
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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is over, Zhang Mengyu is here.

"Hey, I didn't expect that our five-thousand-year-old Chinese civilization would be overwhelmed by this tiny chip. It's really disappointing!" Zhang Mengyu scanned the list of companies.

In addition to those developed European and American countries and the world, even the small country of Qingqiu has a world-class semiconductor company.

"Mr. Zhang, this was also created by the times. In fact, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, our country's chip technology was only five or six years behind the United States and far ahead of Qingqiu. However, its development completely relied on the market. , without any policy tilt, and foreign chips quickly seized the market, which resulted in the current situation."

"But Qingqiu State recognized this even though it was lagging behind at the time. The state directly funded independent research and development, so it caught up from behind."

"It seems that apart from claiming that things from other countries are their own, they are not useless at all!" Zhang Mengyu sighed.

"Mr. Zhang, what are you going to do? The nature of those companies almost has the shadow of the state. It should be difficult for you personally to acquire shares of those companies, and most of the core personnel have signed non-competition agreements. Do you want to After poaching people, turning them into shell companies would probably not be easy!"

Zhang Menglong's previous methods of bringing down the company were very simple, either by directly acquiring it and then doing whatever he wanted it to do. The second method was to poach all the people in the formula, but these two methods were obviously used this time. inapplicable.

"Who said I would do this," Zhang Menglong said with a smile, "There should be a large industrial chain around those companies, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang," Hong Yi said, "Just like Silicon Moonlight, this large-scale technology company will be surrounded by many raw material vendors, machinery and equipment vendors, etc., but the technological content of these companies is far from that high. Well, they are basically labor-intensive industries or somewhat streamlined production enterprises."

A hint of a faint smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Menglong's mouth. Hong Yi looked at Zhang Menglong's expression and was even a little panicked, but she was sure that Zhang Menglong must have some evil ideas in his heart!

"Qualcomm Electronics!" Zhang Mengyu looked at the information and finally focused on this company.

"Mr. Zhang, are you interested in this company?" Hong Yi said, "This company was founded in 1985. The shadow of this company can be found in the world's 3G, 4G, and 5G technologies, and they are closely related to Jiepeng The cooperation with us is very close. After so many years of hard work, America holds 51% of the shares and Jiepeng holds 49% of the shares. It is almost one of the world's leading communication technology companies!"

"That's it!" Zhang Menglong said, "Change the itinerary. We won't go back to Jiangnan City tomorrow. We will go to the United States first!"


"Hong Yi, who manages my family's property in America?" On the plane, Zhang Menglong was enjoying the wine and snacks comfortably, and suddenly he was full of curiosity about this.

"You should have heard of this, it's the Du Bo family!" Hong Yi replied.

"The DuBo family? Is that the family that started out in the arms business?" Zhang Mengyu confirmed. The DuBo family is also a family full of legends. It is the oldest, most mysterious, and richest family in the United States.

"Yes, it's them." Hong Yi said.

"Isn't it? The assets of the Duper family were only 150 billion US dollars in the 1990s. It is said that the assets of the Rothschild family in Europe already reached 50 trillion US dollars! But the Rothschild family It's just a peripheral organization of the Dorelas family, and the Dubo family's assets can't even compare to a finger of the Dorelas family, right?"

"These are just rumors on the Internet," Hong Yi said seriously. "The assets of the Rothschild family are only calculated based on 6% compound interest. In fact, their total assets are about US$34 trillion. ."

"As for the Du Bo family, their actual assets should be added to three zeros."

"150 trillion?" Zhang Mengyu was shocked by this terrifying number. This is really an astronomical number. "How are our family and the Du Bo family connected?"

"This was more than two hundred years ago," Hong Yi said. "You know, the Du Bo family started with gunpowder, but in that era, it was a very dangerous business. Historically, the Du Bo family There have been at least five or six explosions in the gunpowder factory. The one in 1818 directly destroyed their family's assets. Even their founder, Elied Duber, almost died in the explosion. "

When the explosion occurred, Zhang Menglong's great-grandfather Zhang Fei was doing a red wine business in America. The manor he lived in at that time was very close to Du Bo's gunpowder factory. The sky-high fire and explosion directly woke him up from his sleep. .

Zhang Fei directly took action to rescue Yiled and his wife from the exploding factory. At that time, they were poisoned and burned. Based on the medical conditions at the time, there was absolutely no chance of survival. Zhang Fei used two spirit weapons to save them. The pill instantly snatched them back from the hands of the god of death.

From then on, Yireide, the founder of the Du Bo family, directly regarded Zhang Fei as a god and was even willing to follow him for the rest of his life to repay his life-saving grace.

But Zhang Fei refused. He admired Yiled's virtue of repaying kindness, so he directly paid off all the losses caused by the factory explosion, and even guided Yiled into the red wine business.

Zhang Fei's shadow was behind several of Yiled's subsequent investments, and they gradually became the largest business family in America. Yiled always remembered the Zhang family's kindness and swore eternal loyalty to the Zhang family.

"I never thought there would be such a story. My seniors were really running around the world, just short of conquering the world!"

"But in order not to expose the relationship between the Du Bo family and the Zhang family, the Du Bo family was divided into two parts, run by the eldest son and the second son of this generation respectively. The Du Bo family that outsiders see is just the Du Bo family of this generation. The team leader's second son is only in management, the rest, not even the United States can find out!"


At the American International Airport, a motorcade is waiting at the airport. According to normal conditions, outside vehicles are not allowed to enter the interior of the airport!

"Mr. Kriya, who are these people? How can they come in through the special passage?" This was the first time for a new employee at the airport to see such a scene.

Under normal circumstances, only when some important foreign figures visit the United States, special cars are allowed to enter and contact them. I haven't heard of any big figures visiting the United States recently?

"Didn't you see that sign?" the old employee known as Mr. Kriya replied, "That sign is the emblem of the DuBo family, and that is the team of the DuBo family!"

"The Duper family?" The new employee was surprised. This family has the same status as the Rothschild family in Europe. It is mysterious and powerful, but well-known to every household.

"Did you see the man in a suit at the front of the motorcade? That's Mr. James Dubber, the next generation leader of the Dubber family. When he arrived at the airport, the president came out to greet him. Such figures came in person. , must be here to greet some important person."

"What important person actually alarmed Mr. James?" For these employees, people like James are almost as high as the president, and they have almost no interaction with them.

There was no warning that the Dober family showed up at the airport today to greet unknown people. It was definitely big news for the American media. After getting the news, a large number of media swarmed in.

They were unable to enter the airport and could only observe all this from a distance in the waiting hall.

"Here it comes! It should be that private plane!"

"That private jet seems to be a BBJ from Boeing Company. The bare metal price is over 80 million US dollars.

"Huh? The words above... China's plane?

"Someone is coming out! Quick! Change the camera!"

"That face... seems to be... the world's richest man, Zhang Mengyu?"

"What? Zhang Mengyu came to the United States?"

"It's over! America will no longer be peaceful!"
