
i have super powers

Legend has it that if you stare at the sun for half an hour, you will see something different. Jiang Fan tried it and saw something strange.

DaoistO29hyb · Urbain
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38 Chs

Bask in the sun every day

Probably no one knows.

Jiang Fan was in pain and happy. When he woke up and went back to ten years ago, he was very happy at first, but after he was happy, he realized that it was still useless. You can't live like a human being by starting over again, and you can't succeed by copying others.

The most practical question is, where does the money come from?

It's 2015, this is not the 1990s.Even to open a small shop would cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Even if someone wanted to donate you money, there had to be someone willing to do so.

So in this era, it was truly the rare few who could succeed.

Common people, even if they restarted their lives, might not necessarily forge themselves into a strong steel.

The sun was rare in the Magic City.

Jiang Fan moved a lounge chair and lay on it, sunbathing against the back wall of the front dormitory building. His brain was buzzing with wild thoughts. If he continued his original life trajectory, he would be resigning at the end of this year. Leaving the state-owned chemical industry corporation that he had been working for three years, making a desperate effort, then repeating a cycle of falling and getting up. He would remain adrift until he was thirty-five, when he would finally compromise with reality and prepare to return to his hometown for manual labor.

In the end, he fell asleep on the plane, and upon waking, it was a reincarnation.

The memories started to dissolve after a bout of wild imaginings.

Checking the sun above his head, he suddenly remembered a joke he had read online.

Someone claimed if you stared at the sun for half an hour, you could see the mysteries of the universe.

Such a magical event as travelling through time had happened, Jiang Fan felt it was worth giving it a try.

What if he saw the secrets of the universe?

So, this person, among all the other "time travelers," was lying in the lounge chair, eyes wide open, staring at the sun.


Until tear torrents.

The vision blurring.

But he was still gritting his teeth and was persistent.

It seemed like he couldn't see anything anymore.

Everything was full of light in his eyes.

Even his head was filled with a dazzling light.

His head buzzed.

He was not sure if it was damaged by the sunlight.

"What a fool I am!"

Jiang Fan, reflecting on his foolish behavior, pondered whether he should go to the hospital to see a neurologist.


Perhaps he indeed saw something.

Jiang Fan perked up a bit. What was it?

It seemed like a projection of the future, but how come it was all in line drawings?

It was a bit strenuous to watch.

A lot of effort was expended to see what he wanted: tomorrow's lottery numbers and the winning numbers for the big lottery.

Jiang Fan's spirits began to lift; the heavens were still quite kind to him.

Perhaps each day he should cleanse himself, burn incense and show reverence...

Practising such a ritual every day seemed a bit too frequent, maybe once every three days would be enough.

No, once every three days was still too much.

Perhaps once every three months would be sufficient.

It was settled.

Of course, that was all based on the premise that the lottery numbers were valid.

If not, he'd scram.

All excited, Jiang Fan went out once, purchased the lottery numbers for the double chromosphere and the big lottery.

To avoid suspicion, he bought five each as a cover.

Now he was just waiting for the lottery draw at night, and then he would turn his life around, no longer impoverished.

He purposely turned on the TV for this, fiddled for a long time to get the signal, and kept it on for over half an hour.

However, when the lottery results came out, Jiang Fan had the urge to smash the TV.

The grand prize flew away.

Not at all the numbers he saw.

Unsure of his luck with the big lottery.

Next day.

Monday, back to work.

Jiang Fan had now returned to the familiar office.

Mingbo Chemicals was a state-owned enterprise (SOE), not very large, with two thousand employees. They produced chemical products, the performance was average. Over the past few years, times had been quite tough, the salaries were not always paid on time, yet people were still clamoring to join.

There was no other way, finding a job in the Magic City was too difficult.

Jiang Fan was the office secretary. The General Manager's office was the administrative window of the company, also providing services to the General Manager simultaneously. He was also in charge of handling all kinds of document receipt and conferencing arrangements and organizational coordination.

There were altogether four people; the office director had overall control and was a mid-level cadre.

There was a senior secretary and two junior secretaries.

The senior secretary arranged daily work, focusing on external and upper level communication and coordination.

Among the two junior secretaries, Jiang Fan was one.

