
Chapter 201 A Top-Notch Genius

Seeing the dazzling green sword ray blasting towards him, participant number eighty eight[88] took his attention away from the rampaging Qi in his stomach before swinging his double flail at the incoming sword ray.


Shooting backwards after receiving Gui Be's attack, participant number eighty eight[88] smashed three[3] times on the ground before rolling for a few meters and then coming to a stop few feet from the boundary of the fighting arena.

"Winner, number one hundred and twenty three[123]," martial emperor Cheng said as he announced Gui Be the winner.

"Didn't martial emperor Cheng see how participant number eighty eight[88] received two[2] fatal injuries from unknown sources?"

Seeing the three[3] Grand emperors not bothered about who the winner is, no cultivator in the arena spoke out.