
I have Saitama's physique in the Fairy Tail world

[Invincible, invincible, still TM invincible] Raphael has traveled through time, and it’s still the world of Fairy Tail. Good news: There is a system. Bad news: The system traveled to the wrong world and ran away. Good news: Saitama’s physique is left behind. Bad news: You need to exercise and I will be bald... if you want to see the whole novel and more chapter : patreon.com/user?u=30393718  ;;;;;;;;;;; more chapters here : patreon.com/user?u=30393718  TO 120+ CHAPTER ;;;;;;;;;;

NovelsWorld · Anime et bandes dessinées
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84 Chs

Chapter 50

"Let me destroy that ghost cannon! Hapi!" Natsu called Habi directly and rushed toward the castle!

"Hey~" Habi spread his wings, picked up Natsu and flew towards the gun barrel.

"Elfman, let's come together!"


Gray and Elfman ran side by side.

"Wait Erza!"Raphael stopped Erza who was about to take off to fight together,"Leave Joseph to me! You stay here to protect them. The characteristic of the ghost soldiers created by Joseph is that if they don't fall, there will be an endless supply of ghost soldiers, so your protection is needed here!"

Erza nodded solemnly, standing next to Makarov and preparing, always paying attention to whether there were any friends who were in danger.

"Raphael..."Mirajane looked at Raphael worriedly. Raphael stepped forward and put his hands on Mirajane's shoulders, looking at Mirajane tenderly.

"Don't worry about me, I'm the strongest. Wait until I come back. You are the hidden S-class wizard of our guild. Don't use your power unless it's absolutely necessary. Keep a trump card!"

This was just a casual move by Raphael. Although Mirajane's personality had become more restrained, she still liked to be in the limelight. Raphael wanted to make her pretend that she had to be a poster girl in the Fairy Tail Guild all year round because of an accident that caused her magic power to be exhausted. He planned to make her a trump card of the guild. He thought Mirajane would not agree, but she agreed before he finished speaking.

"Also, you have to be careful, someone might take Lucy away secretly in the chaos. If you find out, you can beat him up. Don't be afraid of beating him to death, because he is the thickest skinned."

Raphael whispered in Milaja's ear, then turned around and jumped to the castle.

"Hmm!" Mirajane crossed her hands and clenched her fists on her chest, looking at Raphael's back worriedly.

Looking at Raphael and others who had already gone far away, Cana turned to everyone and said:"Next, let these guys taste our power!"

"I can't bear it any longer!"Everyone activated their magic to attack the ghost soldiers.

"Don't underestimate us old guys! Purple flame rainstorm!"Makao waved a purple flame, split into a dozen and rushed towards the ghost soldiers, destroying them accurately.

"Macao, you bastard, you secretly make progress behind my back?!"Wakaba angrily spit out a mouthful of flames, and also divided into a dozen fists to scatter the ghost soldiers.

"Dress up! Magic machine gun!"Bisiqi held two machine guns and fired wildly at the ghost soldiers. A large number of ghost soldiers were instantly shattered into pieces by this storm of magic bullets.

"Card: Bow and Arrow - Storm Shot!"Kana summoned a light bow with a card, and shot countless light arrows towards the ghost soldiers. Each light arrow shot through a ghost soldier without losing force, and penetrated three or four ghost soldiers in a row. slowly dissipated

"The girls in our guild are too strong, luckily there is Raphael who can hold the situation!"

Natsu, who had already flown onto the barrel, used his hands and mouth to smash the barrel for two minutes:"Damn it! It has no effect at all!"

"Sure enough, we still have to destroy it from within!"Habi rarely made a good suggestion.

Just do it. Natsu and Habi quickly climbed in from the mouth of the cannon. To their surprise, the cannon that looked so huge was actually so narrow inside. , Natsu could only crawl on his hands and feet, like a big cockroach!

