
I Have Three Mates

Lillian thought asking others for anything will burden them and others also left her out but her only wish is to be loved. What happens when she get three times the love she wished for will it be everything she asked for,will she finnally have a place to belong.

Sia_lin75 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs


Work ended and Lillian entered the cafe to buy cake for her 25th birthday and thought why did she have to celebrate her birthday always alone.Its not like she didn't have any friends it's just they always thought that Lillian was a easy girl who they always make fun of occasionally because she choose to ignore it and thats what friends do to her. She went home and before eating the Cake she wished to have the affection and love she didn't get till now.

That night she had a dream about her parents loving her sister because they thought her elder sister can't live in this world alone just because she behaved like child but her sister was different with her but no one noticed it and eventhough Lillian was the youngest of her family she didn't receive as much of love from their parents to her parents they always preferred to ignore her .After few years Lillian moved out and her parents literally forgoted her existence..

Suddenly she heard something snap and felt wet on her cheeks and she immediately woke up to see what's that because she didn't have any pets but was startled by the giant Tiger that was standing before her with a rabbit near his paw .She thought wh she was still dreaming but suddenly became afraid of how real it looked soon she realised that the tiger is real as it started to come near her '"Please don't eat me!.I dont even know what i am doing here i was just sleeping in my room"she started crying as she hid herself with her small arms.

The tiger thought why is there a cute little human in the middle of forest where animals comes to prey or drink water.The tiger didn't want to scare the human it just couldn't control itself from going near her because her smell made him want to have her with him forever. once he went near her he licked her tears and laid his head on her lap by trying not scare her and he also started purring at her.

Lillian was always a animal person from little because her neighbour who had three cats and two dogs would always allow her to play with them so she loved having animals close to her it gave her the love when nobody was with her to give her.

Lillian stopped crying once she noticed that the tiger as not come to hurt her and carefully raised her hand and laid it on the tiger's head slowly because she was still very carefully at touching the tiger when she started rub his head slowly and it moved little closer to her then she became relaxed.

The tiger was a shapeshifter and there was many shape shifting animals here so he wondered what a human was doing in the middle of the forest and he also realised that she was his mate by the sweet smell that was coming from her .He was happy that he met his Mate but was scared that what she will do after realising what he is.

He was the Prince of his land and he was known for his hunting,cruelness and master planning on how he defeats his enimies. His Name was known in every land That he is KILLIAN Prince of tiger's eventhough he do not wish to be feared but there he was.So he felt happy that he finally found his Mate but he can only wish that she will love him not fear him fow who he is heard.

Killian felt himself relax as she started to rub him slowly.Lillian somehow felt some connection betweent the tiger because when she touched him she started to feel some warm feeling of love and she felt secured with the tiger but she didn't know that the tiger was Human and her Mate.