Earlier, the primary junior secretary was mainly responsible for essential tasks like file drafting and official seals, Jiang Fan, as the secondary junior secretary, could only deal with the receipt and dispatch of documents. During meetings, he had toplace nameplate on the table and serve tea and water, tasks without much technical skill involved.

But a few weeks ago, the primary junior secretary resigned, and now there was only Jiang Fan as a junior secretary.

A large number of tasks fell onto him.

After opening the office system, he first checked for new documents that needed to be downloaded from the group and the shareholders. If there were, he would have to download them, print it out then ask the director to sign off. Based on the document's contents, the director would then instruct which deputy in charge he needed to get further signatures from. After getting the deputy's signature, he would then according to the instructions of the deputy in charge send the signed document for the various departments to sign off for implementation.

Finally, he would register and file it.

There were two new files.

Jiang Fan opened them to have a look, one was the party affairs system, and another one was the financial system. He printed them out, placed a sign-off sheet on top, used a stapler to bind it, then put it aside to wait for the director who was in a meeting at the moment, to come back and sign it.

Every morning, there was going to be a meeting, it was the production scheduling conference.

Fortunately, it only included the heads of various departments and the higher-ups, ordinary staff did not need to participate.

After arranging the documents and making a checklist for a few tasks that needed to be followed up that day, he continued to have his morning tea leisurely, waiting for the director to end the meeting. Following scheduled procedures rigorously, all one had to do was just do his job well.

To be honest, the Magic City was only suitable for struggle, not living.

Once you join an SOE, you were basically detached from the struggle.

Day in and day out, the salary was not high, but there was not much pressure, it was relatively stable, and there were not as many underhanded political traps. If you did not consider buying a house or getting married, staying in a SOE was actually quite good, it was very suitable for retirement.

Those who were not content with the ordinary, had basically all left.

But outside, it was not easy to mix either.

Jiang Fan had a deep understanding of this, a twenty-something skin containing a vicissitude and spiritless heart. He felt it was better to stay in an SOE, at least it was stable. As for buying a house or car, those should not be a significant issue for a time traveler.

Even if the lottery failed, buying some bitcoin now seems like a feasible option.

After a few years at most, he could retire at thirty, which would not be too late.

He quickly did a Baidu search, bitcoin had risen to 230.

Checking his assets, there was over thirty thousand in savings, he guessed he could only buy twenty bitcoins.

It seemed like it was not quite enough!

Even after a few years at 60000, a million dollars returning to his hometown to retire may not be enough.

He would need to buy more.

It was early June, and it should be the time to pay April's salary, right?

Jiang Fan mutters a small complaint, the feeling of overdue wages was always not very pleasant.

After a bit of errands, and before he could finish, noises were heard from the corridor.

Evidently, the meeting was over.

Jiang Fan quickly minimized the window and went up to the third floor to find the director.

The office director was on the third floor, and had an office on the same floor as the company's leaders, this facilitated the leaders to summon him at any time.

The senior secretary was also on the third floor, and has an office with the director.

Only the two junior secretaries were on the first floor, mainly because they also handled miscellaneous tasks such as file receipt and copying. With all the traffic of people, it was not suitable to be placed on the third floor, and according to the principle of convenient service, the copy room should naturally be placed on the first floor.

He first went to find the director's signature, then found the signature of the deputy in charge, and then sent it to various departments.The last to be registered and archived.

After a whole process, everything was done in twenty minutes.

After finishing his current work, Jiang Fan continued his busy bitcoin trading.

There were others from different departments who came to photocopy their forms. He filled the form casually, until almost eleven o'clock, he finally finished everything. He successfully bought twenty bitcoins and felt satisfied looking at the remaining balance of over two thousand in his card.

Just wait a few years, and there would be a return of more than two hundred times.

Nothing was more promising than this.

While he was exhilarated, the phone on his desk rang again.

The director called him up!

Another new personal assistant had arrived, and he was asked to lead her down.

After hanging up, Jiang Fan quickly went up to the third floor.

Two beautiful faces emerged in his mind, and he was somewhat intoxicated.

Today, a pair of twin sisters joined Mingbo Chemical, of which the elder sister was hired for the office.

Ah, the past was too painful to look back on!