"Wow!"As soon as Natsu and Habi came out of the cannon, they saw a huge transparent ball. The ball seemed to be constantly filled with some black gas.

"what is that?!"Natsu looked at the huge ball in front of him in surprise.

"That seems to be a magic crystal, a crystal used to gather magic power, but it's the first time I've seen one this big."Happy was also surprised and explained to Natsu

"Magical cluster cannons do not actually fire cannonballs, but use the magic power gathered and compressed by the magic crystal to fire. This also results in the power being more powerful than the ordinary Holy Ten magic power!"

"I talked a lot, but I didn't understand much. Anyway, it just meant smashing that thing!"Natsu's understanding

"I won't let you succeed!"A voice suddenly reached the ears of Natsu and Habi.

"Guards? I will destroy all of you who stand in my way!" Natsu jumped down from the pipe without caring and rushed towards the huge ball!

"I won't let you succeed!" The voice appeared again, and along with it, a figure appeared in front of the magic crystal.

"Who cares about you! There's no time left, get out of my way!"Natsu's fist was wrapped in blazing flames, and with the help of the falling force from jumping off the pipe, he blasted towards the magic crystal at an extremely fast speed!

At this moment, Natsu's flaming fist suddenly turned by itself, and punched his brother Cheek-kun, knocking Natsu from the air and falling straight to the ground.

"It's you who's getting in the way..."A boy with a pineapple head and a samurai attire crossed his hands and looked at Natsu with disdain. This man was one of the last four elements, Usagi Maru!

"Natsu! Are you OK!"Habi looked at Natsu nervously, and at the same time he looked at Naz in confusion. If it hadn't known that there had been something wrong with Natsu's mind, it would have almost thought that he was stupid.

"It's okay, my body just started moving involuntarily!"Natsu stood up and wiped the dust from his face and looked at Usagi Maru seriously,"Get out of my way, I'm going to smash that crystal, so that the cannon will be destroyed!"

"I won't let you succeed, I've said this three times!" Rabbit Pill looked at Natsu with disdain at a 45-degree angle!

"I told you! There's no time! Aaaaaah!" Natsu leaped up, his fist wrapped in even bigger flames as he punched towards Usagi Maru.

The same situation happened again, the harder Natsu swung his fist, the harder it was for his fist to turn and hit Cheek-kun, and this time he even rolled backwards several times after being hit by himself.

"I am Usagi Maru who controls the fire element. I can control all fire elements! Therefore, Fire Mage, your nemesis is me!"Utomaru lowered his head and looked down at Natsu.

""What nonsense are you talking about! No matter if it's the enemy or the flames of natural gas, they all belong to me!" Natsu shouted at Usagi Maru, and rushed towards Usagi Maru with flames all over his body.

Usagi Maru glared, and Natsu's flames were instantly twisted into a knot, burning Natsu continuously. Then he directly kneed Natsu and knocked him to roll several times again.

"Ahhh, Natsu, now is not the time to hit him, hurry up and destroy Jupiter!"Looking at the magic crystal getting brighter and brighter, Habi's appearance at this moment is like a world-famous painting"The Scream""

""Hahaha! There's nothing you can do! Blue flame!" Rabbit Pill laughed crazily and snapped his fingers, and the blue flame burned towards Natsu!

"Look at me! I'm eating, I'm eating, I'm eating!" Natsu was not panicked at all, and even happily ate with big mouthfuls.

""Burp! Such a cool flame, this is my first time eating it!" Natsu burped and blew out two streams of cool air from his nose. He savored it carefully and even smacked his lips, as if he wanted to eat more.

"Fire Dragon Slayer? It seems that our battle today will end here."Tutuwan looked at Natsu in surprise, then spread his hands and looked at Natsu helplessly.

""Huh?" Natsu looked at Usagi Maru unhappily.

"Isn't this obvious? Our flames can't deal with each other, so what's the point of continuing the fight?"

