
i have super powers

Legend has it that if you stare at the sun for half an hour, you will see something different. Jiang Fan tried it and saw something strange.

DaoistO29hyb · Urbain
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38 Chs

I'm used to being hit

In the afternoon, Jiang Fan was thinking about how to ask for a leave, and the finance department had some issues again. This was perfect timing. He was just getting sleepy, and someone was delivering a pillow. Jiang Fan took the company's seal, followed the accountant to the bank, then tossed the seal to the accountant, took a taxi straight to the securities firm. They were all old acquaintances by now, the accountant wouldn't snitch, and they weren't clever enough to take advantage of loopholes. The system needed to be applied flexibly.

Once at the securities firm, he asked around for a customer manager. After some negotiations, he got permission to trade on the Growth Enterprise Market, and also opened a margin account. He was considered a big client with twenty million funds, and securities firms were usually quite flexible. Getting permission to trade on the Growth Enterprise Market wasn't a big deal, and having two years of securities trading experience also wasn't a problem. The only issue was that the financing ratio was a little low, he was only given a 1:1 quota.

On Tuesday, Jiang Fan sold all five stocks he bought the day before, making a profit of 12.3% and earning over 2.4 million. Then he used his principal along with the 20 million lent by the securities firm to purchase stocks again, diversifying into ten different stocks.

Jiang Fan quickly asked Pei Shishi, "Pei, do you know how to trade stocks?" To which she replied, "No." He sighed, "So useless." Pei Shishi wasn't affected by it, she just hummed, "Yes, I'm quite useless."

When it was time for lunch, a call came from Pei Wenwen. She had found an apartment in Mingya Garden, a two-bedroom that had a cheaper rent than his, 7500 a month. When Jiang Fan asked why she needed such a big apartment, she responded, "My sister and I will be living there." Before he asked if her sister was planning to quit her job too, she hung up the phone.

Pei Wenwen was upset. She sent a message to her sister, "Sis, are you going to quit your job?" Pei Shishi was confused, "Why are you asking now?" Pei Wenwen complained, "I found a two-bedroom apartment, but boss Jiang won't let me rent it. He says I need to discuss with you first. If you're quitting, we'll get the two-bedroom, if not, he suggested renting a single room."

Pei Shishi was hesitant, and told her sister to rent a one-bedroom first. Pei Wenwen asked, "What if you decide to quit too?" and Pei Shishi replied, "We can still live in the one-bedroom."

The weekend rolled around again before they knew it.

Pei Wenwen was busy registering the company. Something that was supposed to be simple ended up making her question her life choices. Each procedure that could be done in one visit ended up requiring three due to her lack of experience. Thankfully, she managed to finish and expected the business license to come through next week.

Meanwhile, Jiang Fan was busy making money. The stock market seemed to be cursed recently, constantly falling, with the majority of the over two thousand stocks falling every day. Only a minor portion witnessed any kind of rise, and it was considered a lot if fifty stocks hit their daily limit increase, the majority of the time it was only about thirty or forty.

According to the news Jiang Fan read, it seemed to be due to deleveraging causing a lot of capital to flee the stock market. There was also a rumor that retail investors were being taken advantage of. The atmosphere on the stock forums was heavy and deflated.

Many investors were nursing significant losses. It was said to be the most severe stock disaster since 2008. The market conditions were bad, making it difficult to earn money. Jiang Fan had no choice but to spend a lot of effort selecting stocks to ensure profits. Thanks to the power of compounding, he earned twenty million in four trading days, a profit of over 40%, bringing his total assets to sixty million.

The advantage of having a large principal was pretty self-explanatory. If he hadn't borrowed twenty million, he would have to cut this profit in half. As it became increasingly difficult to manage the stocks, and to ensure profits, Jiang Fan had to look for highly liquid stocks with significant trading volume.

One Thursday, he wasn't able to lay his hands on a particular stock. He had to chase after a high price since he wasn't able to complete his loan at the expected price. The stock's daily trading volume was barely over sixty million and Jiang Fan made up one-tenth of that, it was no surprise that he couldn't snatch up the stocks at their lowest value. He needed stocks with high trading volumes in order to make quick entries and exits.

On Saturday noon after work, Jiang Fan had lunch and then went with Pei Shishi to Mingya Garden. They picked up Pei Wenwen in Mingya Garden and went to a cafe in the Science and Technology Building. They had arranged to meet with the founding team of a startup company that afternoon.