
i have super powers

Legend has it that if you stare at the sun for half an hour, you will see something different. Jiang Fan tried it and saw something strange.

DaoistO29hyb · Urbain
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38 Chs

One thing, see a person clearly

Police Station.

It was already dark, but one of the offices was brightly lit.

"How can you be so shameless!" Pei Wenwen was fuming at Wang Qiang, "I didn't say you should bear it all, but it's your fault to some extent. You share half of the responsibility at least, you can't deny it!"

Pei Shishi also scolded Wang Qiang, "Are you even a man? You're so irresponsible!" Wang Qiang kept his head down, repeating weakly, "I didn't scrape the car."

Pei Shishi and Pei Wenwen were seething with anger. The bald man and Jiang Fan were just spectators, somewhat sympathetic towards Wang Qiang.

After arriving at the police station, Pei Wenwen finally comprehended the gravity of the situation. A compensation of 300,000 yuan was a vast amount. Given that the accident was primarily caused by Wang Qiang, it seemed reasonable for him to share half the responsibility. However, his stubborn refusal left the sisters disillusioned.

150,000 yuan is not a small sum. For Wang Qiang, who earns slightly over 4,000 yuan a month, it's a fortune that he would otherwise need to save for years.

One can condemn him, but it's undeniable that this is the reality of today's society. The traffic policeman didn't take sides either, patiently waiting for the young people to resolve their dispute.

After an hour of argument, Wang Qiang remained steadfast in refusing responsibility. The Pei sisters were exasperated but helpless.

Without any further progress and considering the late hour, Jiang Fan had Pei Wenwen sign the compensation agreement and transferred 300,000 yuan to the bald man via mobile banking and ushered everyone to leave.

It was nearly eight o'clock, they hadn't even eaten dinner yet and were ravenously hungry. Prolonging this situation served no purpose.

As soon as they left the police station, Wang Qiang hailed a cab and left in silence. Jiang Fan guessed he wouldn't be around for much longer. If he were in Wang Qiang's shoes, he'd probably seek a new start elsewhere too.

That night, Pei Wenwen cried countless times, Pei Shishi stayed awake all night, and Wang Qiang didn't return home. On the other hand, Jiang Fan slept peacefully. As an observer, he was playing his old role while observing the people and incidents around him.

Today's incident was clearly unexpected, resulting in an outcome beyond his prediction. The human nature displayed was neither surprising nor unexpected— what surprised him was the sheer bad luck Wang Qiang had to stir up trouble during a simple outing.

He wondered if he was like a butterfly flapping its wings, indirectly causing this disaster.


This is not bad after all, being able to see a person's true nature is also a kind of gain. As for the 300,000 yuan he had put forth, he could take time to recover it from Pei Wenwen.

On Sunday, Jiang Fan woke up early and went out. Wang Qiang hadn't returned yet. "Boss, I would like to cash the prize." "How much?" "A third prize of Super Lotto and two fourth prizes." "Nice luck!" "Well, it's okay."

Cashing the winnings only took a few minutes, from checking tickets to transferring money.

"Your luck's so good, do you want to buy some more tickets?" The store owner tried to convince him. "No, not every time my luck can be this good", said Jiang Fan as he left after receiving his money. He came to pick up money, not to try his luck.

Not far away was another lottery shop. Jiang Fan continued his money-collecting spree.

"Boss, I have come to cash my prize." "What did you win?" "Direct selection of 3D and a third prize of double color ball." The owner checked the tickets and was surprised, "Good luck!" Jiang Fan just replied calmly, "It's okay, it's okay."

A direct selection of 3D plus the five times multiplier, and twice with the double-color ball, albeit less than ten thousand for a single ticket, added up to over ten thousand.

After spending the whole day running around, even skipping proper meals, just dealing with a quick meal during noon, and ran to fifty lottery shops by the evening. He had finally cashed all the tickets he bought on Friday night.

Most of the lottery shops were cooperative; only a few were hesitant, perhaps due to inadequate funds or other reasons. But Jiang Fan had no time to argue. He could have gone to two more shops in the time it took to argue.

After running to fifty shops, he had got over five hundred thousand. Initially, he even declined Pei Shishi's invitation for dinner because he was busy collecting money.

By the night when he returned to his place, he was surprised to find that Wang Qiang had already left. His bed was empty, and all his things were gone. That was decisively quick of him.

In the shower, Jiang Fan pondered about where Wang Qiang might have gone to. After sending him a message on WeChat, he was even more surprised. All his friends were removed; he aimed to cut off completely from his past. So be it. Let him go.

On Monday, during work, Pei Shishi looked worried. Jiang Fan ignored her until he had wrapped up most of his work before asking her, "What's wrong with you? Why the gloomy face?"

Pei Shishi stuttered, "Brother Jiang, can you wait a few years to get your money back? My sister doesn't have that much money."

Jiang Fan replied, "Yes, of course. I'm not pressing you, why are you worried?"

Pei Shishi heaved a sigh of relief but still looked worried, "But it's 300,000 yuan, my sister hasn't been eating well these days."

Jiang Fan asked, "She won't do anything hasty, right?"

Pei Shishi almost rolled her eyes and quickly answered, "Absolutely not."

Jiang Fan was relieved, "Good."

If she took extreme measures, like jumping off a building, whom was he going to ask for his money?

Pei Shishi didn't know what he was thinking and thought Jiang Fan was showing concern for her sister. She was moved and thought even though Jiang Fan had a lot of bad habits, always ordering people around and even making them run errands for his personal matters, in a critical moment, he was much more reliable and responsible than that scum Wang Qiang.

"Brother Jiang, are you free tonight? My sister and I would like to invite you for dinner."

"Naturally, I won't refuse. But you haven't been paid yet, do you have money to treat me?"

Pei Shishi's face turned red, "Yes, yes, I do!"

She felt a bit annoyed. Can't he be less blunt? One minute, he seems like such a dependable person, but the very next moment, he has the knack to annoy someone to death.