
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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I was conquered by you like this.

Although there is not much interaction, Zhang Menglong is always a person who has his own topics. Especially this time, the economic history incident has caused a lot of commotion in the world. Many people are asking Zhang Menglong whether this is a well-planned hype. event.

  Some people even suspect that the bank deposit information posted by Zhang Menglong is false, and that the economic sudden change in Qingqiu Country is just an internal change and has nothing to do with Zhang Menglong. Zhang Menglong just caught up with this opportunity and made the decision. It's just the second hype.

  Zhang Menglong just smiled at such a question. He knew that after today, these people would completely shut up their bad mouths.

  "Someone is here again!"

  "A man? It's not the Big Bang group, is it?"

  "No, obviously not. These people are fat, thin, and as short as a winter melon. How could it be that combination?"

  "Look, there are quite a lot of people!"

  Just when the audience was a little bored, a group of people appeared on the rooftop, two people took the lead, and the remaining dozen people followed them, and everyone lowered their heads, as if they had done something wrong. Something is the same.

  "You, give them a close-up!" Zhang Mengyu said to the camera. There should be a person in charge of camera recording this live broadcast.

  The camera passed over the faces of those people one by one. Under the gentle light, the audience finally saw the faces of these people clearly.

  "Who is this? What are you doing here? What kind of deal is Mr. Zhang doing?"

  "This fat man looks a bit interesting. With this hairstyle... he can't be the younger brother of the third fat man and the fourth fat man, right?"

  "Wait! I know this person!" There will always be a few well-informed science popularization experts in the live broadcast room. "This is Su Zhihe, the Minister of Finance of Qingqiu Country! My dad often watches the news of Qingqiu Country, yes. , this is the person!"

  After getting the information about this name, netizens immediately searched the Internet. Sure enough, such a person did exist in Qingqiu Country, and through comparison, it was indeed the same person!

  "This person is amazing. During his tenure, Qingqiu Country's economy developed very rapidly. The per capita GDP soared from 18,000 US dollars to 31,000 US dollars, almost making it into the top ten in the world!"

  "Awesome! Although I don't like Qingqiu Country, this Su Zhihe sounds really capable."

  "What's he doing here?"

  "Look, why is his smile so fake? It seems like that flattering smile!"

  "Look, he smiles like a dog!"

  "No, people from the Ministry of Finance came to the door in person, and they looked groveling. Could it be that they came to ask for Mr. Zhang's forgiveness?"

  "It's possible! I heard that the banks in Qingqiu Country have been almost wiped out by the people. If Mr. Zhang comes here to do something cruel at this time, they will collapse!"

  "Awesome! Labor and management are straight forward!"


  "Mr. Zhang, I followed your instructions and brought all those who spread rumors about you!" Su Zhihe said.

  "How many of them are they?" Zhang Menglong said.

  The camera once again moved over the faces of the dozen or so people. Each of these people had their heads lowered, and the expressions on their faces were even bleaker than if they had been raped.

  "I know that bald man. He is Quan Baek-en, the economics professor at Qingqiu University!"

  "I've met that one. He's also an economics professor. He organizes an economics forum program. He seems to be somewhat famous internationally!"

  "I know! These are the same people who called Zhang Mengyu a liar on the Internet!"

  "I'm so stupid, what does this mean? The Ministry of Finance of Qingqiu Country sent them directly to Zhang Menglong for disposal? Isn't this too awesome? They are all from their own country, and they are all professors. Just sold it like this?"

  "I'm afraid Zhang Mengyu has been involved in a lot of things in Qingqiu Kingdom these days!"

  Just now, Su Zhihe had taken the initiative to say that these people were the ones who offended Zhang Mengyu. How could such an arrogant Qingqiu countryman betray his own economics professor if something special hadn't happened?

  "Mr. Zhang, these are the lies these people spread about economic models on the Internet, and they are also spreading rumors about you. Now after our education, they have deeply realized their mistakes. Today they are here to clarify for you."


  "Awesome, awesome!"

  "I just said, how could such an awesome economic crisis be caused by people from Qingqiu Country? No economic model exists!"

  "Look carefully, every sentence is important!"

  "Looking at their dead faces, this education must be quite unforgettable!"


  "Are you guys spreading rumors about me?" Zhang Mengyu walked slowly past these people, "Who came up with that economic model? Is it you or you?"

  "Don't you think I'm a liar? Don't you want me to apologize to your economics? That's what you say!"

  "Let me tell you, I have a total of 3,400 trillion Qingqiu coins in deposits in Qingqiu Country, and the land is worth 3,000 trillion. I haven't even touched it yet, but your value has depreciated by 17% in three days. If you don't believe that I have With this ability, just give me a few more words!"

  "No way? No one really thinks I can't do it, right?"


  "Hahahaha, this tone makes me look like an old hermaphrodite!"

  "This is simply murderous and heartbreaking!"

  "Nima, 3400 trillion in deposits and 3000 trillion in land are equivalent to several trillions of dollars. If this wave of blows continues, not to mention Qingqiu Country, even the United States may not be able to withstand it. Stay!"

  "Whoever says that Mr. Zhang can't do it anymore? I'll unscrew the Tianling Cap for him without Mr. Zhang taking action!"



  "Mr. Zhang, it's our fault. We shouldn't infringe on your reputation. We made up this economic model out of thin air."

  "Mr. Zhang, we just hope too much for international attention. Please forgive us!"

  "Mr. Zhang, we now have enough reasons to believe that your grandfather had the ability to trigger that economic crisis. We were too short-sighted."

  Faced with Zhang Mengyu's questioning and the suppression of the state machinery, those economists could only choose to bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

  After seeing Zhang Menglong's huge financial resources, they truly believed that perhaps the economic crisis was really the work of Zhang Menglong's grandfather.

  Qingqiu alone has trillions of dollars in assets, and those accounts even existed decades ago. This shows that their family was already so wealthy in Zhang Mengyu's grandfather's generation!

  For such a family to cause an economic crisis in the world, it would only take a little effort!

  "The attitude of admitting your mistakes is not bad!" Zhang Mengyu nodded with satisfaction, "Are you all convinced?"



  "Representative Su, what about you?"

  "I...I'm convinced..."

  "Okay, without further ado, let's get straight to our topic today!" Zhang Mengyu said to the camera.

  "Ah? Isn't this the theme?" In the eyes of the audience, this explosive plot is already quite exciting. What could be more exciting than bringing a dozen professors to visit a person in person, and even humbly apologizing and asking for forgiveness? Something that shocks people.

  "Hahaha, get your keyboards ready. In a moment, 200 people will be randomly selected from your barrage and given red envelopes!" Zhang Mengyu stood up, and a baton appeared in his hand.

  "Okay, then, let's start singing "Conquer" now!" Zhang Mengyu pointed at Su Zhihe, "You should sing too!"

  "What? I...I...Okay..." Su Zhihe's face was full of despair.

  "Jieun, play the music for me!"

  "One or two together!"

  "I am conquered by you like this! Cut off all my escape routes..."


  "Hahahaha, awesome! Awesome!"

  "True Conquest, so hardcore, so sexy!"

  "Hahahaha, mom asked me to kneel down!"

  "Mr. Zhang, look at how my kneeling posture is not standard!"