"What a joke, you haven't even tasted my fire!"Natsu continued to look at Usagi Maru unhappily.

"But your flames really can't hurt me at all!"

Natsu rolled his eyes, a meaningful smile appeared on his face, and his mouth kept puffing out.

"Fire Dragon..."

"It's useless, it's useless. I can control any kind of fire you have. And you're just spraying fire from your mouth. See how I can..."


Natsu spat directly on Usagi Maru's face. The atmosphere in the scene instantly became awkward. Only Natsu was laughing crazily.

"...Orange flames!"

At the snap of his fingers, orange flames immediately surrounded Natsu. Natsu was still confident and wanted to continue eating, but a stench instantly enveloped Natsu, and his nose, which was already a giant, felt like it was being eaten. Seventy or eighty big men took turns stamping on him like crazy with their smelly feet, and were killed on the spot.

Natsu covered his nose and rolled back and forth on the ground, screaming,"You bastard, you have such bad taste!"

Tutumaru wiped his face and retorted:"You did this first!""

The only one who was nervous was Happy:"Natsu! Stop making trouble! Jupiter is really about to launch!"

At this time, there are still two minutes and thirty seconds left before the launch of Jupiter.

"Natsu! Leave him alone!" Happy was eager to wake up Natsu's mind.

"No! I don't believe I can't beat him!" Natsu roared and rushed up to compete with Usagi Maru in leg and footwork.

"Did you give up magic and start straight away? But..."Usagi Maru turned sideways to avoid Natsu's punch, and sneered at Natsu and slashed with his sword. The white blade reflected Usagi Maru's arrogance,"In this case, I am better at holding a knife than you." You have an advantage!"

Natsu quickly jumped back to avoid Usagi Maru's sword slash. Usagi Maru did not give up this opportunity and pursued Natsu while swiping his sword wildly.

Natsu could only keep retreating. He could only defend passively and could not make any effective counterattack. In just a few seconds, Natsu was forced by Usagi Maru to the gear next to the magic crystal. Natsu directly He jumped up and jumped behind Usagi Maru, intending to hit him with his flaming fist.

Usagi Maru looked at Natsu with disdain, not even bothering to dodge, and directly controlled the flames on Natsu's fist to drive Natsu's fist to hit Natsu's own face!

Natsu's face was hit as expected, but he endured the pain and instantly released a large amount of flames from the tail of the flame at his elbow to burn Utomaru.

Usagi Maru couldn't dodge and was directly burned by the flames!

The flames went out and the smoke dissipated, revealing a scarred Natsu and a burned Usagi Maru. He looked at Natsu in disbelief. He didn't expect that Natsu could break through the control and attack him.

Natsu grinned at Usagi Maru, and released a huge amount of flames with his right hand. Usagi Maru continuously stepped back and left Natsu's attack range, intending to reach out and continue to control Natsu's ultra-violent flames, but he was shocked. He didn't expect it. I can't control Natsu's flames!

"My flame can only be controlled by me, it is my flame! You are not allowed to touch it casually!"Natsu roared and blasted the flame cannon with a large amount of magic power towards Usagi Maru.

Usagi Maru quickly lowered his head, narrowly dodged the attack, and instantly laughed happily:"Hahahaha, you are useless. Guy, didn't hit me!"

At this time, there were still ten seconds before Jupiter was launched, and Hapi had completely turned into a scream!

Natsu looked at Usagimaru with the corner of his mouth raised:"Who said I was going to hit you?"

""What?!" Rabbit Maru immediately turned around and looked behind him.

He saw that Natsu's giant flame cannon had completely hit the magic crystal without any protection. The magic crystal instantly broke into pieces and finally shattered into pieces. The large amount of magic power in the ball collided with Natsu's flames and produced a violent reaction, resulting in a huge explosion.

Rabbit Maru, who was closest to him, was directly blown away and went to an unknown place, while Natsu was thrown directly upstairs by the explosion.


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