
i have ganondorf powers in dxd

my name James and i have ganondorfs power and im in dxd why did the goddess do this to me

jp_cole · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

ch 4 regaining power and the sword new form

James"okay two hour in till school i need to get this spell down" as he starts to work on a big spell.

as he try the spell he feel something as a vision of the master sword underwater is seen as chains are wrapped around a box the sword is stabbed into as it looks depowered.

James"that sword i wonder if i can turn it holy power dark" as he decides to look for clues to find the sword but only finds some info

James"the lost kingdom hyrule flooded and lost". as it time for him to go to school.

at lunch time in the student Council room as rias is also there

sona"James welcome" as they sit down and start playing

rias"so you are he magic user killing strays".

James"it help me get better at my magic and i will not be hunting for a bit anyway".

sona"why that"?

James"something i been researching the kingdom of hyrule and the master sword".

sona"even the other factions dont know were that is".

James"i wield a power close to that kingdom history i have a feeling i might know were it is so im going to ask for a favor and in return i own you three favors i need a boat with a week worth of food".



James"then can you get it by to night"

sona"i can" as it time to get back to class"and checkmate". as he leaves

rias"did he just".

sona"do not tell my parents".

later that night at the docks

sona"i got what you needed".

James"thank you" as he sets sail

three days later as he see what he looking for

James"the temple almost fully destroyed as he see dives in as all the animal life runs away.

the sword is in the center as he feel the dark power in the box

James grabs the sword and use his dark energy along with the dark energy in the box the water started to part

James"the sword of evil Bane how power weakens be reforged with the power of Ganon" as the dark power flow thru both the sword and James as his pants change into male gerudo as his black grows long and red as his eyes turn red and yellow and lizard like and suit is gone.

the master swords blade turns red and the triforce emblem on the blade black and so is the hilt.

James looks at himself as the sword turns into a bracelet and he transforms back and goes back to the boat.

James"so i have a new form i will call it Ganon form" as he transform into it and back.

he starts heading back three more days as he comes back home

rias"i need that favor i need you to help me win a rating game against a man named raiser ".

James"okay i need to test out my new power anyway".

he is teleported to the fake club house

James"so i can fight raiser if you want".

after the people how got out get out

raiser"a human against me raiser im insulted" as he is blasted off the roof by a black magic ball

James"i was going to save this for when i need to use it but im mad tell me what do you know about the master sword"?

raiser"it a sword that can kill or seal any evil".

James"true but it power can be drained is used to seal an evil for a long time so when i found the near powerless sword i used my dark power along with the power it was sealing to reforge it into the dark sword the hero Bane" as the bracelet turns into the sword and he enters Ganon form

raiser"impossible how how".

James"Ganon and my power are the same so me taking what was lift of his power was easy same with reforging the sword now im going to beat you to a pulp" as a wave of dark energy cuts raiser in half as he regerats but keeps getting cut in many places as he losing a large amount of magic until he pass out.

James"one of the three favor returned" as he turns back to normal and sits down."that form takes a lot of power and it give a lot of power other wise i could not have been able to fire that wave so fast haha". as the wedding was over and a large party was throw.

sirzech"thank you for saving my sister"

James"i owed her three favor same with sona if i had not asked for that boat to find the power i need but what made really surprised was how drained the sword was that it was willing to take the dark power just to survive".

sirzech"that is worrying i think you should you that sword only when need".

James" agreed" as he looks at the bracelet.