anyway, there's nothing to do today, so why not stay and take a look!"

  "That's right, there's also a free meal. If you don't watch it, it's free!"

  "Zhang Menglong seems to have never disappointed anyone, right?"

  Perhaps because of the sensation caused a few days ago, everyone seemed to really have a glimmer of hope in Zhang Menglong. There were some urgent people, so everyone chose to stay here.


  Soon it was approaching noon, and it was already lunch time. Many people had temporarily left the venue to find a place to eat. Although Zhang Mengyu said that he would arrange lunch, with so many people, I am afraid it was just a slightly better takeout. ?

  "What does it smell like? It smells so good!" At this moment, a strong fragrance wafted over

  "Yeah, I smell it too, it seems like cumin."

  "And it smells like vanilla!"

  "Look, there are suddenly a lot of cars coming outside!"

  "Huh? What kind of weird car is this? A food car?"

  "Wait a minute, look at the logo on this car!"

  "Isn't that the logo of Noma's Restaurant? I heard that the per capita consumption of that restaurant is 2,000 US dollars, and anyone who dares to eat there is rich."

  "There is also the logo of the Modena restaurant! That is one of the best Western restaurant brands, and I have only seen this in Michelin magazines!"

  "And Dagao Cuisine! That's one of the top ten brands in the Japanese food industry!"

  "Oh my God, these are the logos of world-class restaurants. What's going on?"

  Soon, the large square in front of the International Convention and Exhibition Center was filled with densely packed dining cars. You know, these restaurants generally do not deliver food to outsiders. These cars are reserved for the most distinguished guests!

  A middle-aged man trotted into the venue and then came to Zhang Mengyu.

  "Mr. Zhang, the takeaway you want has been arranged!"

  "Thank you!" Zhang Mengyu nodded with satisfaction, "Everyone, I ordered a few take-out trucks for everyone. Don't be dissatisfied. I dare not say whether they are delicious or not. At least take care of them."

  "Is this the lunch Zhang Menglong mentioned?"

  "A few carts of takeout...my mother asked me why I was kneeling."

  "Nah! I've never eaten lunch at a world-class restaurant with an average price of several thousand dollars!"

  "It's still enough. Even if it's a few thousand dollars, I'm afraid it's just a taste of something new, right?"

  "Hahaha, those idiots said they wanted to go have lunch by themselves, but luckily I didn't leave!"

  "Wow, it smells so good. It's really great to have money!"

  "Damn it! Why are you running away? No one will fight with you!"

  "Dog thief!"

  "Don't pull me! Gold caviar! It is said that it costs tens of dollars per gram, and there is actually a jar full of it!"

  "What the hell kind of king crab is this?"

  "Is this a truffle? I'll go!"

  "I've seen this in a magazine! It's a premium ice cream sundae from Serendipity restaurant! I remember it costs $25,000!"
