
i have super powers

Legend has it that if you stare at the sun for half an hour, you will see something different. Jiang Fan tried it and saw something strange.

DaoistO29hyb · Urbain
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38 Chs

teaching people how to do things

In the afternoon.

When Jiang Fan came to the office, he was not surprised to see Pei Shishi waiting at the office door.

The scene seemed all too familiar.

Although they had been separated for ten years, there was still a sense of familiarity.

Pei Shishi had changed out of her dress and put on grey work clothes, which hid her beautiful figure.

The work clothes were a bit big, loose, especially the pants, which were particularly baggy.

A pretty girl turned into a country girl as soon as she put on these work clothes.

The factory work clothes had to be criticized for being extremely ugly.

It didn't matter if you were in a white-collar or blue-collar job, the work clothes were the same.

Including the general manager, everyone had to wear the same clothes, and no one could be treated differently.

Even if you usually didn't wear them, you had to dress up on special occasions.

As for ordinary employees, they had to wear them every day.

Sure, you could go without them, but you had to be prepared to be reprimanded and penalized by the safety department if you were caught without work clothes.

Not only would you lose money, but you would also lose face.

Upon entering the office, Pei Shishi followed him in.

After pouring himself a cup of tea and taking a sip, Jiang Fan finally started to give Pei Shishi her work instructions: "The office is a crucial department with many responsibilities and lots of miscellaneous tasks. It will take more than a few words to explain everything. If you're not familiar with the company's operating rules, it may not be easy to get to grips with things quickly. First, I'll explain the company's administrative structure to you."

Pei Shishi agreed, showing the model of a good student.

She recalled the bits and pieces from her memories.

When Jiang Fan thought back to when he had to guide her, he couldn't help but shake his head. Back then, he was young and inexperienced, even though he had been working for three years. He didn't understand many things and didn't know how to train newcomers, which is why it took Pei Shishi almost a month to get into her role after joining the company.

But now things were different.

With ten more years of experience, he knew how to train newcomers.

Jiang Fan explained the company's administrative structure to her and stressed the responsibilities and workflow of the office. After that, he didn't say much more, directing her to clean the office and organize the messy files in the cabinet.

Too much information would only lead to confusion.

The details needed to be slowly familiarized with during the work process before they could be fully mastered.

The office wasn't exactly clean, as Jiang Fan hadn't done a thorough cleaning in a while. There were too many hidden corners that hadn't been cleaned for months, like under the table and behind the door. The dust was quite heavy in these areas, so it was perfect for the newcomer to clean up.

Even though she was a beautiful girl, Jiang Fan had no qualms about ordering her around.

He had tried to court her back in the day, but she didn't give him any chance.

Now that she was here again, he couldn't miss this opportunity to give her a proper training.

Let her experience the harsh reality of society first.

After leaving the factory and experiencing the ups and downs of life for ten years, Jiang Fan was no longer the naive young man he used to be.

Women shouldn't be spoiled, they should be trained properly.

"Get up on a stool and wipe the top of the door frame."

"Wipe the top of the cabinet as well."

"Move the flower pots on the windowsill and clean up."

Sitting in his chair, Jiang Fan ordered her around without feeling guilty.

Meanwhile, Pei Shishi was sweating heavily, and her nervousness was slightly alleviated.

For newcomers, the most frightening thing is not knowing what to do, and having nothing to do can actually make things even more uncomfortable.

As long as people are busy, they will feel needed.

This was also how Jiang Fan had started when he first joined the company, being bossed around by the secretary.

Hoping for a newcomer to handle business matters as soon as they joined was expecting too much.

So, going slow was the only right way to go, getting familiar with the surroundings was the priority.

An hour later, the office was cleaned up and looking spick and span.

After Pei Shishi checked over everything carefully, making sure that she had cleaned up properly, she wiped the sweat from her forehead and glanced at Jiang Fan. Holding the rag, she asked, "I'm done cleaning up, can you take a look to see if it's okay?"

