
I have come to love you

How would you feel when you wake up one day to find out that you have become a mother? Lily Smith is the queen of movies of x country with a clean reputation and is respected by many. But the coming of a child with an unknown background kept my tongue wagging and questions arises about whom the father of the child was. "I am the father of the child," The handsome mafia Lord proclaim. "No this is my child, don't you see that the shape of her nose looks like mine" The well-known medical surgeon cuts in. The child and her mother are mine" the iconic multi-billion CEO said. His proclamation made everyone silent as he was not to be contended with. "And I have come to love them" Lily stared at the men speechlessly. 'I need no man to care for me and my child'

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4 Chs



A lady in her early twenties was laying lifeless on the bed. Various medical gadgets were connected to her body.

A man in a black suit slowly walks towards the bed. He looked at the lady on the bed. His emotions were uncleared.

"Mr. Bryan" a man in his early sixties walked in with two male nurses behind him.

"How is her condition, Dr. Joe?"

"I'm afraid we don't have much time left" Dr. Joe replied.

Dr. Joe looked at the lifeless lady, she had been in this state for the past six years with no improvement in her condition.

Bryan pursed his lips; he stood up and walked out of the room.

"Book the next flight to country X" he ordered.

His eyes were lifeless and cold. The only way to get the cure was to...

A ruthless glint flashed across his eyes.


Lily was scrolling through the tablet in her hand; anger was evident in her eyes.

"Manager Lee wants to see you," Mary said.

The news of Lily having a child had spread around the country. The company PR worked overnight to control the news but it's of no use.

Lily dropped the tablet on the table with a thud which made the bunny sitting on the dining chair look at her in surprise.

The bunny was wearing a pink onesie, which was brought by Mary. Her black hair was parked into two ponytails.

Her cheek was puffed up as she stared at Lily with her round large eyes.

Lily signed when she saw the way the bunny looked at her pitifully.

She had built a stainless reputation since the beginning of her career, but this child of an unknown background.....

"Let's go" Lily carried her jacket and made for the door.

"What about the child?" Mary asked.

Lily stopped and looked at the child who pouted her mouth and said.

"Bad mommy" She came down from the chair sticking her tongue out. "Bad mommy wants to abandon June."

She had on a fierce expression. But to Lily and Mary... She looks funny!!

Mary giggles as she pinched June's round cheek which turns red immediately. " So your name is June?"

"Ouch," June slapped Mary's hand off her cheek. She rubbed her cheek which was so red.

Lily carried June and place her on the sofa. She knelt in front of her and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Your name is June?" Lily asked.

"Hmmmm" June nodded her head. "Grappy gave me the name."

"Who is happy?"

"Grappy is the god of war and technology."

"What god of war and technology?" Lily looked at June confused.

Has this child watched too many fantasy movies?!

"Grappy is the leader of war and military strategies. He once lead the war against the zombies that were terrorizing Starry Night. He was so powerful that even the stars bow in respect to him."

June's eyes shone when she talk about her grippy. She look like a fan girl who was crushing on her idol.

Lily frown her face as she stared at June.

What the hell was she talking about?!!!

What god of war?!

"Sis Lily!!, I think she is talking about the action movie you acted in." Mary said. "Aw, what a cutie"!!

Lily pursed her lips, what June is talking about is more than a movie.

"Who sent you to me?" Lily shouted at June.

June widen her eyes in shock. Her large eyes glisten. " Bad mommy screamed at June."

"Sis Lily, you shouldn't have screamed at her," Mary said hugging June. " Poor baby"

Lily rubbed her temple, stood up, and went to her room. " Tell Manager Lee that I will see him tomorrow"

"Manager Lee will kill me" Mary screamed.

The door was closed with a bang. "Sis Lily, please don't do this to me"!!!

Mary sat on the floor. She's going to get scolded if she fails to bring Lily to the company. She dragged her hair in frustration.

"It's so hard to be an assistant."

"Do you want chocolate?" June passed a bar of chocolate to Mary.

Mary looked at the little cutie, she collected the chocolate from her, unwrapped it, and pop it into her mouth.

"Bad mommy bullied you?"

"Yes, bad mommy bullied me" Mary nodded her head. "I need a hug baby."

June hugged Mary slowly patting her back.


Lily entered the bedroom and went straight to the bathroom. She turn on the tap and splashed some water on her face.

She thought about all that June had told her earlier.

She took out her phone and tried searching for any continent, country, or state, called The starry night.

But there was no result.

"Calm down Lily" she gently slapped her cheek. "Who might be setting me up with a child?"

She thought of so many people but couldn't pinpoint who the real culprit is.

She dials a number on her phone.



Smith Empire

Wyatt walked angrily to his office. " What do you mean the scandal affected the company?"

The assistant shivered as he stood before Wyatt. A boss is a short-tempered person. His anger is just like a volcano that can erupt at any time.

"Can't you talk?" Wyatt screamed at his assistant.

He arrived at the company this morning and was met with the news of Lily's scandal.

The Smith Empire has a hundred years reputation. But now that bastard.....

"Call that bastard here for me," Wyatt screamed.

The assistant stood confused, which bastard? There are so many bastards.

"I mean Lily" Wyatt kicked his assistant in the butt.

The assistant scurried out of the office, holding his butt.

Wyatt sat down on the chair breathing heavily. He just heard news of the boss coming to Country X, all companies are preparing to collaborate with him.

But now...

"Bastard"!!!! He spat out.


"Do you have dragons in your city?" Mary asked excitedly.

She had been asking June questions about the fantasy that even June had an expression of a dumb human.

"What are dragons?" June looked at her confused.

"Dragons are....."


"We are going to the hospital for DNA." Lily Carried June and walked out of the door.

"Sis Lily, wait for me"!!!