Jiang Fan didn't rush his decision. If he just took a brief glance and said that everything was okay, it would give the impression that he wasn't taking things seriously, or even that he was deliberately tricking her. Although that was exactly what Jiang Fan was doing, he couldn't let Pei Shishi know that. So, he got up and inspected everything carefully before finally nodding in satisfaction, "It's okay now. From now on, don't call me 'Sir', I'm only three years older than you, just call me 'Brother Jiang'."

Pei Shishi hesitated for a moment before agreeing, "Alright."

"Come here, I have a task for you."

Jiang Fan's smile turned gentle as he sat behind the office desk. He picked up a small stack of papers, which were the photocopy request forms from each department. Basically, every department had printing equipment, but some documents with a large number of copies would be too much of a burden on their printers. So, the departments would usually apply to our office to have their documents photocopied. This application form is our template, and every department has a copy. As long as their department head signs it, they can get their documents photocopied. However, this cost will be included in the office expenses, so at the end of each month, we have to calculate the forms from each department and tally up the costs, with A4 paper being one cent per piece and A3 paper two cents each.

Finally, we report the costs incurred by each department to the finance department, and they will include these costs into their office or production expenses."

Pei Shishi was nodding along, feeling that everything was clear and understandable.

"You're new and may not fully understand the situation, so you'll be in charge of this task for now. Later on, when each department brings their forms to be photocopied, you have to check and ensure that the department head's signature is on the form, and if it's not, don't allow it to be photocopied," Jiang Fan said affably. "So, the first thing you need to do now is to familiarize yourself with the names of the department heads, then look through these forms and make sure you recognize their signature, so you won't be fooled by the employees."

Pei Shishi was taken aback and seemed confused.

Seeing her expression, Jiang Fan knew she didn't understand. He clarified, "Sometimes, employees might resort to dishonest tactics. If they can't find their leader, they might forge the leader's signature. If they can really mimic it to a great extent, then that's not a problem, as the department leaders won't deny a few cents worth of expenses. But if the handwriting is clearly different, then that's definitely not okay. Thus, you have to familiarize yourself with the signature of each department head."

Pei Shishi had an enlightening moment and said, "I understand now."

"As long as you understand!" Jiang Fan said with a smile. "Right opposite is your desk. Open the browser on your computer. The default homepage is the company's internal website. There's a phone book on it, which contains a list of all the senior leaders and each department's staff in the agency. First, remember the names of all the company leaders and department heads. To get into your role as quickly as possible, you need to recognize people."

Pei Shishi agreed, then sat in front of the computer. As she opened the browser, she indeed saw a simple, unimpressive homepage.

She was able to find the phonebook in the left sidebar smoothly. Clicking on it opened up a white page.

The structure was very clear, with the company's leaders at the top.

Below were each of the departments. This was not only a phonebook, but also the company's administrative organizational structure.

Pei Shishi counted; there were the General Manager's Office, Party Office, HR, Logistics, Finance, Legal, Safety, Quality, Procurement, Sales, and seven to eight production units below. In total, there were more than twenty departments, which left her dumbfounded.

There were so many departments.

The leaders of the company were clearly visible in the first row, with their titles behind their names.

Opening the departments' pages, the department heads were listed at the top, also with their job titles next to their names, clear for all to see.

Pei Shishi took a pencil and paper and started to write down the names and job titles of the company's leaders and each department head, placing the paper under her keyboard for easy access. She planned to memorize these names whenever she had time, as it was a bit cumbersome to open the webpage each time.

After she had copied and noted all the names, she already remembered a few of them.

At least she remembered who the general manager was.

After memorizing for a while, she started to feel drowsy.

She hadn't even taken a nap in the afternoon when she was cleaning up the dormitory.

Memorizing the list was simply too boring.

Her head was nodding off, and she really wanted to take a good nap on the table.